Robert Stacy McCain, Charles Johnson and Yours Truly

A bit of a more direct follow up to my last posting.

I went back, and looked at the original e-mails exchanged between Me and R.S. McCain, which were also CC’ed to Smitty.

Here’s what happened, I sent R.S. McCain (and Smitty) a e-mail requesting linkage to this posting here. In this e-mail, I TOLD Mr. McCain that the posting would NOT go live till 9:00 A.M. EST. He writes me back the following:

From Robert Stacy McCain
to Patrick ,
Chris Smith
date Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 8:21 AM
subject Re: Stacy, I need a favor Bud…. 🙂

8:21 AM (18 hours ago)

That link is returning a 404. — RSM

————– Original message from Patrick : ————–
– Hide quoted text –


Would it be too much to ask to get a money bomb going for this guy here?

The posting will be live at 9:00 A.M. EST.

I want to see a Republican, a damn good Republican win the Michigan Governor’s race. Democrats have bankrupted this state good. We need jobs, not more Democratic Party B.S.




Notice the time I have highlighted up there?

Two things that come to mind. Either Stacy is a complete DOLT, when it comes to blogging and has zero clue what a scheduled posting means or what the term “go live” means, or he needs to buy a watch! Most likely both. 🙄

“Okay, so why’d you blow your stack at McCain?”

Mainly because I figured that he was just being a prick about me not liking Palin. Especially after reading this posting here. Especially, after I had written this posting here. I still feel the same way, Palin endorsed a guy who’s got some questionable stuff in his closet, not to mention friends.

For those of you who think I am turning into Charles Foster Johnson Jr.

I have one thing to say —- With due respect to my Black and Latino friends in Southwest Detroit:


Speaking of him, can we please stop with this sort of stupidity with him already? Yes, I know what he did to Pamela Galler; I thought it was awful, I know he parted ways with the “right.” Fine, he did, c’est la vie, stuff happens, serves those right for assuming something that wasn’t. Sending stuff that makes us all look rather dumb. (Like I really need any help with that, as you can see above….)

So, to Robert Stacy McCain. I apologize for flying off the handle. I do that sometimes. I have an excuse — a very weak one, but it’s an excuse. My left shoulder/Arm/Neck area has been KILLING ME, for the last few days. I’ve been a bit grumpy as a result of it. Quite Bluntly; This shit hurts like hell. I am not really sure what I did, I believe I slept funny or something. This has happened before and yes, it was very painful. Took a few days for me to get over it.

So, to ALL of his friends — NO I am not going to turn into another asshole stalker with a hard on for RSM. I just felt it a bit fishy, I still do. I just do not really know Stacy all that well and I assumed something. It happens.

That is all.