UPDATED: HACKED! Radical Islamists Loyal to Osama Bin Laden hack this blog

Luckily they did not get anything important.  They just hacked my theme.

They also hacked the e-mail address for the Administrator of the blog. Which was due to one idiotic thing that I did.

Anyhow, I have changed some things around and hope they won’t be attacking me again.

I guess when one is pissing off the enemy, one draws fire. I guess that is a part of it.

Update: First of all, I made a huge error in the title of this posting, I was half asleep and had not gotten my coffee yet. It was not Muslim Bloggers that hacked this blog; it was radical Islamic terrorists, loyal to Osama Bin Laden. I have reason to believe that the hackers originated out of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I guess they have hackers targeting Conservative bloggers. I am investigating it and I have the hackers e-mail address. I suppose they seem to think that I am a Zionist or something. No matter, I have made some changes that will make future hacking attempts impossible.

Update #2: It appears that I was mistaken on the Country of Origin. The hackers were from Saudi Arabia and did not like it because I dared to support “Zionist” Mitt Romney. 🙄 Idiots deluxe….


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