The long knives come out

Against Social Conservatives and Conservative Grassroots types, like me.

Check it out Here, Here, and here.

Also too, check out what this Colorado Jew has to say about we Conservative Christians. Let me ask you for a second; what if someone like me, decided to say that the problem with the Republican Party was controlled and financed by the Jews and that they needed to leave and started their own party? I would be derided by the Blogosphere as a anti-Semite, a bigot and a few other names that I will not print here. Funny how they can deride us and nothing ever happens; but when the tables are turned they collectively lose their minds ——- just ask Rick Sanchez. Before anyone screams, I am not being a hatemonger here, I, as a Conservative Christian, am just making a observation. One that does tick me off a bit, but I digress.

The response I have to all the idiotic nonsense at the links is this; try winning elections without us. As I have said on this blog a million times, and I will most like say it a million more, before it is over — there are three legs to the stool of Conservatism: Fiscal, Social and Foreign Policy. If any of those legs are removed, the stool collapses. You cannot have a Conservative Movement and for that matter, a Republican party without social Conservatism. This is because freedoms do not come from man, freedoms come by God; and a Party that fails to acknowledge that there is a God in Heaven and fails to champion the causes that are found in the Holy Bible is doomed to failure.

So, this whole idea, that grassroots Conservatives are somehow the reason the Republicans lost the 2012 election is a bunch of horse manure! We lost the election, because the Republican Party put in the most Elitist, moderate guy that they could find and tried running him as a true Conservative. Plus too, the man was a Mormon, and the Evangelical base of the Republican Party just does not trust Mormons, and for good reason; they are not Christians at all. I voted for Romney, because I wanted to see the Country prosper, not because I agreed with his Religion. Now, people are saying the solution is purge the party of the Christians. Nice, real nice. But, again, try winning elections without us. Because we make up a good part of your base.

I think the Republican Party establishment needs to reconsider this a whole bunch, before you start trying to throw out the people that make up your base.