UPDATED: Once Again, I must object to Ed Morrissey's Propaganda

To be clear, I am not saying that violence did not happen. Because Yes, I have seen the photos of the violence.

But, you tell me; what do you see in this video?:

What I see in this video; are people, of various non-white nationalities, walking by this woman; who is calling them “Crazy Mother Fuckers”, some are dancing and some are carrying torches.

What bothers me, is this:

Jim Hoft has video of the riot

Um, Ed? There was no riot in that video. It was people walking with torches and dancing. Besides all that? Jim Hoft? You mean the same Jim Hoft, who linked to an White European Nationalist website, called the Counsel of Conservative Citizens, and then moved the link to the previous posting, when I brought it up?   You mean that guy? Who like his fellow Tea Partier, Pamela Geller; likes to claim that Obama is not even born in America and uses underhanded and nuanced racist code words for the President? That Jim Hoft?

While I have much respect for Ed; I am beginning to be disturbed by what I see as outright propaganda of the “Pamela Geller type”, on that Blog. It sickens me, that Ed must go there. I am no more of a fan of illegal immigration than anyone else, least of all Ed. But can we please, just for once, stick to the facts and stop with the false propaganda to further our cause? Because , when we do this, we are no better than Iran, Hugo Chavez or any of the rest of those leftist idiots that want to destroy this Nation and the values that it represents —- Like honesty? Does any remember….honesty?

I am just saying people. 🙄

Update: On the other hand… This is from the comments section at HotAir:

I do believe that I just posted Ed’s vindication. 😯 WOW! 😮