Phyllis Schlafly says, “The UN Is Bad News for the U.S.”

The audio:


The Story:

The news has leaked out that an obscure, secretive UN agency called the World Intellectual Property Organization or WIPO shipped sophisticated U.S. computer equipment to Iran and North Korea despite UN and U.S. sanctions against both those governments. U.S. policy is to block their development of nuclear weapons so they won’t be able to fire nuclear bombs at us. In addition to being a major threat to U.S. security, these UN shipments violated the restrictions of the equipment manufacturer, Hewlitt-Packard, which forbids any HP equipment from being sent to such regimes.

The shipment to Iran included 20 Hewlitt-Packard desktop computers that will give Iran significant computing power. The shipments to North Korea also included sophisticated computers.

Let’s face it. The United Nations is not only NOT our friend; the UN is our enemy. It’s time to say goodbye and kick all those overpaid anti-American bureaucrats out of their preferential real estate in New York City.

via Eagle Forum Blog: The UN Is Bad News for the U.S..

I known and felt this way for years about the United Nations. I suggest you go read the rest of this and give the commentary above a listen.