One very good article on gun “control”

I very highly recommend that you read this one:

A pretty, young, auburn-haired woman – mid-20s – drove down a lonely country road somewhere in Oklahoma. Appearing in her rearview mirror, at the back windshield, were two menacing orbs of light floating amid ashen dusk. The guttural roar of a souped-up big block shook the tiny Volkswagen Rabbit as a van-load of inbred thugs lurched left and drew alongside her. A ponytailed passenger taunted inaudibly and blew foul kisses between crude hand gestures. He pointed for her to pull over as the van repeatedly swerved dangerously close.

Inside the car a man, asleep in the reclining passenger seat, was startled awake by the commotion. He rose and darted his head about, calmly assessing the situation. This only spurred the evil-bent goons. As they ramped-up efforts to run the car off the road, the man reached in the glove box, withdrew a military-grade, semi-automatic handgun – an “assault weapon,” if you will – and, with intentionality and great theatre, leaned across his young bride, pointing the gun out the open bay and directly between dirt bag’s booze-flushed eyes.

Van vanished amid a plume of gray smoke as wheels locked, tires screeched and “assault vehicle” fishtailed – jerking to a halt with taillights aglow skyward from the ditch.

Not a shot was fired.

via Civil War’s A-Brewin’ – Matt Barber – [page].

Go read the rest of that one. I highly recommend it. 😀

Video: James Yeager tries to take something bad and make it into something positive!

I have to give James Yeager credit, he is trying his darndest to turn this potential problem in a positive thing. Hopefully, the authorities in TN will see this and give him his gun permit back.  I also want to say, I fully understand where Mr. Yeager is coming from; with all the myths that going around, about what happened at Sandy Hook.  It is enough make anyone, especially those who support the Second Amendment and gun ownership very angry.

Here’s two video of James Yeager, one of him being interviewed and one of him interviewing an attorney:

Hang in there James! We are with you buddy! Make this into something positive. Good job! 😀


State of Tennessee suspends James Yeager’s gun permit

I think this was a smart move, because this guy really did something very stupid. Even though, he did back it up a bit. It still did send a bit of a scary message.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.- Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has suspended the handgun carry permit of a local man who threatened to “start killing people” to protect his Second Amendment right.

In a statement released Friday officials said they had suspended the handgun carry permit of James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response based on “material likelihood of risk of harm to the public”.

On Thursday, a video of Yeager angrily claiming he would “start killing people” if President Barack Obama moved forward with gun control measures began to go viral on the internet.

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately. We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.

via State Suspends Permit Of Man In Gun Control Rage Video – | Nashville News, Weather & Sports.

Again, I think it was a smart move; I think he should meet with Law Enforcement and show that he is not some sort of loon and then get his permit back.

Now another thing that I feel the need to bring up, being that I am a white person and all. Is that the fact that one blogger out there; is accusing James Yeager of getting a slap on the wrist for being white. I have one question, you race-baiting twit —- are you serious? You got your black progressive President; what the hell else do you really want, white people in chains? That is what your feckless leader screwy Louie Farrakhan would want! You sound just like him too. I though that the election of Barack Obama was going to end the all of this racial-based politics? I guess not. 🙄

That right up there, is why I am not a huge fan of the Democratic Party; no, not because I hate black people. But because of the stupid racial based politics, and the identity politics that goes on in that party, all the time. Way I see it, that stuff happened over 300 years ago and Abe Lincoln ended slavery and in 1964, blacks were liberated everywhere. So, the way I see it, they need to get over it and move on and quite acting we white people are still putting them in chains.

Now, to be fair; that same stuff goes on in the Republican Party. It goes on with the Jews. I mean, that stuff happened 70 years ago, and yet, we still have people make a cottage industry over it and White Anglo-Saxon protestants, like myself, are still being prosecuted, because we will not kiss the ass of the neoconservative right in this Country. (See Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan) and some people, who dare to speak the truth are losing their jobs. (See Rich Sanchez)

It is sick, it needs to stop and we need to move on as a Country. But, as long as there are people getting rich on this sort of thing; it will continue. It is tragic, but it is, what it is.

Others: Talking Points MemoNo More Mister Nice,ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKESThe Impolitic,The Immoral Minority

It must be nice….

Looks like David Gregory of MSNBC will not be charged with a crime for displaying a high-capacity magazine on TV. William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has the scoop:

Just released by D.C. Attorney General there will be no prosecution of David Gregory despite a finding that there was a clear violation of the law (emphasis mine):

Having carefully reviewed all of the facts and circumstances of this matter, as it does in every case involving firearms-related offenses or any other potential violation of D.C. law within our criminal jurisdiction, OAG has determined to exercise its prosecutorial discretion to decline to bring criminal charges against Mr. Gregory, who has no criminal record, or any other NBC employee based on the events associated with the December 23,2012 broadcast. OAG has made this determination, despite the clarity of the violation of this important law, because under all of the circumstances here a prosecution would not promote public safety in the District of Columbia nor serve the best interests of the people of the District to whom this office owes its trust.  Influencing our judgment in this case, among other things, is our recognition that the intent of the temporary possession and short display of the magazine was to promote the First Amendment purpose of informing an ongoing public debate about firearms policy in the United States, especially while this subject was foremost in the minds of the public following the previously mentioned events in Connecticut and the President’s speech to the nation about them. There were, however, other legal means available to demonstrate the point and to pursue this line of questioning with the guest that were suggested to NBC and that could have and should have been pursued.

OAG also appreciates that the magazine was immediately returned to the source that NBC understood to be its lawful owner outside of the District and that the magazine in question, with NBC’s assistance, has been surrendered to MPD. OAG also recognizes the cooperation NBC has provided in the investigation of this matter.

Proving that if you rich, white, liberal and you happen to be friends with the DC attorney general; you can pretty much do what you darned well please.

Unbelievable. 🙄 Whatever happened to rule of law? Whatever happened to the justice system in this Country? …and they wonder why people go on these shooting sprees because they are simply pissed off at the Government?

Others: Outside the BeltwayErik WempleAmerican PowerNewsBusters.orgThe Gateway Pundit,MediaitePower LineWashington Times and The Daily Caller (Via Memeorandum)

James Yeager puts it in reverse

Remember my angry friend, who wanted to kill everyone? He has had a change of heart: (Via TPM) (LANGUAGE!)

Also too, James? If you do not want people embedding your videos or “stealing them” as you call it. Then don’t share your videos on a public video sharing site like YouTube, you dip wad! 😆 Furthermore, you say you don’t need the criticism  then why did you post a video like that on YouTube? I know why! Because you wanted the attention! Now you got it. Enjoy it, relish in it, be on the lookout for the FBI; but enjoy your 15 minutes. It will be good for business, assuming you own the shop.

Others: Alan Colmes

ANGRY! man of the week

Oh brother. Talk about doing us no favors.

Check out the video:


The Story:

In a video posted to YouTube and Facebook on Wednesday, Tactical Response CEO James Yeager went ballistic over reports that the president could take executive action with minor gun control measures after the mass shooting of 20 school children in Connecticut last month.

After the Drudge Report likened Obama to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin on Wednesday, pro-gun conservatives expressed outrage over the idea that the White House could act without Congress.

“Vice President [Joe] Biden is asking the president to bypass Congress and use executive privilege, executive order to ban assault rifles and to impose stricter gun control,” Yeager explained in his video message. “Fuck that.”

“I’m telling you that if that happens, it’s going to spark a civil war, and I’ll be glad to fire the first shot. I’m not putting up with it. You shouldn’t put up with it. And I need all you patriots to start thinking about what you’re going to do, load your damn mags, make sure your rifle’s clean, pack a backpack with some food in it and get ready to fight.”

The CEO concluded: “I’m not fucking putting up with this. I’m not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I’m not letting anybody take my guns! If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people.”

via Unhinged Tactical Response CEO Threatens to ‘Start Killing People’ Over Obama’s Gun Control | Video Cafe.

Just like Alex Jones going on Piers Morgan and ranting like a mad man did the second amendment folk no favors. This idiot did none either. I look for this guy to either be arrested or find himself being watched for a while.

Some people, I tell ya… 🙄

Others: Talking Points MemoAMERICAblogNo More Mister Nice BlogPost PoliticsThe Mahablog,Hullabaloo and The Raw Story (via Memeorandum)

Honestly, why would NRA expect anything different?

This seems to be a bit silly, but I really think the NRA did not know what was coming:

Via the Weekly Standard:

NRA.gif“The National Rifle Association of America is made up of over 4 million moms and dads, daughters and sons, who are involved in the national conversation about how to prevent a tragedy like Newtown from ever happening again.  We attended today’s White House meeting to discuss how to keep our children safe and were prepared to have a meaningful conversation about school safety, mental health issues, the marketing of violence to our kids and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals,” reads the NRA statement.

“We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment.  While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners – honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans.  It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems.  We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen.  Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works – and what does not.”

I hate to be the one to say “Well Duh!” but….um…:

The NRA should have known better than to even remotely think that they were going to get anything other than what they got from this Presidential Administration. This is why they need to hire me to do their political consultant work. I can tell them everything that they need to know about guns and Democrats. 😀

White House considering executive action on guns

I knew this was coming, it was just a matter of time; and unlike this idiot here, who believes that the following headline was overdone. I happen to believe it to be very true:


From the Weekly Standard:

Vice President Joe Biden revealed that President Barack Obama might use an executive order to deal with guns. 

“The president is going to act,” said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. “There are executives orders, there’s executive action that can be taken. We haven’t decided what that is yet. But we’re compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required.”

Biden said that this is a moral issue and that “it’s critically important that we act.”

Biden talked also about taking responsible action. “As the president said, if you’re actions result in only saving one life, they’re worth taking. But I’m convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of americans and take thousands of people out of harm’s way if we act responsibly.”

Biden, as he himself noted, helped write the Brady bill.

Eric Holder was scheduled to be at the meeting that’s currently take place at the White House. 

Ah yes, this ought to be very interesting to see what these Marxist gun grabbers come up with; as the Godfather of Chicago said, never let a crisis go to waste. As for what the idiot above that I linked to said about Drudge’s headline, I give you the words of Lew Rockwell:

In my experience, gun controllers are violent people, and private gun-owners are not. That is, gun controllers support mass murder; they just want it to be a monopoly of soldiers, police, etc. They would be glad to see Alex and the rest of us shot. Gun owners tend to abhor personal violence, and would only use it in defense of their family, themselves, and their property. And this is not a left-right issue. Non-commissar leftists like the late Alexander Cockburn are anti-gun control; neocons like Bill Kristol or the Randites are pro-gun control. Here is something that all good people across the spectrum can agree on: the state should be disarmed; the people should be packing.

It will be an amazing thing to see just whom on the right caves to the Marxist’s demands of gun surrender, or “control” as they like to call it. I just wonder which one of the Neoconservatives will fall first and say, :”Well, we have to have some sort of control!” I expect that Podhoretz or Kristol will be the first ones to falter to the demands of this administration.

Again, I do not know if having Alex Jones coming out as the circus act for the far right was a good idea, it may have just given the White House the ammo (sorry…) it needed to get what it wanted to carry out. Needless to say, there is going to be political fallout from something like this and it is not going to be good for the Democrats. I just hope that the GOP is ready to stage a comeback in 2014 or 2016. But from the looks of things at the moment, the GOP has some serious image issues, especially when it comes to the middle class.

What exactly is the point of doing this?

I wrote about the paper that did this, I believe, however, that it was lost in the server move.

Anyhow, what is the point of doing this? Just to be seen? What? It is stupid and makes no sense, then again, neither do most Democrats today:

Last month, the Journal News sparked a firestorm of protest when it published a mappable database of every licensed gun owner in Westchester and Rockland counties, north of New York City. The paper obtained the data—which New York state law explicitly and unambiguously demands be made public—through open records requests. The reaction was swift and furious—gun rights and privacy advocates published the names and addresses of the paper’s editors in retaliation, and the paper (ironically) hired armed guards to protect against threats.

One weird reaction came from TV wraith Ann Coulter, who told Fox News’ Sean Hannity last week: “If we’re producing lists of gun permit owners, I want them for Manhattan. I want to know how many rich liberals with their body guards have gun permits.” You’re in luck, Ann. I happened to have just such a list in my filing cabinet. Here it i

via Here Is a List of All the Assholes Handsome Law-Abiding Citizens Who Own Guns Some People in New York City.

Call me old school, call me a concern troll, call me whatever. But this strikes me as just plain stupid. If you are so ate up about having to know who owns a gun in some city; then you have a problem of the mental sort. Sorry, it’s how I feel. it is about as stupid as putting Alex Jones on to defend gun rights, I think.

Others: UrbanGroundsJammie Wearing FoolsPoliticoCapital New YorkLe·gal In·sur·rec· tion,Weasel ZippersPoynter and New York Timesmore at Mediagazer » (via Memeorandum