UPDATED: Memo to Charles Johnson: What do you honestly expect? The Plot thickens!

A few days ago, I watched something happen.  As you might have heard, Reuters doctored some photos of that Flotilla raid that was carried out by Israel.  Well, good old Chuckie Johnson noticed that some of the photos had been altered, and by using his Photoshop skills, he was able to lighten said photos and expose the fraud.  Johnson was also able to point out that one of photographers on the Flotilla was tied to a terrorist group.

What happened next was something that I knew was coming eventually.  Sammy over at Yid With a Lid saw the story at LGF, and posted his own story about it.  AllahPundit saw the photos on Sammy’s Blog and posted the story at HotAir.com, with Photos.  Now at this point Charles Johnson is ticked off and puts a posting up calling AllahPundit an assortment of nasty names, among them a thief.

Now everything beyond this point is my personal opinion, please keep this in mind when you read the rest, please.

Mr. Johnson.  I have no idea whether you actually read this blog or not.  Nor do I honestly give a crap. However, facts my friend are facts.  Has this man forgotten just how badly he stabbed the right in the back? Has Charles Johnson forgotten how badly that he defamed Pamela Geller, by calling her a Nazi Sympathizer?  This happened more than once by the way; the first time almost ruined her blogging career.  Now, I am the last person to carry water for Pamela Geller – Because some of the stuff that she blogs about, is simply not my cup of tea. (So to speak….) – But to do what Charles Johnson did to her, on more than one occasion, Sorry, but that is just unacceptable.

Here is the bottom line and my main point.  Charles Johnson is an idiot; he has defamed many on the right, including me at one point.  I made a little funny once and the moron banned me from viewing his blog.  Anyhow, the man has gone out of his way to defame many on the right.  So, why should he be surprised when those on the right that he continually slimes are not so enthusiastic to credit him with photo shopping a few photos?

As I said in the title, Charles Johnson, what do you honestly expect?

Update #2: Ace over at Ace of Spades links in and also reports:

Did Charles Johnson Refuse to Credit The Real Story Breaker? Elder of Ziyon had it first.

CJ credits “Kilgore Trout” with the “find.” Okay, where did he find it?

The plot thickens….