Election 2020: The Aftermath

Needless to say the election of 2020 has been a historical one and continues to be a historical one.

I will just say it, Joe Biden won this election. However the absolute lunacy and conspiratorial idiocy that has taken route in the MAGA Crowd is absolutely mind-numbing. it is gotten to the point where now attorney general Barr is actually authorizing Prosecutors to look for election fraud.

Not to mention the fact that Trump is now saying that he will not peacefully concede the election and has multiple lawsuits looking for fraud where quite frankly there is none. Also, in the most mind-numbing nonsense I ever seen in my life, the Donald J Trump Administration is absolutely refusing to work with the Joe Biden transition team. This so that Joe Biden can hit the ground running on his first day in office.

This action alone smacks of pettiness and also an egotistical narcissist who refuses to believe that he actually lost an election.

In fact, some GOP people in Congress are beginning to say that this is starting to be ridiculous and believe you me, this will come to hurt the Republican Party in the long-run. in fact I will go as far to say that the Republican party is going to have to deal with the stain of the Donald Trump Administration and the support of Donald Trump by many of there allies in Congress and Elsewhere for many many many many years to come.

This was the biggest screw-up of the Republican party of ever taking that man seriously and basically allowing him to run as a Republican. Here is a news flash ladies and gentlemen; Donald J Trump doesn’t give a flying Frito about America the only thing that he honestly gives a flying Frito about is his own personal ego and his “brand”.

I, for one, I’m looking forward to America getting back to normal I do realize it covid-19 is an issue and hopefully the cure for or the vaccine for this epidemic will finally be released and people like me can go get the shot to prevent it so I don’t have to run around with a mask anymore.

One thing of great comfort is that the Republicans made gains in the House of Representatives and in the house of Congress this will put a big time restriction on the “squad” as they are called and there will be a bit more normalcy in American politics again, I hope.

One thing that I can get no-one to understand who are Trump fans like my mother, is that it’s not so much that he didn’t do anything, while he was President; he did a lot of good things, like bringing back the economy from the abyss which it was during the President Obama administration.

But the issue Donald Trump’s was and still is,  Donald Trump’s conduct while he is in the White House and is president of the United States.

I hate to tell Donald Trump and I’m sure he’s going to figure this out once he gets out of the White House is that the Office of the President of the United States of America is not your bully pulpit and is not there to further your ego it is there to be a leader of a country which happens to be the greatest free country on Earth.

I for one, am glad that he is leaving the White House and I hope that Joe Biden governs as a moderate and not a radical leftist, otherwise he will be a one-term president.

I also hope that the Republican party has some time to sit down and figure out how they are going to select their presidents and not just go for someone who is a big-name.

We don’t need an egomaniac as a president, we don’t need some media gadfly to be our President. We need a Statesman who will run this country with a levelhead, a steady hand and will bring us back to a place of normalcy in this country and so far the Republican party has failed miserably at that job.

I publicly ask that the Republican party will take the next four years and  and do a lot of reflection as to what the Republican Party actually stands for and the message that they wish to present to the American people.

Because right now the majority of the American people, who are not rib-rock conservatives,  think that the Republican Party is a party that stands for racial resentment, outright racism and a general dislike of minorities.

This is what the people think, not supporters of Donald Trump or the Republican Party.

The southern strategy that was used by Nixon and by later George H.W. Bush And was really used during the presidential campaign of George W. Bush and also to used by Donald J Trump’s campaign; has basically backfired on the Republican party and this is why we do have a solid core Of Southern States in the Southeastern part of the United States.

However, we also have bigger states that have more Electoral College votes and they mostly are Democratic states, what the president or any future president that wishes to be elected in the Republican party, needs to know is that they have to appeal to these blue States and get what was known as “Reagan democrats” or ‘Trump Democrats”,  people that don’t like the direction of the democratic party and offer them a better way.

Furthermore, once they win those votes they have to be able to keep their support. Donald Trump blew this in Arizona in a big way, when he insulted John McCain and the Arizona people who were Republicans that thought a lot of John McCain basically voted for Joe Biden to get Donald Trump out of office.

There is a lesson here and that lesson is not only do you have to win those people over but you have to keep their support otherwise you might not get reelected.

There is much more to this and there’s a lot more that I’d like to say but this article is getting long so I will end it like this here Donald Trump was voted out of office and the only person he has to blame is his own darned self.