Oh My: Obama's Approval Rating Slips to 47%

This is a bit of a shock… Well, maybe not:

Any slight bump in support Obama received coincident with his new Afghanistan policy proved to be very short-lived, as his approval rating returned to below the majority level by the weekend, and slipped further to 47% in Dec. 4-6 polling.

Afghanistan is just one of many high-profile issues with which the president is dealing. Immediate public reaction to his new Afghanistan policy showed 51% in favor and 40% opposed, according to a Dec. 2 USA Today/Gallup poll.

Obama spent part of Sunday on Capitol Hill talking to lawmakers as they continue working on healthcare reform legislation. In the most recent Gallup update, more Americans said they would advise their members to vote against healthcare legislation than said they would advise them to vote for it.

More at Gallup:  After Brief Uptick, Obama Approval Slips to 47%.

It is not much of a shock to me, especially if you take in account all of the tried and failed policies that the President has tried and ultimately failed in doing. The stimulus for all of its hype, bluster, and yes, money spent, has failed to create any meaningful jobs; especially here in Michigan, where things are bad.  The Democrats, specifically Obama had the American people believing that his continuation of the Bush Stimulus plan was going to cause the Stock Market to roar back and the jobs would come back and everything would be roses and unicorns and everyone would be working and happy. You see how that all worked out, did you not? Is it any wonder that even liberals now are calling their own lot useless?

Not only this, but just look at his performance with the Afghanistan; the President’s dithering was enough to make any Military man angry and even the most positive person nervous. Then there is Nationalized Healthcare bill that Obama’s Democrats are trying to foist on the Nation, even when most polls say that the American people are quite happy with their healthcare plans and with Medicare and do not want the Federal Government changing that.

The only thing that really shocks me is how fast the President’s approval ratings have dropped. It took six whole years for George W. Bush’s approval ratings to plummet. Even this did not take place, until the Iraq War had taken a bad turn in 2006. In fact, it has taken President Obama six months for his approval ratings to drop to their current level. This spin, of course, from the Democrats is that it is because of the press of the opposition, like Fox News, that has created a negative climate in which for the President to operate. But the truth of the matter is, that the Democrats have overreached once again, this time to a maddening degree and the only people that the Democrats have to blame for the dropping in Obama’s poll numbers, is themselves.