Video: RNC’s Ron Paul tribute

This comes via Mediaite’s Andrew Kirell, who calls it an “Epic Fail”:

Now, personally, I watched it; and I did not think that it was that overly horrible.  Still just the same, Andrew rightfully does point out the following:

The tribute did make slight nods to Paul’s belief in sound money and his fight to audit the Federal Reserve. But it ignored Paul’s fight to end GOP sacred cows like the costly and futile War on Drugs; his fight to protect civil liberties from executive overreach like the PATRIOT Act; and his battle against an unsustainable foreign policy of “maintaining empire” and playing World Police.

The video also neglected to mention just how Paul would like to cut the deficit.

Instead of the mainstream Republicans’ supposedly “radical” plans to cut from future spending growth, Paul wants to slash budgets left and right… especially the GOP’s sacred-cow national defense. He wants to end all corporate tax loopholes; something the GOP is reluctant to touch. He considers such “pro-business” tax manipulation to be synonymous with crony capitalism.


The GOP must have thought this video could placate Paul supporters enough to get their vote. Plenty of Republican officials expressed certainty that the Texas congressman will leave the convention fully endorsing the Romney/Ryan ticket. Despite Paul telling Fox’s Neil Cavuto that he has “no plans” to endorse, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said she is certain he will hop on the bandwagon.

But that’s just haughty. And wrong. Because until the party actually tries to change instead of occasionally throwing a superficial bone to Paul, then you can expect many of his supporters to maintain a firm position of “not voting for Romney.”

Want proof? Look to the little-reported fact that Paul’s delegates staged a walk-out immediately following the tribute video.

They walked out, and will likely continue to walk out, because the difference between Paul’s following and the GOP’s rank-and-file “Ew, it’s Romney, but we must support him” types is that the former truly believe in consistency and principles, and are wholly interested in maintaining it, while the latter seem blind in their belief that this Romney/Ryan ticket will somehow “save” the country while shutting out the the voices of actual change.

All very valid points, but I do tend to believe, that If I know Ron Paul like I think I do — he most likely is happy that he got any sort of a tribute at all and that his Son Rand is being accepted among the GOP mainstream. The reason I say this is because it was not too long ago that the GOP was headlong into President Bush’s Neoconservative nonsense and people like Ron Paul could not get a word in edgewise, much less a tribute from the GOP. So, I would say that Ron Paul is happy that his message has been accepted this much.

As for Romney my feelings are this here: As some of you might know, I have decided to cast my lot with Mitt Romney. I came to this decision last night, after watching the behavior of the left, when it came to Mia Love and Ann Romney; I mean sometimes, one must say, enough is enough and that I did and I have no regrets at all. I do have some doubts about Romney, but at this point; anything is better than Barack Obama. I mean, the man has been a horrible failure in many areas, even though I did not vote for Obama. I did kind of expect some sort of result from him. However, myself and many others like me in this position — got nothing.

So, I am in for Romney — come hell, high water and hacked blog. I am voting for something who will actually change things — for the good.