Ouch: Stephen Green lays the smackdown on Obama's Nuke policy

I figured some were not going to be happy about Obama’s change in policy, I was right: (H/T Insty)

Well, yesterday Obama — facing no pressure or need to change anything at all — quite recklessly turned over the strategic initiative (operational, too, for that matter) to the other guys.

Little countries can now act, with chemical or biological agents, sure in the knowledge that however we respond, we will respond with less. The other guy now gets to determine how much punishment he is willing to take. Before yesterday, we determined how much punishment we were willing to dish out (plenty).

President Johnson (and to a lesser extent, Nixon) made the same mistake in dealing with North Vietnam. “Escalation,” tit-for-tat, let Hanoi dictate the pace of the war, while simultaneously learning how to deal with, and obviate, our military might. Result: We lost the initiative and eventually the war. Sucky, that.

via Vodkapundit » What, Me Worry?.

I highly suggest you go read the full article. Some would dismiss this as propaganda. But, I think it warrants a full read.