The Chutzpah of Think Progress

Seems that Think Progress has a great deal of Chutzpah this morning. Accusing Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) of politicizing the attempted terrorist attack here in Detroit.  One only need to look at the archives of Think Progress to see how they and the rest of the Democratic Party politicized the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita during the Presidency of George W. Bush.

Now, you say, “Well, that was different!” and to that I ask you, “How so?” Is liberal Democratic organization like the Center of American Progress politicizing a natural disaster any better, than a Republican Representative supposedly politicizing a terrorist attack? The answer is, no. They are both wrong. But, yet, the liberals believe that they are right, because they’re defending the current socialist President.

Think Progress has much Chutzpah, after how they accused President Bush of some of the most outlandish crap back after the hurricane; including the Hollywood crowd and the Music people saying that Bush hated black people and so forth. The truth of the matter is that the CITY and STATE Government failed, not the Federal Government. It was after the droning of the Liberal WHINE, that the federal Government had to step in and take over.

I mean, does anyone remember THIS picture?

Those were buses, buses that could have been used by the city to get people out of the area. But did Ray Nagin do that; no, he sat on his ass and did not use them and then blamed Bush and Co. in Washington D.C. for not coming to the rescue.

So, much Chutzpah on the part of the liberals to even dare to complain about politizing of anything at all. As they have done the same very thing themselves.