UPDATED! PLEASE READ!: Quote about President Barack Obama

Who said this?

“My question is, what legacy will he leave, having the opportunity to serve under such hugely dramatic circumstances and had such a huge impact on the universal state of things … how could he have had such a splendid opportunity to do more than most presidents would have ever been able to do, and he let that opportunity slip away from him.

I’m very cautious of the fact that those who think he has some second agenda and only if he could be given a second term for us to see the new light, new things will be revealed, new efforts will be made to take us to a place other than where we’ve been and where we languish. I just don’t trust that. I don’t believe that’s a safe way and accurate way to look at this scenario. If there was the kind of moral compass serving Barack Obama the way we hoped, the moral force would have helped him make choices, the absence of that force in his equations, that barometer to guide him when he has to make these decisions that are hugely complicated, he should have come to the table with the things that would have helped us in this moment of crisis.”

It was none other than this man, right here:

Harry Belafonte

Living proof, that President Barack Obama has lost his own base….badly.

Update:  I finished this Blog entry, reread what Harry Belafonte said, and went, “Nope, I can do better than that.”  So, I am writing a little more here.

I am writing this not as some sort of distant partisan hack.  Rather as a person who grew up in the inner city of Detroit and has black friends.  Believe or not, even as a white man — which really should not matter; I totally understand where Mr.  Harry Belafonte is coming from here.  There were many people, who made the fatal mistake of projecting their own hopes and dreams upon a man, who simply was in the game for his own agenda.

Harry Belafonte is one of those from, who is commonly known as the “old school” era in black history.  Harry Belafonte went through what people, like our President, just read about in school; Harry Belafonte lived it.  He has experienced the ugliness in America towards blacks.  For Harry Belafonte to live to see a black man, be elected President of the United States of America was, like to many other blacks in America, a dream come true.  However, to then watch the man that all black man and woman in America were casting their hopes upon cave to the other party is like something that I completely understand.  To liberal and Democratic Party black America, watching this happen, is them, like watch a fellow black slave tell his fellow slaves that he is going to go up to the slave owner’s house and beat him up and free everyone. Instead that fellow slave goes up to the slave owner’s house, makes friends with him, and tells him about how the rest of them wanted him to commit violence and free them.  In turn, getting them beaten and oppressed even more — that is what Barack Obama — in the eyes of people, like Harry Belafonte, has done.

So, to the liberal Democrats who read this blog entry and happen to think that I am some out of touch white guy, or “cracka” or “Honky” as you all like to call people like me — do not think that I do not get it — Because I do.  I know what Barack Obama did to you all and I knew it was coming long ago.  As did many of us, who left in 2007, after Barack Obama lied like a dog to you all to get to the front.  I knew this was coming on, and I was right about it.

To Mr. Harry Belafonte, My God bless you for your bravery and boldness to call it as you see it!  Also too, thank you for the music.