What I HATE about this new Healthcare Bill

This is the part that I HATE:

If Congress passes the Senate health-care plan, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office, American families will be required by federal law to buy a federally approved health insurance plan that will cost a minimum of $12,000 per year–and, on average, will cost $15,000 per year — whether their employer or the government helps them with the premium or not.

Beginning in 2014, the Senate plan would require all individuals to buy health insurance. Anyone who does not obtain insurance through an employer would be forced to buy it out of their own pocket. Families of four that make up to 400 percent of poverty level–currently $88,200 per year–would receive a subsidy from the government to help pay for their premiums. That subsidy would attenuate as their income increased and would disappear when their income reached the 400 percent of poverty level.

Families earning more than $88,200 a year (or whatever 400 percent of the poverty level equals in any given year) would be entirely on their own. Under the Senate bill, employers would not be required to purchase health insurance for their workers, and if they decided not to do so, the maximum penalty they would have to pay would be $750 per year for each worker they did not insure who subsequently received a federal subsidy to buy insurance. The $750 penalty on employers who decided not to insure their workers would be far less than they would pay in premiums for the $12,000 minimum required plan.

via CNSNews.com – CBO: Health Bill Would Force Families to Buy Insurance Costing a Minimum of $12,000 Per Year–Whether Government or Employer Helps Them or Not.

I highly suggest that you go read the rest of that; because it is very important to read. I do smell a supreme court challenge to the law requiring people to buy insurance. This is one of the reasons why I believe this bill might actually fail; because the idea of the Government forcing the American people to buy insurance goes against the whole idea of freedom and liberty.

I do notice that there will subsidies for those who are in the low-income bracket. I just wonder, what are all the qualifiers for those of us, who are unemployed and cannot afford to get insurance? Are they going to come after me and toss me in jail, if I cannot afford to get insurance? I mean, would I have to put out the money, which I do not have, to get insurance and hope that I get a subsidy at a later day or would I get it up front?

You see, it is all these questions and the Congress’s unwillingness to explain all of this; is what has me a bit upset. But our side is not helping with all of the stupidity. I just want straight answers, and not stupid talking points from robotic partisan parrots.

I want answers and I am not seeing them. This is not good. Not good at all. 😡