Blocked on Facebook: “SnooperMexican”

I just blocked on Facebook, someone who is, what I like to call —- “an affirmative action conservative.”

Some idiot who calls himself SnooperMexican.

He’s a real a-hole. Calls anyone who says anything, other than, “I agree —-” a liberal racist.

Dude, race-baiting sucks. Whether it is our side or theirs. You make the right look idiotic. I tend to suspect that he is not really a Republican or a Conservative; but some liberal posing as a right-winger. His stuff is just way over the top to be real.

So, you sir, are now blocked. Go pimp out your race-card playing trolling B.S. somewhere else.

All I said was, is that he should take off the mask and tell people who he really is, and quit with the cowardice. He went into meltdown, accused me of being a liberal and called me a bunch of names.

Before he mentions it; Yeah, I know what I wrote on his facebook page. I said it, because he was being an ass. I wanted him to know how it felt be called something I was not….. and yes, one of your people, killed one of my family members. Just thought you would like to know that. My family members fought in distant lands, one even receiving a silver star and a purple heart, so you can be an a-hole towards white people, like me.  So, show some respect.

Damn Mexicans. 😡