Good News: Rachel Lucas is actively blogging again!

I happen to look her up on google and sure enough, she’s back it again.

Rachel Lucas is one of the old school bloggers from back in the Bush era. I started reading her, back when I was rooting for the other side. Now that I am , what I really consider to be the right side of politics, her stuff is all the better to read.

If you have never read her stuff I recommend this here. Be prepared to be saddened, angered and just emotionally wrung out.

Put simply, the woman can write, very well.

Excellent Michigan Blog

I like to help other bloggers out.

There was a time; about 7 years ago, when I was a new blogger and no one knew who the heck I was, and could have otherwise cared less. but, nonetheless, I kept plugging away.

Along the way, I befriended bloggers and some of them helped me out, by adding me to their blogrolls and because of that, my site grew in readership.

So, I am returning the favor.

I was contacted by a Jeremy from I was looking around at his site and it seems to be something that I would be interested in reading. I encourage you to do the same. I give Jeremy credit, he is brave soul, anyone who dares to blog about Detroit and Michigan’s ills — while being white — is a brave person. 😯 I tend to avoid it, as you end up being accused of being racist. So, I tend to shy away from it.

Anyhow, thanks to whomever it was that contacted Jeremy about my site. I really do not see my site as being anything that great. Compared to some of these other sites, which are written by political insiders; I consider myself to be quite low on the totem pole.

So, there you are, a blog promo posting. Go check out The home of Jeremy, the bravest white man on the planet! 😉 😛 😀 😆


Michelle Malkin is wrong about racism in the Tea Party

First off, let me say this; I do not believe that the Tea Party movement itself was racist at all. In fact, it never was a centralized movement.  In most movements, like the Tea Party movement; there will be people who do things that do not represent the movement as a whole.

So, when I see Michelle Malkin blatantly denying the fact that there were racists in the Tea Party movement, I have to say, “oh really?”

A quick search of Google Images brings up quite a few racist signs and images:

and this is not racist Michelle? (even though it is misspelled...)
And this is not racist?

Here is the one that really bothered me, and this dude ended up in jail for this too:

A "Death to Obama" sign... But, that's not racist, so says Michelle Malkin


Nope, No racism here! Only thing missing here is the N-word and that makes okay, according to Michelle Malkin

This image was used on signs and passed around in e-mails, by Tea Party supporters. (I know, I used to see it on facebook and in e-mails I would get from other Tea Party supporters. That until I told the idiots to quit sending me racist crap like that….)

But this is not racist according to Michelle Malkin (Willful blindness much Michelle?)

There is more, much more to see, just click this link to look at the results of a Google Images search.

Again, let me be clear; I am not calling the entire Tea Party movement racist as a whole, that is collectivism and this blogger is not a collectivist. In other words, I do not dismiss the movement in it’s entirety, as racist; but I will say that there were people who were carrying racist signs, not to mention doing stuff like this:

This is Chris Broughton, and yes, he is black, and he is a Ron Paul fan and yes, he was carry an assault rifle at a Obama event. My question is why? I think I know the reason and I think you do too. But, the Tea Party is just peaceful people... Most of them anyhow...

My point to this posting is this; The OWS crowd are a violent group and yes it does include anarchists, who do try and blow up bridges.  However, the Tea Party is not without its own individual nuts and looney tunes, who did bring a tarnish to the good name of the Party. Not to mention all of the infighting that went on with various groups.

However, my more intellectual point is this; to what end was all of this even done?   I mean, the Republican Party did not change one wit.  Oh sure, there were a few Senators who were elected as result of the grassroots surge.  However, the Republican Party’s  coronation of a Mormon George W. Bush is telling; and let me tell you something, if you think for one second that Mitt Romney is going to rip out Obamacare, you are crazy.  Oh sure, he will remove the mandate and anything else that seems to infringe on basic American rights.  However, I do not believe that he will remove the entire package.

Which makes me have to really wonder aloud, what exactly did the Tea Party accomplish; outside of the rhetorical flourishes?  Absolutely nothing.  Government is still there and it is still imposing upon our basic human rights.  All of those borderline racist signs, all of the verbal clashes, all of the excitement were for naught.

This was not to hurt Michelle Malkin herself; but it was to point out the Republican/Conservative/Fox News/Sean Hannity right’s willful blindness to the racism of the Tea Party — which was, and is still there very much so, to this very day.

HotAir’s Tina Korbe moves on

I was actually sad to see this. It appears that HotAir’s Tina Korbe is moving on to greener pastures.

You can read Ed’s posting here and Tina’s final posting here.

Just a personal note of observation; I did not always agree with her and I even once gently criticized her. But, I always respected her opinions —– even if I did not agree with them all. I also noticed another thing too; the commenters over at could be downright brutal with Tina. I believe this was fueled by resentment of a woman blogging at HotAir or something. I never made my criticisms of Tina personal. I simply stated that I disagreed with her. Some of the comments on Tina’s postings were personal, brutal, sexist and nasty. So, I can see why Tina left.

Either way, I wish Tina the best. She is a very smart woman, that I am sure will do well in whatever she does. Tina is also a very, very, beautiful woman; and the man she is going to marry is going to be one lucky guy. I wish him and Tina the very best. 🙂


Why I am not a big fan of John Podhoretz

I support Israel and all; but this right here, is why I am not a huge fan of John Podhoretz.

Glenn Greenwald reports:

One reason I think this discussion is so important is because the manipulation of the term “terrorism” this way permits and bolsters (even if unintentionally) an extremely ugly, destructive, and toxic worldview, one which the Editor-in-Chief of Commentary Magazine, John Podhoretz, vividly expressed last night on Twitter when discussing the firing of Keith Olbermann by Current TV:

That’s about as overtly racist a statement from a media figure with a platform as you’ll see (and the it’s-just-a-joke excuse is obviously irrelevant: just imagine analogous “jokes” about how disfavored journalists would be punished at The Jerusalem Post, or Black Entertainment Television, etc.). To Podhoretz, Al Jazeera is filled with Arabs and Muslims, which means: The Terrorists (for many years after 9/11, that was virtually official U.S. government policy). Podhoretz is the same person who wrote a New York Post column in 2006 lamenting that in the early stages of the Iraq War, “we didn’t kill enough Sunnis in the early going to intimidate them and make them so afraid of us they would go along with anything,” suggesting that the big U.S. mistake in the war was allowing “the survival of Sunni men between the ages of 15 and 35.” Remember, though: it’s those Muslims who are The Terrorists (when influential American “terrorism experts” start talking about the John Podhoretzes of the world as terrorism advocates, and about “Shock and Awe“, the assault on Fallujah and the bombing of Gaza as terrorism, and about Ronald Reagan as a “state sponsor of terrorism” for his funding of El Salvadoran death squads and Nicaraguan contras, and about the parties responsible for the assassination of Iranian civilian scientists as international terrorists, then I’ll start to take the honorific more seriously).

I have no doubt that most respected “terrorism experts” would find Podhoretz’s comment about Al Jazeera repugnant. But the mentality on display here — and it’s quite pervasive (which is why this is one of the few remaining forms of overt bigotry that provokes no real sanction) — finds nourishment in the constant discussion of Terrorism, the Supreme Evil, as: acts of violence by Muslims directed at us (but not violence by our own government or those of its allies directed at Muslims).

The above is exactly why the libertarian crowd hates the Zionist crowd with a passion. This is why I am not a huge fan of John Podhoretz and his ilk. It is because they can make statements like this, without any repercussions. If someone, who is not a Zionist made a similar statement about Israel and Jews; they would be excoriated from one end of the blogosphere to the other. Mr. Glennwald has a very good point and I think everyone on the Jewish Conservative side of the political isle, ought to take a hard look at this and take it very seriously. If the Zionists want respect, they have to learn to respect others. Because not all Arabs out there are terrorists; just like not all blacks are murders, robbers, and so forth —- not all white people are robe and hood carrying Klansman. Some black liberals might think that, but I digress. Furthermore, not all Jews are evil bankers trying to overthrow the Country. See? It goes both ways. Someone needs to tell Podhoretz to keep his damned bigotry towards Arabs to himself.

Also too; anyone who believes that Jews can be insulted like this, and can get away with it —- ought to have a nice long talk — with Rick Sanchez.

Just a thought.

Changes to the blog

As you can see, I have decided to forgo the whole “Blog in black” schtick and turn the lights back on around here. I am beginning to come out of my burn-out funk. I just felt like things were getting overly stupid and needed to take a bit of a break. Hopefully, on Monday, I will be able to get back to the writing in full steam here. besides that, the site is not making any money and I really need to make something here. As I am getting some complaints from “you know who…” so, I will be writing a bit more here.

What I will NOT do around here, is stuff like this and this here. I mean, how classless can you get? Threaten to quit, because people are not tossing money into your Tip Jar? That is so “white trash,” that it is not even funny. I have the donation stuff in my side bars and at the bottom of each post, if that is not good enough; then I just do not get any money. For the record, the only time I really honestly thought about quitting was when I was accused of being a Neo-Nazi by some people, who have now been vetted by Debbie Schlussel as being Jew-Haters themselves. The other time was when my former host started acting like complete a-holes. I did end political byline, my former blog, because the Iraq War was basically over and at the time; I did not have another host lined up and at the time, I did not have the cash to get hosting.

More than all of the above, is just the fact that I do not write for the money. I write, when I am in the mood to write; because I happen to love my Country and I am not pleased with what both of these political parties have done to us. I have been doing that since 2006 and I do not regret a minute of that time. When things were really bad, with the first blog; I just kept writing. For a good 2 or 3 years; I did not make squat, especially when I was on blogger. Back in 2006, when I was rooting for the “other team” on my blog “The Populist,”  I did not make hardly any money. I tend to believe that was because the “professional left” did not like me, because I was not on board with the “Gay rights” crowd or the “Baby killing” crowd. I did make a little bit with “Political Byline,” during the Tea Party era. I rode the wave, and then when the GOP started doing business as usual again., things fell off. But, I am here and I am still writing; because this is what I do. I would like it much more, if I got some sort of full time writing job or at least a contributor gig somewhere. But I am just grateful for the privilege to be doing this at all.

Life is what you make of it; you can make life to be the horrible thing or when life hands you lemons, you can make lemonade. It is all in how you view things. As for me, I am making Lemonade and selling for 5 cents a glass. Step right up, get your lemonade here!  😀


The latest on Sandra Fluck

I have not really blogged on this much; the kudos goes to this blogger for his fishing out the story on Sandra Fluck’s connections in the progressive movement.

Now the Democrats are crying antisemitism. Where were they when Alan Dershowitz was pointing out to everyone that Media Matters for America was antisemitic? These same democrats are now whining about privacy. The same people who dug up Joe the plumbers private records and exposed them.

Difference is, Joe’s info was private; this info on Fluck was ALL public info. Besides all that, this stupid woman put herself out there as some sort of victim; when in fact she is a professional activist and she got exposed. Boo hoo, crap happens. Take two mydol’s and call me in the morning.

Again, I love it when the left gets exposed like this. The hypocrisy is stunning.


In case you have not noticed; I am just not feeling it about this blog right now. Politics is in the silly season and I don’t do silly.

I mean, when you have a Goldman Sachs guy quitting his job and bitching about it, a conservative stalker gets his camera smacked and whines about it; vets flipping out over a flag and other such stuff.

I just wonder, how many of those vets voted for Obama?

Anyhow, I’m just incredibly jaded right now. Also too, considering my Tip Jar has not been rattled in a long while, I just do not feel that motivated to write. I guess maybe it is because I do not go around crying, “Poor me! I’m broke, Oh Boo Hoo!” I mean, the closest thing I have come to even remotely begging is this here or this here; and I never asked for anything. Oh, sure, I have the request and the buttons at the bottom of each posting and in the sidebars. But you don’t see me begging for money. It’s low-class, this is why I do not do that. Because the way I see it, I am taken care of, I have a support system, of sorts. Extra Cash is nice, but I believe in earning it, by my writing. Not by posting lame ass, “Please help me!” postings. Nobody wants to hear your silly sob stories, really. 🙄

The only thing I have asked for, is prayer; once when I thought that my parents were getting a divorce and when me and my Mom came to blows over something now, that seems quite dumb. I just do not believe in this moronic public whining about one’s personal issues. I could sit here and writing about every little thing that happens around here and how much I hate living here. But, I don’t. It’s called having class.

What gets me, is these gullible people, who are supposedly Conservative, will toss their money to some idiot, who’s friends with an idiot Neo-Nazi, but I sit here, and actually could use some help and yet, because I dared to tell that Neo-Nazi Weasel blogger that I was not going be used as a pawn in a blog; and I am the asshole and the pariah. Lovely. 🙄

So, anyhow; yeah, I am a pariah, and I am jaded. I just find the whole thing rather boring. I stand on principle and I get ignored. Way it is, I guess.

I’ll write again, when I am in the mood; which right now, I am not. 😡