David Frum gets fired

Yes, it is true. David Frum got released from The National Center for Policy Analysis. Now, if you will pardon me, while I try to stifle a giggle. You see, I have not forgotten about how he spoke about those, especially the Paleo-Conservatives; who disagreed with Bush on the Iraq War.

The way I see it, this is nothing more than sweet justice. Believe you me, I am not the only one who feels this way.

However, on the other hand. I did agree, to a certain extent, with his assessment, as to why the right lost their battle in the healthcare debate.  However, I felt it was more because of the idiot and quite repugnant behavior of some of the Tea Party folks.

Either way, in these rough times, I do not like the idea of someone being set out in the cold. However, I do not look for Frum to be unemployed for very long at all. David Frum is a very public name and I tend to believe that there will be someone there at the ready, to put the man back to work. That is, if you consider sitting at a keyboard and writing your opinion on a website; actual work. I am quite sorry to have to say this; but this, what I am doing right now, is NOT REAL WORK.

Real work is driving a 53 ft. Semi truck all over the damned Country for little pay and on little sleep. Real work is driving a 24ft straight truck, loading and unloading Pallets off of a truck with manual hand jack. Real work is getting up at 4 o’clock in the morning and working from 5 o’clock in the morning till 5 o’clock in the evening. Real work is working your tail off in a foundry somewhere hammering out a product for your boss and trying to make a living for your family and feeding your children. Real work is loading and unloading trucks on a dock, while your punk boss yells at you for being too slow. Real work is working on a assembly line, and trying to keep up, while the boss speeds up the line. What I, and the rest of the idiots do in this Blogosphere; is not real work at all. However, I do write for some of those people. Those who are not Republicans; but are just damned tired of the Government taking their hard earned money, all to pay for some welfare queen to live “High on the hog”, while the rest of American actually has to work for a living.

So, yes, as you can tell, I come from that background. Let’s just say that I have been there and done that. I do not have some sort of idiotic degree; but rather I have something that David Frum does not have. I actually have life experience. I have actually worked for a living, and I have a royally screwed up back and knees to show for it. But this, real work? Please. I have done real work and this is not nothing like real work.

I wish Frum the best.