The New York Times reeks of liberal butthurt

I stand in amazement that there are actually people out there that believe that the New York Times is an unbiased newspaper. Want a perfect example of this? Please check out this article here, the butthurt is almost palatable.

I would quote the article. but seeing that the New York Times has resorted to Gestapo tactics which prevent bloggers from quoting their content. I have to just give you the link and you’ll have to trust me on it. I’m writing this on a tablet that I recently purchased and because of that I cannot copy the text over and quote it. So, you’ll have to go over and look at it. But man the butthurt is wreaking in this article let me tell you.

The real funny part is a good part of this article is inaccurate. They act as if no one was at Donald Trump’s inauguration at all. But anyone that actually watched it on TV, seen that there was a huge turnout of people there. It just seems like the New York Times and the rest of the leftist media s since Hillary Clinton has lost the election; has went into an alternative reality tailspin and it seems now that the Democrats are just not feeling the love of the nation, of the political process or of Donald Trump.

It’s a sad thing to see; it’s worse than it was when George W Bush was in office. It’s much worse they were in emboldened by the election of Barack Obama and you think they were deranged back in the bush days? You wait till Donald Trump starts his presidency…things are going to get downright crazy in politics.