Videos: Mitt Romney’s convention speech video and speech video

I have to admit, I liked both the convention pre-speech video and the speech itself.

The intro video was quite moving. One of the moments that stands out, is the moment when Romney talk about love.  He sighs deeply and says, “You know, I just do not understand love.” This hit home with me, greatly. Only difference with me is, the young Lady that I fell in love with just was not in the cards for me to marry or God’s will, if you want to put a religious shine on it. So, I let her go and let it go.  But I know that feeling of being in love with someone. It is a deep emotion and I’ve experienced it in my day.

Here’s the intro video: (via

The convention speech was great, even Reagan-like. Of course, there are some who are serial gripers and complainers; who did not like it. But for me, as an Christian, as a Conservative American; it hit right at home.

Here it is:

I believe that if this speech and the talks about Romney’s willingness to help others does not convince voters, that he is the real deal and not a rich stiff — then nothing will — and quite frankly, I really do not give a remote flip if we get their votes or not. Anyone that is stupid enough to buy the lies of the liberal left and vote for a Marxist President after this one’s horrible failures; they get the Government that they deserve.

In closing:

Vote for Mitt in 2012 – We’ve got a Country to save.