Charles Johnson does

I am presenting this video, because quite frankly, I feel that in some, not all, instances Charles Johnson has gotten a bad rap on the right, especially by those who are to the right of me.

Here are the things that I did NOT agree with at all or did not like in the video:

  1. The accusation that Robert Stacy McCain is a Racist Bigot; that is, I am afraid, utter nonsense. If I thought that Mr. McCain was even slightly like that, I would never, ever link to his Blog.
  2. Conn Carroll’s idiotic eye rolling and childish facial gestures in the video, if you do not agree with someone, just say so and move the hell on, do not act like a child. Further, his badgering of Charles on his position on Abortion, which is a classical libertarian position, that it should be a state issue was idiotic, classless, and lame; shame on Conn for this.

Here are the things that I do agree with:

  1. Global Warming: I agree that it is not a hoax, however, like Charles; I believe that it has been terribly politicized to the point that even the scientific data has possibly even been altered.
  2. On the racist imagery at the Tea party protests. Yes, I saw the watch doctor signs and yes, I thought they were highly offensive to me too. Yes, I know what the left did to Bush; does that justify that sort of nonsense? No. It does not. Charles does make a point to say that he does not think everyone at the Protests were racists. I give him that.
  3. I give Charles mad damned props for saying on that video, what I have said on this blog for a while now. The damned Birther controversy is steeped in outright racism. I was one of the first blogs on the right that reported that much of the misinformation that was being passed around about Obama’s citizenship was taken straight from the Anti-Semitic and racist website Stormfront dot org.
  4. Charles Johnson did admit that he was a socially a liberal. Glad he came out and admitted it.
  5. I give props to Charles for admitting that he did not have the information on items thrown at him, this showed that he is not a blowhard, as he is portrayed on the right by some. I believe that stems from his banning of people on his site; which I personal believe he has a right to do.

The thing or things that I agree half, and half disagree with Johnson:

  1. His Paranoia of the Religious Right is obvious. I believe his fears are a bit unfounded. I do not believe that the Religious Right is as big of a threat as Johnson might believe. However, I do agree with his assessment that Religion and politics, just do not mix. I have believed that for years. This is what brought us Ronald Reagan and brought us the disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush.
  2. Another point that I, in a way, agree with Johnson on is the John Birch Society. First, his accusation of the John Birch Society being a racist origination in a monolithic sense is just very ridiculous. However, it is fair to point out, that there were those in the early days of the John Birch Society that were involved in those sorts of affairs. What Johnson does not know, or is not telling; is that the John Birch Society purged itself of those sorts of people back at some point in its history. Further more, Johnson points to William F. Buckley’s basic sidelining of the JBS. The criticism of the John Birch Society, regardless of what you might read or may have heard, boils down to this — The John Birch Society was an non- interventionist group and was, and still is an anti-United Nations Council group. William F. Buckley worked at the United Nations at one point in his career, and he rejected the notion of total non- interventionism; thus the rub between the two parties. As for Johnson’s accusation of conspiracy theories, Johnson either is misinformed or is being purposefully deceitful; but more than likely, he gets his information from leftist sources. The JBS has done more to dismiss these sorts of nonsensical theories, than anyone else has. I know this from reading their site. For what it is worth; I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the JBS. I just actually read their site, instead of making silly assumptions.

There you have it, my take on the video… here’s the video and if you want to give me any crap for posting, feel free, but let me warn you. You start acting like a troll. I do not care who you are. I will kick your sorry butt to the curb, just as I do the rest of the trolls around here.

Here is the video: