Another good reason why I am not happy with President Donald Trump

Is this nutty idea that The President should be able to cancel the broadcast licenses of those in the press that he disagrees with. This is crazy talk and smacks of Hitler.

Here’s a snippet of the story and commentary from

Yet, there are also plenty of conservatives and libertarian who have criticized Trump for his attack on the MSM. AP and Ed both wrote Trump was wrong in his challenge to the First Amendment. Katherine Timpf at National Review went even further, (correctly) using the “f-word,” as in fascism, in her condemnation.

Let me be clear: Calling for government control of the media is not a conservative view; it’s a fascist one. You’re fine to think that the government should control the media; you’re fine to espouse it — thanks, of course, to the First Amendment that you’re apparently totally fine with jeopardizing — but please understand that this idea is not compatible with conservative, or even traditionally American, values.

There’s no doubt the MSM has raised the dander of conservatives and libertarians, and for good reason. The newscaster plenty of people cite as an example of fair news, Walter Cronkite, wasn’t fair at all. Douglas Brinkley’s book Cronkite, written with participation from the ex-CBS News anchor’s family, showed Cronkite wasn’t biased, especially to Barry Goldwater. There’s also the stupidity of Dan Rather, who pushed the idea ex-President George W. Bush figured out a way to skip out on his service in the National Guard.

These are examples of biased press, and should cause people pause. It’s totally okay if someone decides to find another source for a story because it was written by an outlet which may or may not give someone a fair shot. That’s up to individuals, not the government. Yet, biased press is very much protected by the First Amendment. In fact, biased press is free press, whether it makes conservatives, libertarians, liberals, or socialists happy or furious. Federalists and Anti-Federalists used the press to put out their opinions on whether the Constitution should be approved. Jeffersonians used the press to get their viewpoints out to the masses.

It’s also important to remember it’s not just “conservatives” who have had issues with the press. California Senator Dianne Feinstein suggested only “real reporters” deserved to be protected in a 2013 media shield law (which should just be the First Amendment, but I digress). Her amendment thankfully failed.

But it shows both parties have issues with outlets which don’t give them favorable press, and there are politicians in both parties who want to see the press restricted. All political ideologies, especially those who believe in freedom and liberty, should reject this wholeheartedly.

If President Donald Trump thinks that he can control the media; he is very highly mistaken. I voted for this man; to tackle trade, secure the boarder and straighten out our fiscal mess. I did NOT vote for a fascist. This whole idea smacks of the German Nazi nonsense of the 1940’s and it needs to be stood up to and stopped.

This is America and here, we do not control the press, ever. End of Discussion.


Nixon 2.0?

I realize that I have not been posting here much at all. My Dad has been in the hospital. Dad went in on the 18’th of this month with chest pains and difficulty breathing. He spent 14 days on a ventilator and had a tracheotomy. Dad is still in the hospital and is supposed to be moved today to another hospital with a rehab center in it, to ween him off of the breathing machine and the trach tube. It’s going to be a rough road for the man; please pray for him. Oh and by the way, smoking sucks! As does diabetes.

So, I have been busy with that and with my gaming channel on YouTube, which has been really taking off as of late. So, I have been busy elsewhere. Plus too, Politics here as of late, has gotten silly, really silly and my interest has waned a bit. But, this news here made me perk up a bit.

I am referring to the Nixonian firing of FBI director James Comey. Now, Nixon’s people say it is not the same. Sorry, but this smacks of Nixon. An investigation that is getting too close to the President and he fires the person in charge of it. Same deal, different department.

Now, as someone who voted for the President, I will simply say this. If this was a firing to coverup wrongdoing by the President; it will come out in the wash. (So to speak…) I have never been loyal to a political party or person. I simply voted issues and if there has been wrongdoing by this President, by all means, let there be an investigation and not one hampered by partisan politics either.

Now, there are some on the left, maybe all of them? Also some on the right too; who are screaming, “Cover up!” Well, to that I simply say, let the investigators do their jobs and get to the facts.

Trump takes the bait of the race-baiting left

Donald Trump is about to learn the price of taking the bait of the race-baiters of the left.

So, what happened is that John Lewis, a partisan and professional race-baiter, said that he did not feel that Donald Trump’s winning the election of 2016 was in his words, “Legit”.

Well, Trump was having none of this:

Now, based upon the reaction of the leftist media, you would have thought that President-elect Trump donned a Klan uniform and burned a cross on the White House lawn. But, he didn’t. He basically told Lewis to clean up his own backyard, before criticizing him.

President-elect Donald Trump is about to learn a cold, hard lesson in Washington politics, when it comes to race. There are scared cows that you do not tip, and John Lewis is one of them. In fact, half of the Democratic in D.C. won’t be there for his swearing-in.

It is sad really, and it is an example of how bad politics in this century has become.

Others, your mileage may vary:  New York Times, ThinkProgress, Common Dreams, No More Mister Nice Blog, Balloon Juice, Political Insider blog, Lawyers, Guns & Money, TheBlaze,, Mediaite, New Century Times, BizPac Review, The Daily Caller, The Week,, Talking Points Memo, Politico and NBC News, ThinkProgress, NBC News, Political Insider blog, Politicus USA,, The Hill, BizPac Review, The Week and, Vox, New Century Times, Talking Points Memo, CBS New York, TheBlaze, Shareblue, CNBC, Politicus USA, Raw Story, Gothamist, The Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller, Occidental Dissent and Washington Times, Hot Air, NPR, Jamie Dupree and The Ring of Fire Network, New York Times, Mashable, BizPac Review and Occidental Dissent

One thing that bothers me about Trump

While looking at this article here, I happened to have stumble upon this video. Yes, this does bother me about our next President.

The video:

Perhaps this man is correct:

Olbermann’s bombast and personality aside….the next 8 years and yes, there will be 8 years; are going to be very interesting. I haven’t started regretting my vote yet…. But, I am going to be watching….very closely.

National Review actually says something nice about Donald Trump

Well, this is different….:

For all his known vulnerabilities, Trump has often proven to be a highly effective operator when he focuses on getting what he wants. That’s exactly what worries left-wing groups and Democrats. Having underestimated him for so long, they now fear he won’t easily be forced to slow down or change course as he moves to overturn their agenda. – Source: Trump Moves Right, Pleasing Conservatives, Alarming Democrats | National Review

This is coming from a political rag that had zero, zilch, Nada, nothing to say about Donald Trump during the election. As far as his “known vulnerabilities”, the one he has is that he does not have his nose stuck up the butt of the neocon Republican establishment.

As far as Donald Trump is concerned; the proof is in the pudding. I am taking a wait and see approach to him, just like I did President Obama. If things change, I will have nothing bad to say about him. If they do not, I will criticize him, just like I did Obama. Talk is cheap. I want action, and so far, I have not seen anything great out of Trump; just a bunch of talk.

Others: Shot in the Dark


Trump is screwing it up all ready!

This little tidbit comes via Jack Hunter on twitter:

This comes via The Intercept:

Donald Trump named former CIA director and extremist neoconservative James Woolsey his senior adviser on national security issues on Monday. Woolsey, who left the CIA in 1995, went on to become one of Washington’s most outspoken promoters of U.S. war in Iraq and the Middle East.

As such, Woolsey’s selection either clashes with Trump’s noninterventionist rhetoric — or represents a pivot towards a more muscular, neoconservative approach to resolving international conflicts.

Trump has called the Iraq War “a disaster.”

Woolsey, by contrast, was a key member of the Project for the New American Century — a neoconservative think tank largely founded to encourage a second war with Iraq. Woolsey signed a letter in 1998 calling on Clinton to depose Saddam Hussein and only hours after the 9/11 attacks appeared on CNN and blamed the attacks on Iraq. Woolsey has continued to insist on such a connection despite the complete lack of evidence to support his argument. He also blames Iran.

Weeks before the invasion of Iraq, Woolsey called for broader war in the Middle East, saying “World War IV” was already underway.

Woolsey has also put himself in a position to profit from the wars he has promoted. He has served as vice president of Pentagon contracting giant Booz Allen, and as chairman of Paladin Capital Group, a private equity fund that invests in national security and cybersecurity.

He chairs the leadership council at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a hawkish national security nonprofit, and is a venture partner with Lux Capital Management, which invests in emerging technologies like drones, satellite imaging, and artificial intelligence.

Woolsey went on CNN on Monday and said that he was principally motivated to support Trump because of his plans to expand U.S. military spending.

Trump gave a speech last week in which he proposed dramatic expansions of the Army and Marines, and hundred-billion-dollar weapons systems for the Navy and Air Force. He offered no justification — aside from citing a few officials who claimed they wanted more firepower.

Woolsey stood by Trump’s proposal on Monday.

“I think the problem is her budget,” Woolsey said of Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton. “She is spending so much money on domestic programs — including ones that we don’t even have now, and the ones we have now are underfunded — I think there can be very little room for the improvements in defense and intelligence that have to be made.”

Woolsey has previously called for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to be “hanged by the neck until he’s dead, rather than merely electrocuted.”

In the past, Woolsey has publicly disagreed with Trump on a number of national security issues — including Trump’s plan to ban Muslim immigration. On Monday, Woolsey told CNN that such a plan would raise First Amendment issues, but that he supported a temporary immigration block from certain Muslim countries.

Thus far, at least, most prominent war hawks have found they had more in common with Clinton than Trump. “I would say all Republican foreign policy professionals are anti-Trump,” leading neoconservative Robert Kagan told a group in July.


This does not look good folks. If Trump pulls, what I think he is about to pull; it will be seen as the biggest batrayal of those who supported him, like me. The bastards got to him, I bet and now, he is caving. I knew it would happen. I just did not know when.

Sorry to quote it all. But, man, this sucks. 😡

Some thoughts on Donald Trump’s win

There’s a post title I never thought that I would actually write.

First off, let me say this: I think it was absolutely unprofessional, ungraceful, uncouth and downright spiteful — of Hillary Rodham Clinton to not come out and address her supporters and basically tell them that she was going to lose. 

In fact, I don’t even look for her to call her supporters back to that hotel. But rather, I look for her to do a short press conference giving a concession speech and look for her to disappear off the world stage for a very long time.

I think one of the biggest mistakes that the liberal media made, as well as the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign is that they were stupid enough to actually think that the American people were not actually listening to what Donald Trump was saying. But rather focusing on the media sideshow that followed him around. This was a serious miscalculation on the entire left” part.

I believe also that the Democrat Grassroots was suffering from what I like to call Post Obama depression. Basically the Democrat Party counted on the black vote and Latino vote to propel Hillary Clinton into the White House and that simply did not happen this time around and I believe it’s because Black America felt like they had been let down by President Obama and they felt that this black guy did nothing for us; that this white woman sure as hell wasn’t going to do it either. 

Also happen to know that in 2008 a lot of Libertarians and independents and other such type of people, who normally didn’t vote Democrat, did just that; because either they didn’t like John McCain or they had this idea that a black president was a wonderful novelty… that didn’t happen this time.

I think another reason why Clinton lost was just simply the fact that a lot of people saw Clinton as a retread of the 1990s and not to mention the fact that she had alot of scandals following her around and doging her candidacy.

I think the two big things that deep-sixed her candidacy for president, was when she referred to Trump supporters as a basket full of ddeplorable and when James Comey made the announcement that he made about the investigation. Those two things ruined her chances of winning.

9 days before the election

I really know that I have just not been writing here as of late. I am really just not into politics, like I was. This election is nothing more than a glorified clown show! I just not sure who is the bigger clown. 

So, I have decided to at least run down what is happening 9 days away from the election.

The rest you can read at I am just not interested in spending that much energy blogging about silly stuff…. These are going to be the longest 9 days…..ever. I don't know smile

Exclusive Video: Trump Must Go

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I have given this one much thought this morning. After reading all the news articles, I have decided to put this video out. I just hope someone in the Trump campaign sees it. I will vote for him, as I said in the video; if he is still on the ticket in November. But, at this point, I just do not see a Trump win.

This could be problematic for Donald Trump

Good morning from Detroit, it’s 4:28 a.m. and my body clock has been turning somersaults as of late. So, I am up rather early. Hopefully, I get this straightened out.

Memeorandum, which is a pretty cool site and a good tool for bloggers; is reporting this morning that a bunch of woman are reporting that Donald Trump did some pretty bad stuff to them.

This, my friends, is problematic. There is a third rail in politics and that is sexual abuse, of any sort. Both parties are that way, and if you hit that rail, you will end up without a political career. This is nothing new, it has been this way for many, many decades.

Even Pat Buchanan, who is a very sane voice in the conservative movement and one of Trump’s biggest supporters; is beginning to concede that Trump’s path to the White House might be drying up, speaking on this very subject, he says:

Trump exposed the fraudulence of the Clintons’ clucking concern for sexually abused women, brought Pence back into camp, turned the tables and changed the subject from the Trump tapes to the Trump triumph at Washington University.

Upshot: The Donald is alive.

While his path to 270 electoral votes still looks more than problematic, there is a month to go before the election, and anything can happen.

Indeed, it already has — many times.

Indeed, it is a month out, and anything can happen; it is not looking good from the realist standpoint. That being said, I am still voting for him; because I cannot, in good conscience, vote for that dreadful woman. I would be going against everything I know to be right, to do so.

Others, from both sides politically: Vox, Slate, Politico, Power Line, The Hill, Washington Post, USA Today, The Last Refuge, The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit, Political Wire, Daily Kos, CBS Miami, Mediaite, WCTX-TV, Media Matters for America, The Moderate Voice, France 24, The Root, Independent Journal Review, Mother Jones, ThinkProgress, BuzzFeed, Occupy Democrats, KTLA, Politicus USA, Reuters, Raw Story, NBC News, Hit & Run, The Week, Law News, Hot Air, Talking Points Memo, NPR, New York Magazine, CBS New York, Mashable, The Right Scoop,, Balloon Juice, Business Insider, AOL, The New Civil Rights Movement, Guardian, RedState, Little Green Footballs, TVNewser, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Patterico’s Pontifications, Jezebel and The Resurgent, The Moderate Voice, RedState, The Week, Politico, Vox, Independent Journal Review, Guardian, Media Matters for America, AOL, Daily Kos, Occupy Democrats, BuzzFeed, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, New York Magazine, The Atlantic, Political Wire, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Jezebel, more at Mediagazer », Vox, Politico, Business Insider, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Washington Post, Occupy Democrats,, Media Matters for America, Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, Mediaite, RedState, Suburban Guerrilla …, Politicus USA, New York Magazine and Gothamist