Wasserman Schultz to get the boot?!?!

Normally, I don’t blog on stuff like this; because if it happens to be wrong, I, like everyone else, looks like an idiot. But, anyhow, it’s news and I need new content.

The Moonbat of the year is leaving?!?!?! Horrors!

Back in April, the Shark Tank floated the likelihood that Democratic National Committee Chairwoman (DNC) Debbie Wasserman Schultz was perhaps on her way out as DNC Chairwoman. We now have learned that Wasserman Schultz will not be back as DNC Chairwoman after the November elections.

According to our source within the Democratic Party, who is also a close associate of Wasserman Schultz, the arrangements have already been made for her to leave DNC  regardless if President Obama wins re-election or not.

This same source believes that Wasserman Schultz will be forced to resign behind closed doors and then stage an press event in which she tells Americans that her job as the DNC chair was a temporary one and that she is moving on with her congressional career.

via DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz Getting Booted | The Shark Tank.

Some on the right are saying, “No! Don’t get rid of her, we like her stupidity!” Which is quite humorous, I think.  Truth is, the Democratic Party does have a image problem at the moment; arrogant, overreaching and well, in some cases — blatantly stupid.  Schultz personifies that idiot image.  No word on whether her Jewish ethnicity plays any role in that image or not. Although, I tend to believe that are many WASP’s, like me, who could answer that one in the affirmative. I best be careful though, the Semite-baiting Neoconservatives will come after me again. 🙄

(and for those of you, who are too stupid to see it — Yes, that is a good dose of snark and sarcasm…)

Either way, it will be interesting to see who replaces her, perhaps Sheila Jackson Lee?

Others: Weasel Zippers, americanthinker.com, UrbanGrounds, The Daily Caller and Jammie Wearing Fools