Former Senator Joe Walsh is running for POTUS in 2020

Just to let you know, I donated $5.00 to this man’s campaign. We need a change. Anything is better than 4 more years of the egotistical blowhard in the White House and a loony liberal Democrat.

Because folks, I voted for Donald Trump, I had some very high expectations for him. He did some of them; but not nearly enough. I came to soon realize that this man, Donald Trump, was more interested in polishing his very large ego. This is not what a Presidency should be; and under Trump, that is what it is become. So, I’ve cast my $5.00 lot with Walsh, if more run, I will donate to them as well.

The point is, we can do better than Trump, much better. I remember, Conservatives droned on about Obama and bad he was; and yes, he was a terrible President. But, these same people gush over Trump and it disgusts me to no end. I do not wish to have a egomaniac for President, I wish a President that will DO HIS JOB.

The Video:

Donate at Joe Walsh 2020 Website
