Over as quick as it started

I offer to help someone, and what happens? All hell breaks loose.
Yeah, I offered to help The Lonely Conservative, after she broke her arm. I guess I am not enough of a far right winger for some of her commenters and they unleashed on me in the comments section and when I tried to defend myself; I get told to not to call her “regulars” names.
Anyhow, I basically decided that If I could not go back at the idiots who were essentially calling me a phony, because I was not slobbering Ron Paul fanatic; that I no longer wanted to write there. So, I am not writing at Lonely Conservative anymore
This is why I never allowed any co-bloggers on my site; because it creates an Blog that seems bi-polar in nature. One person saying this and another person saying that. I admit it, I felt a little odd writing over on someone else’s blog and most likely, I will not be doing that again, ever. I am someone who believes in pragmatism, and I have never been an extreme ideologue either way. Heck, even as a “Left of center,” half-assed as that was, I found myself in big-time disagreement with the extreme left’s ideology; especially when it came to abortion and gay rights.
I also am not your “typical” Conservative. I am essentially an “inner city transplant,” I moved out of the city of Detroit in 1989. I guess my heart never really left the city. Because when I saw what was in those Ron Paul newsletters, in 2008 and again here in 2011; I really got angry over it.  I have nothing against the suburbs or the white people who live in them; but I have zero use for the extreme racial bigotry that exists in some of them.
So, while I am grateful for “Mrs. B” for allowing me over there; I just do not think it was in my best interest to continue writing there. Especially, when you have racist bigots in the comment section berating you constantly. I just do not need that, at all. Hopefully she finds someone who’s more of a match to her site. Quite obviously, I was not it.
Ah well. It was fun while it lasted.