Here is a perfect reason why I do not vote Democrat anymore

Michael Gerson, who was speechwriter for President George W. Bush, during the time of 9/11, died today of Cancer.

The Story via Washington Post, where he was also a columnist:

Michael Gerson, a speechwriter for President George W. Bush who helped craft messages of grief and resolve after 9/11, then explored conservative politics and faith as a Washington Post columnist writing on issues as diverse as President Donald Trump’s disruptive grip on the GOP and his own struggles with depression, died Nov. 17 at a hospital in Washington. He was 58.

The cause of death was complications of cancer, said Peter Wehner, a longtime friend and former colleague.

You can read the rest at the link above. It is sad news, right? You would think that the Progressive left would at least show a little respect for the family of man who had just died, right? Well, think again. Check out what some idiot, named Eric Loomis at a blog called “Guns, Lawyers and Money” writes:

I was hoping it was autoerotic asphyxiation, but alas, it was cancer.

Now, to be honest, when I was still voting for Democrats, I actually read this blog. Thank God that I figured out what that party was really about and changed my political views. The sick part is that the people of that party, especially the bloggers, have gotten much more nastier than they were, when I was still reading their blogs and had my own blog back in 2006.

But, more to the point, what kind of sick, evil, twisted person would even write something like this, about someone, who has just died of cancer and not have a single shred of decency to possibly be that nasty and not have any regard of his family, especially his wife and kids? This sort of thought comes from a dark heart of pure evil. Sorry to say it. But, this man has serious issues.

Yes, I know, 9/11 was terrible. The Iraq War sucked, and was based upon what we now know to be false intelligence.  But that comment above about this man, goes way beyond just a political disagreement and being opposed to a war. This is a personal comment meant to hurt his family. This comment is just as immoral as the Iraq War was, in my opinion.

Even the Washington Post was at least respectful of the man, even if they did go out of their way to point out some of the doings of the Bush Administration. Heck, even Karen Tumulty was at least respectful of the man and she is a progressive herself.

I know that the Republican Party is not perfect and some conservatives make me cringe. (See Fox News Channel) But, at least they are respectful of others. As a said in the title, this is why I no longer vote Democrat. It is just is not my party anymore.


Responding to stupidity

I rarely, if ever, engage in Blog wars anymore. Because quite frankly, I think they suck and they do nothing, but cause problems for all parties involved.

However, when I see that someone takes it upon themselves to make baseless accusations against me; I feel the need to correct the record. What I am referring to is some blowhole on a blogspot webblog took it upon himself to accuse me of being a lap dog of Rod Dreher’s. Now, had he taken the time to search my site and see that I have disagreed with Rod Dreher in the past on this blog and my previous one; he would see that I am not a lap dog of anyone at all. But, no, this clueless blowhole, who is obviously an insecure person, who is trying to make a name for himself, by tossing rocks at blogs, like mine.

Now, whether this guy is jewish or neocon or both, I really cannot tell and honestly, I could really care less. Although, from what I read over at that blog, namely about myself. He sure is acting like one of them, like this guy here.  However, if he is going to directly link to my blog, he might try doing his research first, before pontificating.

As for what I wrote, I don’t retract that one iota; I will stand for Christ, before I will ever stand with those who deny that He is the Messiah. If this blowhole has a problem with that; he needs to take up with the Lord, who spoke this world of ours into existence in six short days.

Again, I really hate to go there. But, I felt the need to set this little ankle biter straight. Also too: Dude, get a WordPress blog! Hosting is not that pricey anymore, If you cannot afford a domain and a wordpress blog, you need to get out of blogging. Because Blogspot is about yesterday’s news. I’m just saying…




Seem to be in force tonight.

Author : poop (IP: ,

E-mail :
Whois :

Perfect example of what ends up in the trash bin around here. I mean, just how damned lame do you really have to be, to take the time to find a proxy server and leave a moronic message like that?

It boggles the mind. 🙄



Blocked Texas Fred from viewing this blog ever again

It seems that “Texas Fred”, who is some idiot, low-rent, social security drawing head case from Texas, who seems to have a problem with me, for some reason; has come back for more.

He left this comment on the posting that I linked to:

New comment on your post “Removed Texas Fred from the blogroll”
Author : TexasFred (IP: ,
E-mail :
Whois :
I did insult your blog, it looked like it was thrown together by a 3rd grader on ACID… I see you changed your look, but I also see you’re still a 1st class MORON… If a reader hadn’t sent me this crap I wouldn’t have had the great laugh I did today…

Charming fellow ain’t he? 🙄

Well, he is blocked permanently from viewing this blog ever again. This is something I use sparingly, heck, I haven’t blocked that Atheist in Flint that likes to mess with me. Anyhow, Bill Smith warned me about Fred as did a few others. So, I finally took the steps for him not to be able to read this blog. I figure if he dislikes it so much around here, I will just fix it, where he cannot read here anymore.

Ugh: This Again?

Thanks to “Da Tech Guy” for defending me.

I apologized and wrote a mea culpa about all this. I don’t know who’s spreading what; But, I wish they’d just damned stop or at least stop linking to my blog.

I guess I’ll have to update my archives… Grrrrrr… 😡



Could not happen to a better bunch of people!

For the longest time, I used to watch this stuff go on and I would never say a word; except maybe to defend someone’s wife. Which I still believe was totally out of bounds to be posting her picture and pictures of his kids, blurred or not.

However, seeing that I have totally divorced myself from the so-called “right” due to the attack on my Father. I believe I can say what I truly feel.

I happen to notice what is going on around in the blogosphere at the moment and all I can truly say is this: It could not be happening to better group of people.

You see, this same dude, slandered me in the past. The second link there, was a serious screw up on my part, I admit that, and I have apologized a bunch of times for it. He was not the only one, a bunch of others have done it too and some of them, and getting their just deserts, as they should. 😀

But, this guy here, threw me under the bus, for no other reason, than to please some mentally depraved idiot, who does not even know me. Then, to try and make up for it, he goes and takes a fairly innocent post and twists it into a bunch of crap that it was never intended to be; and then, acts like *I* am the person with the problem.

So, you know what gents? I have one thing to say about all this stuff that is happening to you all……………….;


Give ’em hell Mr. Grouch and don’t quit giving these loser right wing con-job mother fuggers hell until they are ALL under indictment by the FBI!  Sitting around making money on a semi-half fake DEAD JEW! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! 😯

Countdown to being called an a-hole, an anti-Semite, a racist and all that other lame stuff they like to call me…

I got one thing to say to you rich ass honky pukes:

I know what you are thinking:

“Hey! You are white too!”

Yeah, you are correct, I am white. But, you know what? If I go down to Detroit, namely the southwest side. I would be treated with respect, as they know me. If ya’ll white tight-y Sean Hannity types went down there; ya’ll would get your little cracker, Sean Hannity looking asses shot and killed. Let’s just say, it’s the difference between ghetto white and rich suburbia white. 19 years living hard in the big D does have its advantages.

Just sayin’ ya’ll. I’m just sayin’…. 😀



When Blogging gets personal and serious

First of all, go read here.

Now, go here, and here.

I simply ask this question; at one point does this stop because rhetorical political stupidity and start becoming criminal stalking? I will tell you when, when said person starts threatening your wife and kids.

This has to stop, because someone is going to end up getting shot and killed. I will tell you this; if that bald-headed, faggot prick comes at me; he’d better have his A-game on, because this white boy don’t play. I grew up southwest Detroit, and we didn’t put up with this sort of stuff in the ghetto. We settled our beefs man to man, face to face.

Again, let him come at me; and talk some stuff.

Update: Da’ Tech Blogger says what I am thinking too. But in a much better way, of course.


Reply to the idiot atheist

First of all, the site that I linked to is not mine at all; and your repeating the lie that it is, is not going to change that at all.

Second of all, in response to this here:

Relax, Pat. If you were anything but a lazy git sitting in his parents’ basement raging away at everyone, I might actually feel threatened by this. But I don’t. I’m amused by it. You’re just so cute when you ball up your little fists, stomp your little feet feet and let out a primal scream. It might be time for your mommy to change your diapers or bring down a pacifier.


And not being far too pathetic to do anything but rage incoherently on your website that makes a MySpace page look subtle and understated.

How pathetic and fifth grade can you get? He talks about projection? I think he needs to look up the word.