Obama now doing photo-ops in the spill area, BP bussed in workers to clear area where the President would be standing

Unreal. “The One” is now doing photo-ops at the expense of those in the oil spill area.

"Hey are these pom-pom's for me?"

Maybe the alternate photo caption should read something like “I can see the end of my presidency from here.” Well, we all figured this would be a carefully choreographed photo op for the current occupant of the White House, but little did we know having their boot firmly on the neck of BP meant the folks at BP were obliged to send in some stooges for the visuals. I guess the goons from SEIU were off harassing some bank workers or getting an early start on the holiday weekend and weren’t available. Or maybe Organizing for America didn’t factor stuff like this into their budget. I saw a report earlier from Grand Isle and the place was a virtual ghost town. Seems they have to pay the folks to show up.

via JammieWearingFool.

…and no, JWF is not kidding about BP paying people to make that shoreline look good. Here is the story.

What this President will not do to make himself look good in the sight of his own people. It is truly unbelievable. This man is more interested in his image; than he is in actually taking a leadership position and actually fixing the problem. If this little controversy does not kill this man’s Presidency, the Sestak controversy will.

The clock is ticking…. November 2010 cannot happen fast enough and November 2012 cannot come fast enough. The question is; will America survive that long? It is to wonder.