NYT compares the Tea Party Movement to the Weather Underground

Go figure. 🙄

Go read

Ann Althouse Says:

I have had lovers quarrels with Communists.

Lovely. 😯 😮

R.S. McCain screams:


Indeed. 😛

Just my observation; Anyone that cannot differentiate between a violent anti-Government or Anti-American terrorist and someone peacefully protesting the misdeeds of the current Government in power, shouldn’t be driving a damn car —-  Much less writing an opinion column. Besides all of this, just where the hell where these socialist liberal idiots, when the idiotic people were calling for the death of President George W. Bush? Oh, that’s right! They were providing covering for them and also, supporting them as well. 🙄

Damned hypocrites, every last one of them. 😡 Which is why I will never support the Democratic Party, ever again. I’d rather never work another damned job in my life and be as poor as a Church mouse, and never vote again for that Party again; than to sell my soul to a party of Socialists who reek with the smell of utter hypocrisy.

Others:  The Gun Toting Liberal, Pajamas Media, Atlas Shrugs, Neptunus Lex,  Questions and Observations, Left Coast Rebel, Washington Monthly, American Power, JammieWearingFool, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Hot Air