Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday 2012

There is not much more than I can really say about the man who simply believed that freedom applied to all.  Most of it has been written by those who are better educated, and write better than I ever will.  All I can truly say, is that Martin Luther King Jr’s commandment to those fighting for freedom to “Stand up for what you believe in,” in 2012 should be our mandate.  As it has been observed by Martin Luther King Jr’s niece, he was a registered Republican and would be considered a social Conservative today.

In 2006, after seeing President’s George W. Bush pathetic handling of the Iraq War, I started a blog called “The Populist”— mainly because I was tired of yelling back at the TV.  On December 21, 2007 my blog was hacked and on December 30, 2007, I started “Political Byline” with the idea that neither of these political parties were political or moral absolutes.

For six long years, I stood for what I felt was right; I made enemies, some of which hate the ground that I walk on today.  I could quite honestly care less.  Because frankly, as the lyric of Steve Camp says in “Judgment Begins in the House of God”, “Sometimes you’ll stand alone to live a life that’s true.” I have, in my day stood for what I simply thought was right.  Sometimes, I stood along with the rational people who stood against injustice; and sometimes, I stood alone.  I have been doing that for 29 years now, on that day —- June 7, 1982 — 29 years ago, I took a stand for the one who died on the cross for my sins, — and so, I think I know a little bit about fighting.

On October 31, 2011, my old blog “Political Byline” had some problems with the hosting provider and seeing that Barack Obama announced that the war in Iraq was, for the most part, over.  I decided that the blog’s original purpose had been fulfilled and I pulled the blog.  I had originally planned to hang it up and quit.  However, there were people e-mailing me, asking, “Where is the blog?” and “Why did you quit?”

On December 31, 2011, I bought some hosting from a very nice person named Paul in Florida.  He is a Ron Paul fan, but I will not hold it against him.  I spent $120.00 for a year’s worth of hosting, with any luck; I will make business out of it.  I also brought the old blog back up and imported the Blogspot site to this domain,  This blog, Thought and Rantings is simply a continuation of the old blog.  I am going to try to much better on this blog than I did on the other.  I will try to avoid conflict and ignore my detractors.  I also hope to blog about policy and less about other people.  I hate having to rip on the President constantly.

However, I will continue to keep whoever is in the White House honest, Republican Party or Democratic Party.  There will be times when I will simply disagree with the Right.  There will be also times when I sharply disagree with the left.  Sometimes, standing for what one feels is right, goes well beyond partisan politics.

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy should be done, by carrying on his vision — of standing for the principles that fueled his campaign for liberty.  This is what I hope to do this year in 2012 with this blog.