Report: Obama is giving up and buying a retirement house in Hawaii

Normally, I take this stories for what they are worth. So, your normal disclaimers and Caveats are to be followed here; considering the sources of this report. In other words, if this turns out to be a load of baloney, just remember; it is just speculation.

This comes via Pat Dollard and it is being reported over at Joseph Farah’s (I will always call it that, this business is a bunch of baloney! 😉 )


Are Obama insiders secretly making retirement plans for the Obamas with the expectation the president will lose his bid for re-election in November?

Very quietly, Obama’s chief financier, Penny Pritzker, has entered the Hawaii housing market to buy a retirement home for the president and his family that will be available not in 2016, but in January 2013, according to a confidential source within Pritzker’s Chicago organization

Pritzker, a wealthy Chicago business executive and heiress to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, served as national finance chairman for Obama’s 2008 campaign and is the co-chairman of his 2012 effort.

The source told WND that highly confidential internal polls conducted by the Obama campaign indicate Obama cannot win re-election, despite public surveys that show him in the lead.

“The public polls are mostly political,” the source argued. “Obama radicals want Romney supporters to feel discouraged and give up. Truth is that Romney’s winning.”

Seems to me that someone, who claims to be “of the people” would not be living in a place that really is “of the wealthy.” Now, before anyone says it, I do not fault Obama for being wealthy. I just fault him and the Democrats for straight up lying to the American people and saying that he is struggling with us. Yeah, like He and Michelle are really struggling! 🙄 Just look at the picture on your left!

Only thing Barack Obama is struggling with is how many rounds of golf that he will want to play everyday, when he hits the greens, after he retires.

However, as much as I want to believe this story. Something tells me that it is a good deal of wishful thinking by many people; including those up at WND.COM. Because I believe that the Democrats are going to do anything they can; including voter fraud and ballot stuffing, to keep Obama in the White House for another term. Because Obama is all the Democrats have left. After that, it is chaos in that party.

Either way, it will be interesting to see if whether Jerome Corsi is right about this story or not.


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