Jenny Sanford Files for Divorce

I believe that Mrs. Sanford is doing the right thing and leaving Mark Sanford. Mark Sanford, in my eyes, is worst than any corrupt politician in Washington D.C. Not only because of what he did to his wife. In addition, because of what he did to those of us who actually supported Mark Sanford. There were actually some of us, who actually believed that Mark Sanford might be an excellent alternative to the likes of Wilsonian Republican hacks like Lindsey Graham and John Boehner. However, it was quickly revealed that Mark Sanford was nothing more than a morally and fiscally corrupt political leader.

Therefore, to Jenny Sanford, I give her the old “You Go Girl!” cheer. Because whatever of his that she decides to go after, is totally fine with me. I mean, this feckless bastard had a pretty wife and four darling little boys; and instead of being a model husband, this idiot was playing “sex doctor” in Argentina. I mean, let us not even get into the blatant hypocrisy that comes to mind here. I mean, this idiot was all about Conservative fiscal restraint and supposedly about Christian morals. So much for all that, I suppose.

Personally, I believe that Jenny Sanford is entitled to EVERYTHING of value that Mark Sanford owns. Mark Sanford should left a damn pauper when she is done with him. Jenny Sanford deserves to live like a queen; Mark Sanford deserves to be taken to the outskirts of town, shot, and left for dead. You ask what about Christian forgiveness? Oh, I forgive him. However, forgiveness has nothing to do with Mark Sanford profiting from moral infidelity while in public office, not to mention that fact that he lead on many people into believing that he was something that he was not —That my friend is unforgiveable.  Mark Sanford should lose every damned bit of wealth that he owns and it should be given to Jenny Sanford. Before anyone asks; No, I do not think that this should be the standard for every divorce case. However, in this case, it is entirely appropriate.

I am sorry friends, but there is just absolutely no excuse for this sort of immorality while in public office and also there is just no excuse for this sort of public deception. Mark Sanford did this and for it, he should be held highly accountable.