It's morning again in the American Conservative Political Blogosphere

That is according to Dan. This so much reminds me of this old political ad:

I have a few thoughts as to why this is; the truth is my dear readers, that Americans are just fed up with the “pie in the sky” nonsense that the Obama Administration has been floating. Further more, The Obama White House is trying to ram through a health bill that no one; left, right, or center really want to see passed. What America needs right now is jobs, and the Obama Administration does not seem to give a damn about that, at all.

So, Yes, it is morning again in the Conservative Political Blogosphere. We had our little time in the woods, which I feel was quite deserved. We have regained control on the conversation and we must covey a message of hope, of responsibility, and restraint. No more of this reckless spending, endless wars, and nation building nonsense. While we must also show the World and those who would want to hurt us, that we stand at the ready to chase them to ends of the Earth if need be to stop them from doing so. That message is called peace through strength —— Something that a man, whom I believe, was the greatest President, outside of FDR, during the second world war, believed. We can do this my friends, We are Americans and we have that resolve.