Update on my laptop

Last time I shared about my laptop; I told you about how it basically winked the dashboard.

Well, I finally heard back from the place where I sent the laptop off to and I found out that there is some sort of corrosion on the motherboard which caused it to fail.

As I mentioned last time, I have no accidental coverage on the laptop and I got news from the place it was going to service it or at least tell me how much it would cost to service it. I found out it was going to cost me $2,000 to actually have that laptop fixed 😲😨😳 and I of course told them please ship it back , I will get it fixed locally and so they have shipped it back, it’ll get here tomorrow, it was supposed to come today, but my mother had to go have a procedure done and as such, I didn’t know if I would be here or not; so it will be here tomorrow.

I actually had to pay them to deliver a bit more slowly, which did not make me feel too happy.

Anyhow, $2,000 to have that thing fixed!?!?!? They’re on drugs and I mean harsh ones. 😲😨😫

Anyway, I was doing some research online and the motherboard for my model of laptop used cost $547 and some change. So, I only can imagine what a new one would probably cost. Hopefully, I can get it fixed without it costing more than what the laptop is actually worth. It’s a great machine and it’s unfortunate that a stupid mistake of my own,caused that great of a laptop to become a doorstop.