Why do Christians write and think stupid stuff like this?


“God wants Ron Paul to be President. Paul is the only Christian still running who beat Obama in polls, but will Christians and pastors obey God?” says Pastor Steven Andrew, president of USA Christian Ministries.

“We must obey God and vote for Christians. Noah Webster used Exodus 18:21 for American voting. John Jay said “select and prefer Christians for [our] leaders” (Mark 12:30, Psalm 1, Psalm 33:12).

“Comparing Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, we see Paul will cut the deficit $1 trillion in year one, but Obama and Romney would increase the deficit. Americans will have more jobs with Paul,” says the pastor.

“Christians follow Jesus. We aren’t right or left. The left isn’t following God. Obama says to leave living babies to die who survive botched abortions, covers Jesus’ name and cross at Georgetown, fights unjust wars that result in Muslims persecuting Christians, and mocks God and our Founding Fathers’ Christian laws,” he adds.

“The right isn’t following God with Mitt Romney. Jesus Christ is the second Person of the Godhead but, as a Mormon, Romney thinks: Jesus is a created being, the spirit brother of Lucifer; that men become Gods and that Christians are inferior people. Christians know Mormonism is Satanic,” he adds.

“God warns Romney and Obama are ‘accursed’ in Galatians 1:9. Who would vote for someone accursed and bring God’s judgment (2Chronicles 19:2)? Also, Romney and Obama oppose the Constitution and want to put Americans in prison without a trial with NDAA,” he explains.

The Nebraska delegates are deciding between Paul and Romney Saturday. The pastor believes the delegates should obey God and choose Paul.

He explains that Christians and Libertarians agree that Christian Ron Paul is the best person to be President. The Christian vote is what will get Paul elected.

“Will you pray, ‘Father, who do you want for President? In Jesus’ name. Amen.’ When I prayed God told me, ‘Of the three, I want Ron Paul.’ It matches Scripture.”

“If the Republican Party doesn’t nominate Ron Paul, then Christians should join the Constitution party and vote for Christian Virgil Goode,” he continues

via God Wants Ron Paul to Be President – Nebraska Republican Delegates Should Obey God | USA Christian Ministries: Pastor Steven Andrew – Christian Nation: The Lord is the God of the USA & We are His People.

That my friends, is some seriously weapons grade stupidity right there. 🙄

It’s not so much the doctrine, okay? His doctrine is correct. It is the idea that God give Christians a mandate on politics. The Lord is not interested in the world’s politics. He is worried about his message of salvation getting out; which is what this dingbat ought be doing, and not putting himself in the middle of US Politics.

In other words; Pastor, you should be of your Father’s Business and not commenting on politics.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4 KJV)

The point here that I am trying to make is that God does not point the finger at one person and say; “That is who I want to be President.” Anyone that believes that sort of foolishness is quite deceived.