#OWS does this sort of nonsense, yet wants my respect?

This is about the most sickening thing I have ever read:

Some 800 Occupy Wall Street protesters began the new year by trying to retake Zuccotti Park last night, starting a massive clash with police in which one officer was stabbed in the hand with a pair of scissors.

A suspect was arrested in the 11:30 p.m. incident, according to a law enforcement source.

Hundreds in the crowd of occupiers then surrounded the ambulance as it tried to leave with the wounded officer, the source said.

The officer, who was not identified, was taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition.

Shortly before midnight OWS protesters took to Twitter to proclaim their assault on Zuccotti — from which they were booted by cops in November.

“Barricades being torn down at liberty [Zuccotti] park,” they wrote. “Happy new years!!”

They later tweeted: “Big crowd at liberty square. We have taken back the park.”

Occupy Wall Street protests rings in New Year – NYPOST.com.

I think that this entire #OWS movement needs to rethink their idea of peaceful protest. I am an independent voter and find this sort of nonsense to be idiotic at best. I mean, I have been unemployed since 2005 and I do not support these people at all. Luckily, I took some Christmas money and am trying to get a small business off the ground. I basically feel about it like this, if I cannot find a job; I’ll try working for myself. Which is more than what these people are doing, that movement is not about protesting “fat cats” it is about protesting capitalism, which is in effect a socialist uprising.

Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit calls them the “Obama endorsed” protesters and rightfully so, Obama did say that he understood where they were coming from:

I just wonder, does he support cops being stabbed too?


The dumbest thing President Obama said in 2011

I have to give credit to this President; he might be a very smart man. Nerd However, some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth? Raised Eyebrow Not so much. Doh

Conservative Blog HotAir.com released their much anticipated “Obamateurism of the Year for 2011.”

Here is what the readers of that blog, which includes me; decided was the dumbest thing that President Obama said:

Just how much hubris and chutzpah is in a statement like this? Let me count the ways. Rolling Eyes

So, what have we gotten with Obama, since he took office? Let’s look.

These come via the Right Sphere:

Some items are not restricted to 2011 but all are since President Obama took office in January 2009. So without further ado:

10) – Golf Outings

President Obama played 32 rounds of gold in 2011, besting his previous record highs of 2010 and 2009. Not a big deal by itself and certainly he is as entitled to some relaxation just like the rest of us, but maybe he should consider just a little less time on the greens and a little more focused on real problems.

9) – Air Force One

President Obama has flown more miles on Air Force One than any previous president, at an average of $181,757 per hour. In 2010 alone, Obama used Air Force One 172 times. That’s a lot of mileage.

8 ) – Fast and Furious

Attorney General Eric Holder and the DOJ through the BATF put 2,000 guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartel members which have been used in more than 180 violent crimes including the murder of a US Government agent. There are still 1,400 unrecovered weapons floating around Mexico.

7) – Food Stamps

In January 2009 when Obama took office there we approximately 32,000,000 people collecting food stamps. As of August 2011 that number had swelled to approximately 46,000,000 people for an increase of 43.8% in less than 3 years. This is just one indicator of the failure of the liberal economic agenda.

6) – Regulatory Burden

Since January 2009 government regulations have added $38 billion in new costs. Total regulatory costs are now estimated at $1.75 trillion per year. In the same time period the enforcement workforce is up 13%, and enforcement budgets are up 16%.

5) – Personal Income

When Obama took office personal income was $12.1 trillion in January 2009, and has risen to $13.0 trillion as of November 2011. That’s a whopping 7.4% increase (not adjusted for inflation), if only the other economic numbers were held to such a low increase we’d actually be okay. Alas, they’re not.

4) – Unemployment

The U3 rate was 7.7% in January 2009, rose to 10.0% by year end 2009 and is now 8.6%, that’s an 11.7% increase, while the U6 was 10.4% in January 2009, rose to 17.3% by year end 2009 and is now 15.6%, for a 50.0% increase. Remember that stimulus plan that was going to cut unemployment by 1.5-2.0%. Oops.

3) – Deficit Spending

The liberal attitude toward spending has run completely unbridled under President Obama with an FY2009 deficit of $1.4 trillion, an FY2010 deficit of $1.3 trillion, an estimated deficit for FY2011 of $1.3 trillion and an estimated deficit for FY2012 of $1.1 trillion. As an added bonus, that 2012 estimate is already being acknowledged as considerably lower than the real numbers will be eventually.

2) – National Debt

When Obama took office the US Debt was $9.9 trillion and today, thanks to the deficit spending noted in #3, it is above $15.5 trillion and will hit $16.4 trillion by the end of September 2012. Liberal economists assured us that incurring new debt was essential to a recovery – but we have no recovery, only a 56.6% increase in the total debt. If only this was the same percentage increase as personal income we might be okay but it’s not and now we’re screwed.

1) – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Nothing needs to be said except Obamacare is nothing but a foundation on which to build a disaster of epic proportions and has already had large parts declared unconstitutional by the Courts.

So there you have it, our abbreviated list of things you can thank President Obama and the liberal intelligentsia for as we head into a new year. If only we could hope for better in 2012, but it’s just not in the cards. Unless fiscal sanity is restored, the welfare state is reduced and the size of government is trimmed we, regrettably, have little to look forward to in 2012.

Best President since JFK? Lincoln? FDR? According to whom? More like since or worse than, maybe Carter!

For what it is worth; and I really should not have to even mention this — But, because I know how black Liberals minds work — This has zero to do with skin color. I do not dislike Obama because he is black. In fact, I am very glad that America elected a black President. However, I dislike the man’s polices and it is proven fact that President Barack Obama has been a abysmal failure, not just to the business community, but to the general public as a whole and to the Country. The very people he played like a fiddle to get elected, are the same very one’s who are STILL suffering, even after his election.

So, this statement is, in fact, one of his worst; so much in fact, that the program that he gave this interview for, did not even broadcast it. But rather, put it on their website. Because they knew how horrible it sounded. It is pretty bad, when the very liberal media that went into the tank for this man, has to hide idiotic things he has said, all to protect him and his moronic image that everyone by now knows, is nothing more than a silly lie.

Happy New Year Mr. President — Keep the stupidity coming — I need the content. TongueWinkingBig Grin

Let’s not get carried away please

Listen, I stand for Israel as much as the next Conservative. But this article here, is borderline idiotic:

So Paul Krugman phoned in his periodic “Keynes Was Right” column today, arguing that the Obama Porkulus failed only because, like “true” Communism, it wasn’t tried vigorously or faithfully enough.

I wonder if Krugman also credits Keynes’s views on Jews, which British blogger Damian Thompson of The Telegraph brings to our attention.

via Keynes Was Right–About the Jews? | Power Line.

I mean, to make this sort of a comment to a man, who happens to be a liberal and Jewish, coming from another Jewish person is about the worst backhanded insult ever.

Now this point here, I will not contest:

Anti-Semitism used to be a property of the Right, yet it’s worth pointing out that today many of the intellectual heroes of the right are Jews, such as Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, etc., or that anti-Semitism has become almost wholly the province of the Left today.

I got news for Mr. Hayward; it is still a property of the right. Ron Paul is a perfect example. Although it is far to point out that Ron Paul’s faction of the Republican Party is a very small one. One that believes in “Limited Freedom” for those who are White and Christian only. Although, to be fair, Rick Santorum basically feels the same way; the whole extremist Christian bigot.

My overall point here is this; we should be very careful about dropping the Anti-Semite flag during a political football game. It hurts those who are innocent of said charges. Just ask me.

Others: Wizbang, Ed Driscoll


Why do people do stupid stuff like this?

Proving once again that not everyone that believes in freedom of speech is always brilliant.


Nathan Shafer – A reasonable guy, when he is not threatening public officials!


COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) – A South Carolina man is accused of threatening the life of Gov. Nikki Haley on Facebook, but he claims he was only making a point about free speech.

When 26-year-old Nathan Shafer heard about the arrests of 19 Occupy Columbia members outside the State House last Wednesday, he did what lots of people do when they get angry — he vented about it on the Internet. He saw Gov. Haley’s Facebook post about the arrests and Haley’s comment that she “appreciate[s] freedom of speech,” and that’s when authorities say Shafer crossed the line.

“I hope someone murders you before I do,” Shafer said he commented on the post. “How’s that for freedom of speech?”

The next day, Shafer says two State Law Enforcement Division agents visited him in Charlotte to discuss the comment. Shafer says he retracted and deleted his statement, promised he wasn’t serious and apologized to the Haley family.

Still, Shafer says SLED agents called him again on Tuesday and told him he’ll be prosecuted for the alleged threat. Shafer turned himself in at noon on Wednesday at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.

“I just think the whole situation is completely ridiculous and blown out of proportion,” Shafer wrote shortly before his arrest.

Threatening to kill someone, on a public Facebook Page, is NOT what I would consider reasonable.

Yeah, he was making a point; his point got him landed in jail too; where he’ll be feeling the point of some gay man’s penis in his rectum. (Sorry to be graphic, but I was….heh…making a point! Nyah-Nyah)

Special Comment: Explaining my lack of writing

I do not know quite how to start this, so I will just write. People like me, who have Attention Deficit Disorder, tend to shun things that disinterest them. Right now politics is very high on that list. My friends, I am just going to be brutally honest. I am not impressed at all, with any of these candidates. They might have some honest intentions, but right now, the Republican Party looks like a silly freak show.

Honestly, does the Republican National Committee believe that any of these people have a snowballs chance in hell of beating the current President? Let me be blunt, No, none of them do, at all. I mean, look at what we have here; we have a wide-eyed girl from Minnesota, who looks like an escapee from a shrieking harpy PTA club. We have a flip-flopping Mormon Moron, who wrote the foundation for Obamacare. We have a one-man minstrel show, whom, on his good days; makes the entire black race look like the buffoons that people like David Duke say that they actually are. You have a serial philanderer, who, like the 43 President of the United States, wants to keep America at perpetual state of war. You have a Roman Catholic, who is an utter bigot and a terminal a-hole, which should not even be in politics, much less a Father to those children that he has. You also have a senile old isolationist, who also happens to be an anti-Semite and a racist bigot.

Oh, there are others too; but these are the ones, that anyone remotely gives a remote care about; and frankly, they all stink. Folks, if this is the best that the Republican Party can do, we as a nation are freaking screwed. What will happen is this; the GOP will select the most moderate candidate that they can pick; most likely Romney, and that person will run against Obama and lose, just as McCain did. The Republican Party and the Conservatives who vote for that party have been pining for a Ronald Reagan type and sorry; there just is not one in this fold at all.

Ronald Reagan is dead, his type of Conservatism that lead the GOP to victory in the 1980’s is dead and is now replaced with this idiot tripe that the Republican Party is now pimping out to its people as Conservatism. Ronald Reagan struck the right balance and set the right tone; and was able to win his own base and the moderates in the Democratic Party and much of the independents as well. Aside from the lone senile isolationist, the rest of these idiots who are running are running on a divisive platform that will do nothing to unite the Country, and are running on a “God Mandate” political agenda. I am a Christian and I am a Conservative, but these people who seem to believe that they are on a mission from their supposed gods to defeat the President of the United States in an election worry me very much so. Religion and politics just do not mix, and the very wrong-headed “God and Country” movement of the 1980’s was living proof of that.

Frankly, folks, I am just darned bored of it all; politics, especially on the right, has turned into a freak show anymore and I just really am not into it anymore.

By the way —-Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families, from mine.

Rich White Honkey Michael Moore lives it up

While the “99%” Blacks, Latinos — and yes, poor white people protest in the streets.

Photos via Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood:

Big Hollywood says:

The fact is that Moore is so wealthy that he does not need to worry about his income. According to public tax records, Moore owns a massive vacation home on Torch Lake, Michigan–one of the most elite communities in the United States–in addition to his posh Manhattan residence.

Through an independent source, Big Hollywood has obtained exclusive photographs of the house matching the address of Moore’s waterfront mansion. It is the kind of luxurious summer home that 99 percent of Americans can only dream of owning.


Property values on Torch Lake, according to one real estate website, range “from $400,000 to plus $3 million.”

Moore’s property has been officially assessed at close to $1 million (see below; we have redacted Moore’s addresses and parcel number). That is likely a gross underestimate, but nevertheless places Moore’s vacation home near the top one percent of home values in affluent Forest Home Township, and among the upper crust of residential properties in the state of Michigan. (Update 11/11/11: Several readers have pointed out that in Michigan, the S.E.V. is half the estimated fair market value of the home, so Moore’s Torch Lake vacation home is likely worth close to $2 million.)

In addition, according to statistics from 2009, Forest Home Township has no black residents. The township is roughly 98 percent white. Call that 99 percent, and Moore’s claim to be among “the 99 percent” begins to have some basis in reality.

No one begrudges Moore his wealth, but it is deceitful for him to claim poverty while encouraging class warfare among other Americans. It is also purely narcissistic and selfish for Moore to back radical and destructive socialist policies that would deny other Americans the opportunity to become as rich as he is.

More photos on Moore’s home:

Below are some additional photographs of Moore’s vacation home in Torch Lake. The first shows the front entrance to the property; we have decided not to include a photograph of Moore’s mailbox, which features an address matching the one on the property assessment. The second and third photographs show alternate perspectives of Moore’s home and property when viewed from Torch Lake.

I can really see what Andrew is driving at here; why claim to be of the 99%, when you are not even in the same ballpark as them. Besides all that; and I think I’ll share this, it comes via Wikipedia:

After dropping out of the University of Michigan–Flint following his freshman year (where he wrote for the student newspaper The Michigan Times), Moore worked at the local Buick plant.[18] At 22 he founded the alternative weekly magazine The Flint Voice, which soon changed its name to The Michigan Voice as it expanded to cover the entire state. In 1986, when Moore became the editor of Mother Jones, a liberal political magazine, he moved to California and The Michigan Voice was shut down.

After four months at Mother Jones, Moore was fired. Matt Labash of The Weekly Standard reported this was for refusing to print an article by Paul Berman that was critical of the Sandinista human rights record in Nicaragua.[19] Moore refused to run the article, believing it to be inaccurate. “The article was flatly wrong and the worst kind of patronizing bullshit. You would scarcely know from it that the United States had been at war with Nicaragua for the last five years.”[20] Moore believes that Mother Jones fired him because of the publisher’s refusal to allow him to cover a story on the GM plant closings in his hometown of Flint, Michigan. He responded by putting laid-off GM worker Ben Hamper (who was also writing for the same magazine at the time) on the magazine’s cover, leading to his termination. Moore sued for wrongful dismissal, and settled out of court for $58,000, providing him with seed money for his first film, Roger & Me.[21]


That is right kiddies, Michael Moore started making movies and got famous for disobeying his bosses and suing his employer. Disappointed smile 

I will also tell you this; I am in constant contact with and am friends with a retired UAW President from Flint, I will not publish his name, but every time he speaks of Michael Moore, he does not have much good to say about him at all.

So, to the liberals who read this blog, remember this, when you are out there protesting against all that wealth; better yet, find out where Michael Moore lives, and go protest at his house. Shifty

Others: Don Surber, Weasel Zippers, nation.foxnews.com and Michelle Malkin

Two reasons why I will never vote Democrat ever again

When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke; turns out, it is not.

The first is from Sean Hannity’s radio show:


Audio verbate: Senator Rand Paul (KY) on the Sean Hannity radio show Nov. 9, 2011:
P:Sean can I make it up to you by giving you a scoop, that maybe people don’t know yet?

S: Yeah what you got it
P: I have news straight from sources close to the SuperCommittee that the Democrats have walked away from the table and they’re refusing to talk to the Republicans about a deal and they will not counter any offers and basically there’s an impass and it’s starting to look like they don’t want any deal at all.
S: This was all being telegraphed by Chuck Shcumer yesterday, I am sure you saw it on TV
S: They want to say that because Republicans will not raise taxes they are rigid. THat we are not going to have a deal on teh economy.I think the democrats are just gonna be happy gutting the defense department, which is part of this deal.
P: And the truth is quite the opposite the republicans have offered tax reform that lowers tax rates and closes loopholes.The president talks about millionaires not paying their taxes, we are trying to close some loopholes, but we want to be part of tax reform. We have offered a serious credible offer, but bascially they have walked away from the table.

The second one is even worse…

This one comes via Real Clear Politics: (H/T to HotAir Headlines)
The transcript and story:

“Countdown” contributor Markos Moulitsas critiques the press conference Herman Cain held to explain the sexual harassment charges against him. Comparing Cain’s handling of this scandal to Obama’s response to the Rev. Wright situation in 2007, Moulitsas says, “The way [Obama] responded to it with his race speech was presidential material. You looked at that and thought, ‘Okay, he can handle a crisis.’ Now you look at Herman Cain and you’re a Republican – you say, ‘Can he handle a crisis?’ He’s hiding behind his lawyer. I don’t think that really bodes very well for him.”
Moulitsas: What really worries me is that you’re starting to see signs from social conservatives, who are starting to say ‘ugh, maybe this guy isn’t the kind of guy we want to nominate.'” And, if I’m a conservative, that’s the part that’s going to bother me, because if I am conservative I think sexual harassment is no big deal. That’s why I’m not a conservative.

It is because of stuff like this here; is why I left, “The Left.” This goes well beyond politics, this is just straight up partisan nastiness. My answer to this is, I suppose Anthony Weiner was a choir boy? Of course, the liberal left claims he was set up, which is, of course, wrong. However, I wanted to point this out; it is the absolute alternative reality that these idiots live in, is why I left that part and that mindset.

I mean, do not get me wrong; I am all for helping the poor and am all for maintaining some sort of middle class — but this sort of stupidity right here is not what I call helping anyone or anything at all. It simply makes the liberal left in this Country look like the utter mindless fools, that truth be told, they really have become in the last 30 years. Anyone with any semblance of a brain would know that this sort of nonsense would have never, ever flown 30 years ago.  However, in this day of age of anything goes, this sort of thing is permitted; which is why I no longer vote for that party.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The PJ Tatler, Business Insider and Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Detroit is going broke

This is not a story that I enjoy writing; in fact it saddens me to even have to write it.

Via Reuters:

(Reuters) – Detroit is in “extremely serious financial condition,” as it is projected to run out of cash next year and must take action to avoid a state takeover, Mayor Dave Bing said on Thursday.
Michigan’s largest city is facing a projected cash shortage of about $150 million by the end of March, a statement from his office said.

To avoid having a state-appointed emergency financial manager, the city needs to address pension and healthcare costs and “inefficient services” such as transportation and lighting, while labor union contracts need to be renegotiated before their expiration next June, the statement said.

“City government has to live within its means,” Bing said in the statement. “Continuing to do business the same way is not an option, given our extremely serious financial condition. The last thing I want is for Detroit to be run by an emergency financial manager, whether it’s me or someone else.”

The question that everyone wants to know the answer to is this; what happened to Detroit?
The answer to that question is not an easy answer.  The troubles in Detroit, Michigan were decades in the making and will most likely take decades to fix.  Detroit troubles are plenty and they are complex.  I will try to rattle off a few:
Detroit’s troubles were brought on by the flight of the white population from the city after the riots in 1967 — A riot that was sparked by the way, by a rumor, which turned out to be a bald-faced lie.  The police in Detroit, who happened to be white, where simply doing their jobs, when they raided a “Blind-Pig,” that was being operated by group of black criminals within the city.  The rumor was that the Detroit Police shot and killed a man, while he was handcuffed, face down on the pavement; again, this was a complete lie, that was started by leftist radicals in the city, who resented the white police and the White Democratic Party Government in the city of Detroit.  This sparked a riot, which targeted business owners; which caused the White, Jewish and other non-black minority residents to seek housing elsewhere — namely in the southern and northern suburbs of Detroit.  This event was referred to as the “White Flight” of Detroit.  What was Detroit’s mentality about this massive exodus — This: “We don’t want them crackers and diamond dealers living around us no way” and thus the decline of Detroit in the form of loss of tax dollars in the city of Detroit.
Detroit’s troubles were brought on by the onset of the globalists who wished to make a quick buck at the expense of the American Worker and more specifically the Detroit Automotive Worker. 
Detroit’s troubles were brought on by the North American Free Trade Agreement that was passed by the Clinton Administration in the 1990’s.  This not only weakened the Unions ability to collectively bargain with any sort of force; but it also put the American Auto Companies at a disadvantage too.  Detroit auto companies just cannot build autos as cheap as foreign companies can; this is because we have labor laws here in America that prevents the exploitation of workers.
Detroit’s troubles were brought on by the private sector unions who fought for more and more of the piece of the pie, which rendered the American auto companies unable to compete with the foreign auto companies.
Detroit’s troubles were brought on by the public sector unions which demands grew more and more unreasonable by the year; which drank the city dry of any ability to maintain any sort of profitability.
Detroit’s troubles are the result of a progressive mentality, which says, “I am entitled” to this and that, and a mentality of anti-white hatred; that somehow the White man, which founded Detroit was somehow inherently evil and must be destroyed.  What I just described to you is the core belief system of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton — and maybe President Obama — But I digress.
All of that up there is a whole bunch to unpack, it is a mental conditioning, that starts when one is very young, and it is not something that can be ripped out overnight, not without riots breaking out.  However, it can be done reasonably and without a lot of pain and suffering; but it can be done.
The important question to ask is; will Detroit be able to survive long enough for these things to be unpacked?

Is there anymore proof needed that President Obama is NOT a Christian?

I mean, good grief; how much more plainer should he get about it?

From The Hill:

President Obama invoked God on Wednesday as he criticized Congress for voting on commemorative coins and a resolution reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the national motto in all public buildings, public schools and other government institutions.

“That’s not putting people back to work,” Obama said. “I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people to work.” 

Obama called on Congress to approve his jobs package.

“There’s no excuse for 100 percent of Washington Republicans to say no,” Obama said. “That means Republicans in Washington are out of touch with Republican voters.”

Obama continued: “The American people are with me on this.”

The House on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved a measure reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the national motto. The resolution was supported by all House Democratic leaders, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.). It attracted only nine “no” votes, eight from Democrats. The only Republican who opposed it was freshman Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.). Two Democrats, Reps. Keith Ellison (Minn.) and Mel Watt (N.C.), voted “present.”

Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.), the sponsor of the measure, said the resolution is necessary to remind Obama and other public officials who forget the motto, whether intentionally or not.

“Unfortunately, there are a number of public officials who forget what the national motto is, whether intentionally or unintentionally,” Forbes said Tuesday. “There are those who become confused as to whether or not it can still be placed on our buildings, whether it can be placed in our school classrooms.”

Anyone who speaks of the Almighty God in this manner, has zero business being in the White House. Remember this come the 2012 election.