Obama White House does a 360 on Military Tribunals for 9/11 masterminds

I just do not get it, why didn’t they just do this in the first place? 🙄

President Obama’s advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said, a step that would reverse Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s plan to try him in civilian court in New York City.

The president’s advisers feel increasingly hemmed in by bipartisan opposition to a federal trial in New York and demands, mainly from Republicans, that Mohammed and his accused co-conspirators remain under military jurisdiction, officials said. While Obama has favored trying some terrorism suspects in civilian courts as a symbol of U.S. commitment to the rule of law, critics have said military tribunals are the appropriate venue for those accused of attacking the United States.

If Obama accepts the likely recommendation of his advisers, the White House may be able to secure from Congress the funding and legal authority it needs to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and replace it with a facility within the United States. The administration has failed to meet a self-imposed one-year deadline to close Guantanamo.

via Obama advisers set to recommend military tribunals for alleged 9/11 plotters – washingtonpost.com.

Increasingly hemmed in by bi-partisan opposition…. 🙄 Well, if the dumb ass ran the damned Country, like someone who has a bit of common sense; instead of some floppy eared Negro Jackass, maybe he wouldn’t have so much damned trouble! 😡 ….and I got two words for those who would call me a racist….: Fuck You. 😡

Anyone with any sort of common sense knows that you do not try an enemy combatant in a Civil court room, you try him with a Military Tribunal.  Of course, we are talking about a damned empty suit, Magic Negro, looking idiot, who only got elected because he was damn black. 🙄

It is not to say that Hillary Clinton would have been any better, she is just as stupid as ol’ floppy ears. Her last little incident with British over the Falklands is a prime example. So, don’t think that because I hammer on Bambi Teleprompter that it’s because of my love for foggy bottom or anything. I cannot stand that stupid bitch either. 🙄

You’d think that after 9/11 that the Democrats would have had a “Come to Jesus” moment on terrorism; I guess not, not much of a big surprise, because most of them empathize, one way or another, with the terrorists anyhow.  Which is why I won’t be voting for anyone in that party anytime soon.

Others: Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Josh Gerstein’s Blog, The Atlantic Online, Washington Monthly, ATTACKERMAN, Power Line, NPR, Balkinization, Michelle Malkin, New York Times, Wonk Room, Gothamist, AmSpecBlog, Donklephant, 9/11 Families …, democracyarsenal.org, Think Progress, Law Blog, Hot Air, Guardian, Emptywheel, The Politico, The Corner on National …, MyDD, msnbc.com, PoliBlog, Gawker, Scared Monkeys, YID With LID, Main Justice, Commentary, Wake up America, QandO, Politics Daily, No More Mister Nice Blog, Betsy’s Page, NPR Blogs, Jules Crittenden, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Neptunus Lex, The Page, Atlas Shrugs, Fausta’s Blog, Riehl World View and The Strata-Sphere and more via Memeorandum