Is Obama selling Judge Seats to pass Obamacare?

I generally like to avoid crap like this, because it makes me look like I am a part of the right wing echo chamber.

But if this right here is even remotely true, ol’ Barry could be looking at trouble come midterms, especially if the Congress flips back to a Republican Majority.

Now according to Politico, the charges are totally unfounded:

But Rep. Matheson’s office gave Live Pulse an answer — and it’s a resounding N-O.

Rep. Matheson’s spokeswoman, Alyson Heyrend called the question “patently ridiculous,” saying there was no deal made between her boss and the president that guranteed Scott Matheson’s nomination in exchange for Rep. Matheson’s vote.

“Can you spell NO?” Heyrend asked.

The White House did not return a request for comment.

In a statement today, Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch praised Matheson’s nomination calling him, “a bright attorney whose experience has prepared him for judicial service.”

UPDATE: A White House official calls the charge “absurd.”

“Scott Matheson is a leading law scholar and has served as a law school dean and U.S. Attorney. He’s respected across Utah and eminently qualified to serve on the federal bench,” the official said.

Let’s just hope, for the Country’s sake that these guys are on the level. Because if this did turn out to be true, there would be hell to pay. I, like Bill O’Reilly am willing to give the President the benefit of doubt on this one here. I will not jump on the bandwagon and accuse the President of something that I do not know to be true. It is just how I operate. I did this same thing for President George W. Bush during the beginning and in the lead up to the Iraq War.

Of course, the entire right wing right now is in full frontal assault mode on this one, and you can go read it if you wish. The Bloggers are: Right Pundits,, Salt Lake Tribune, KSL-TV,, Wonk Room, Big GovernmentPower Line, Hot Air, Pundit & Pundette, Althouse, Left Coast Rebel, Betsy’s Page, The Lonely Conservative, RedState, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Moonbattery, Michelle Malkin, The Strata-Sphere and Another Black Conservative