Robert Stacy McCain's take on CPAC

Robert Stacy McCain always the shoe leather eating reporter or something like that. Reports on CPAC, which I did not attend:

Reagan Palooza 2010 kept cranking into the wee hours of Sunday morning on Capitol Hill. Young right-wingers were jammed onto the upstairs dance floor of the Hawk ‘n’ Dove where they partied past midnight after the final day of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

The fire-code capacity crowd was drenched in sweat as they writhed rhythmically to the thunderous bass beats pumped out by the sound system beneath the strobing disco lights. Several of the 20-somethings were singing along to the lyrics — “This is all so crazy, everybody seems so famous” — when investigative reporter Matthew Vadum nudged me and shouted into my ear, “This is that Hannah Montana song.” Further research (which is to say, a phone call to my daughter, a college junior) confirmed that the reggae-inflected tune was in fact performed by Miley Cyrus, the teenage star of the popular Disney TV series.

“Party in the USA” was certainly appropriate as the soundtrack for this year’s CPAC, where conservatives signaled that they have regained the confidence they lost in the debacle of 2008.

Young and old at CPAC seemed energized by harbingers that the 2010 mid-term elections will produce a GOP triumph, but at least one middle-aged Republican was hesitant to accept the most favorable interpretation of the auspices and omens.

“Frankly, I’m worried,” David Frum said at an earlier Saturday gathering at Murphy’s Grand Irish Pub near the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel that hosted the record-breaking three-day conference. “But then again, I’m always worried.”

Great story, I highly recommend that you go read it. But more importantly, what does it say, when a man who is, what? 150 million years old? Is doing take off’s on a title of a song, by Prince? It must be a reflection of the moral decline in this country. 😉