Ugh… Lady Gaga lifesize dolls?

Ugh… I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

The puke-worthy story:

Tokyo — One-of-a-kind Lady Gaga has been replicated.

The pop star unveiled life-size dolls in her likeness, dressed in her flamboyant costumes, at a Tokyo event Sunday. A person leaning against the silicon doll’s chest can hear Lady Gaga music and messages.

Gaga said she was honored to have replicas of herself.

Japanese industrial and design companies teamed with her record label to create the Gagadoll, inspired by her new “Artpop” album. They’re prototypes not yet available for sale.

At the news conference, Gaga made her grand entrance wearing a red plaid jumpsuit and wrapped in coils.

Gaga is participating in a charity auction to benefit the 2011 earthquake and tsunami victims. She’s hoping that one of the two Gaga-styled Hello Kitty dolls will raise a lot of money for the cause.

via Lady Gaga unveils dolls in her flamboyant likeness | The Detroit News.

Why in the world would anyone want a life-size doll of some sexual deviant like this woman? It simply does not make any sense. 🙄