Reuters/Ipsos poll: Romney and Obama tied

This is no surprise, Romney is fresh off a Convention and Obama is about to go into one. What will be thing to watch for, is if Obama gets any sort of bounce after the Convention.

With the Democrats set to nominate Obama for a second term this week in Charlotte, North Carolina, the race to the presidential election on November 6 is tight with 45 percent for Obama and 45 percent for Romney among likely voters, the survey found.

The findings were from the seventh day of a rolling online poll conducted for Reuters by Ipsos to judge voters’ attitudes around the political conventions.

Obama campaigned in Boulder, Colorado, the state where he accepted the Democratic presidential nomination four years ago, while Romney was off the campaign trail in New Hampshire, about to begin preparations for three debates with Obama in October.

via Obama, Romney tied as Democrats go into convention | Reuters.

There are some saying that there will be no bump for Obama after the Convention. But other say that there will be. It will be interesting to watch. I do feel however, that because of the trappings on this Convention and because of the lousy economy; people are going to look at Obama and think, “you have got to be kidding.” It is no wonder that people are fleeing the Democratic Party for the party of fiscal sanity.