National Review actually says something nice about Donald Trump

Well, this is different….:

For all his known vulnerabilities, Trump has often proven to be a highly effective operator when he focuses on getting what he wants. That’s exactly what worries left-wing groups and Democrats. Having underestimated him for so long, they now fear he won’t easily be forced to slow down or change course as he moves to overturn their agenda. – Source: Trump Moves Right, Pleasing Conservatives, Alarming Democrats | National Review

This is coming from a political rag that had zero, zilch, Nada, nothing to say about Donald Trump during the election. As far as his “known vulnerabilities”, the one he has is that he does not have his nose stuck up the butt of the neocon Republican establishment.

As far as Donald Trump is concerned; the proof is in the pudding. I am taking a wait and see approach to him, just like I did President Obama. If things change, I will have nothing bad to say about him. If they do not, I will criticize him, just like I did Obama. Talk is cheap. I want action, and so far, I have not seen anything great out of Trump; just a bunch of talk.

Others: Shot in the Dark