WND: ‘KKK’ Trump supporters were black

This is asinine:

Donald Trump’s critics tried to pass off fake Ku Klux Klan members as his supporters on social media Tuesday night. A closer look at the images reveal the so-called white supremacists were black.Almost 50 percent of Nevada caucus-goers gave the Republican hopeful an easy victory on Tuesday night, but not before a bizarre attempt at character assassination by black citizens in KKK garb. Not all of the photos shared on social media showed the color of their skin, which was taken advantage of by Trump’s detractors. – Source: Desperate hoax: ‘KKK’ Trump supporters were black – WND.COM

The proof:

I say that it is asinine for one reason: You know, it is bad enough we have idiots like this guy here, heaping praise on Trump and then have this — two asshole back guys masquerading as Klansman.

As for the idiot who brought this up to the media, who did not correct the story? He remains unapologetic:

Further to my post from yesterday about people observed donning KKK regalia at a caucus site, I offer these…

Posted by Aaron D. Ford on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Translation? “Yeah, I lied about the Klan story and I also paid these people to do it. But, I am not going to apologize, because white people are evil racists.” What an a$$hole! 😡