AdBrite RIP

I was wondering why my site was loading funny. Went to check AdBrite’s site and got a 404. I checked and sure enough, the recession got these guys too.

Advertising exchange AdBrite is shutting down, after an attempt to find a buyer for the company failed. CEO Hardeep Bindra is telling partners that the company, which has 26 employees, will close by the end of the month, and is selling off its assets. In an interview, Bindra says he had been trying to sell off the entire company, but sales talks “unfortunately fell through a couple weeks ago.” AdBrite raised a reported $40 million since 2004, much of it from Sequoia Capital. It was best known for many years as the creation of Philip Kaplan, who had achieved notoriety during the end of the Web 1.0 boom for his FuckedCompany site. For years the company described itself as the “largest independent ad exchange, rivaling Google and Yahoo.” — Sales Talks Fell Through, So Ad Exchange AdBrite Shuts Down – Peter Kafka – Media – AllThingsD

I would blame google, but I really just do not believe that it was their fault. Web Advertising has taken a massive beating since the recession of 2008. I guess for now, I will just have to stick with Infolinks. I took all of the banners out for AdBrite, so things will not be as cluttered as they were before. I just hope I do get what little is coming to me from those guys. It was not much; but it was a little bit at least. 

4 thoughts on “AdBrite RIP

  1. I have checked my email for any payment notification from Adbrite but there isn’t any.
    It seems they wouldn’t pay their publisher for the last time. Adbrite has been with me for years and if they had to go bankrupt, I feel really sad. I wouldn’t ask for my payment but will gladly accept it if they send it as usual.

    1. I hear ya Arick, I never got anything either. I had missed the e-mail on the 28’th. i found it, when I searched for it. It sucks now, because I all have is Infolinks. I do not get the heavy traffic around here. I only get about 70-100 hits a day, if I am lucky. So, I guess I will have to tough it out.

      Thanks for the comment! 🙂

      1. Apology for delay in reply. It seems I didn’t enable email notification. 🙂

        It has been six months since our conversation. If I got the message, I would reply it immediately.

        About Adbrite, Well, I hope all the employee would be able to find new company to work with.

        By the way, do you have DigitalPoint account? I was a member there for almost a year. It would be nice to meet you in that forum. Just seek for “Arick Unirow” and you would find me.

        I really like your blog, especially the title and Logo. It seems we both have same similarity, We really love our country.

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