Updated: Pajama's Media does a hit piece on Detroit – PJTV Allows racist comments on thier site

I hate to be the one to write this article; but it is time that someone called this group of people out on their intellectual dishonesty. As most of you know, I live in the Detroit, Michigan area. I was born and raised on the southwest side of Detroit. When someone engages in dishonesty, all to make a cheap political point, as a citizen of this state and as someone who grew up in Detroit, I have to speak out against it.

It appears that the Jewish owned and pseudo-Conservative —- Pajama’s Media has stooped to the level of yellow journalism. Now first off, let me say this; I happen to agree with the premise of the video, that Democratic politics has contributed to the decline of the city of Detroit, this is nothing new. In fact, that decline goes back to the days of the former Mayor Coleman A. Young. What bothered me is the impression that the video conveys; that ALL of Detroit and surrounding area is like what is presented in that video. It also bothered me that the makers of this video used selective filming locations to prove their silly political points. In addition, they never bothered to contact me, at all. I could have given them a more honest assessment of the area and showed them more than they covered. However, they were not interested in honesty; they were interested in making a cheap political point.

I now fully see why Charles Johnson of little green footballs fame, bailed on this company back in 2006. While again, I am, as much as anyone else on the right, am against socialism. Nevertheless, to engage in this rather juvenile dishonesty is just beyond the pail.

Click the picture and watch as a group of Neo-Conservatives slam the city of Detroit. If this does not disgust you, something is wrong.

Update: ….and of course, Turban Boy over at HotAir just had to post the damn video. Asshole. 😡

Update #2: From the comments section of the video:

Anonymous – 3 hours agoDec. 22, 2009 6:52 AM PST

You ignored the elephant in the middle of the room. The population of Detroit is 82% black. The schools didn’t fail, the students failed. Ozzie and Harriet didn’t ravage the city, Jamal and Latisha did. When the refugees from New Orleans settled in other places, they brought a crime wave with them. In Detroit they drove out the decent people and mostly refuse is left. All you say about Leftists and unions is true, but without factoring in the huge element of race, your analysis is meaningless. Drop the PC and try again.
Wow….Just wow. 😯 😮