Update: Another Blogger has died

Since nobody on my side of the god damned fence will do it….. I will. 😡

I personally do not give a damn what your politics is; but when one of us free wheeling writing types decides to check out this existence we call life, it is never a good thing.

Yeah, we lost another voice in this political debate.

Yeah, his politics was much different than mine. Yeah, he most likely derided Conservatives… So what?

There is a thing called real life and real damned people live in it, and when a family loses someone they love dearly. Quite bluntly, it sucks donkey balls.

To my fellow Bloggers on the left. You have my deepest condolences. I mean that. To his family, You are in my thoughts, Prayers and good wishes.

May the Late Al Weisel AKA as Jon Swift; rest in peace.

This might not be the biggest step in bringing back some damned civility in politics; but it’s a damn start.

Others Remembering: Vanity Fair, Shakesville, The Impolitic, Diary of a Heretic, TRICKSTER!, The Democratic Daily, Crooks and Liars, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Reaction, Bark Bark Woof Woof, skippy the bush kangaroo, Mad Kane’s Political Madness, Blue Gal and Simply Left BehindThe …

Update: Whoops! I guess I barked too quick.. Because Ed over HotAir.com, Instapundit and Ann Althouse are all remembering