Audio: James Dobson asks, “Where have the GOP’s Values Gone?”

This is a question that I have asked myself.

The Audio:

Part 1:


Part 2:


The Story via WND.COM:

Dr. James Dobson

The 2012 election was an open door for the GOP to lead America back to its roots in faith and morality, and the Republicans were AWOL, says Dr. James Dobson, founder of Family Talk and a brand new political outreach arm called Family Talk Action.

“I waited throughout the campaign for Mitt Romney to declare himself, to at least identify with the moral issues that are before us. He would not touch them,” Dobson said on a two-part radio program in which Penny Nance, head of Concerned Women for America, joined.

Dobson, whose advice about parenting, child-rearing, marriage and faith has guided millions of Americans and whose counsel on family matters has been sought by presidents, used two programs on his regular radio program, “Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk” that were sponsored by his political action branch to comment on the re-election of Barack Obama.

He noted he and a handful of other conservative leaders, including Tony Perkins of Family Research Council, Gary Bauer and Gen. William Boykin, had met with the GOP candidate to encourage him to address social issues important to Christians across the nation.

“We begged him to deal with eight issues. We listed first the sanctity of life, marriage, religious life, ‘Don’t Ask,’ ENDA, on it went,” Dobson said. “We said we really are not here to jump on you, but evangelicals are not excited about your candidacy, not energized. … You could connect if you’ll even mention these things.

“He nodded and he smiled and he was gracious as he always is, and he went out and was silent,” Dobson said.

Dr. Dobson goes on to talk about how the Democrats have shifted on Abortion, Israel and many other topics. I here at this blog wrote about that little uprising myself. I have noticed one thing myself here; that Conservatives are saying that the keeping of the social platform in the Republican Party is going to be death knell for the Conservative movement.

I have one answer to that little idiotic notion — try winning elections without us folks. Fiscal conservatism is great, but without God, the Republican Party, much less the conservative movement will never survive.  Again, what good is telling people that rights come, not from the Government — but from God, if you are not willing to stand for that God? It makes no sense and it will never work.

Mitt Romney’s downfall might have very well been his refusal to get tough on social issues. There is also too:  Mitt Romney was a Mormon and quite frankly, the rest of the Christian world does not consider Mormonism to be true Christianity. This stance in the evangelical Christian circles is softening a bit. However, in the fundamentalist Christian circles it is very strong, I know this to true fact myself.

I also would like to make the following observation: It is not lost on me why the Conservative movement is moving away from the social conservative side of things. This is left-overs from the Neoconservative, Jewish-controlled, GOP of the George W. Bush-era. It is well-known, that according some of the staffers that worked in the Bush White House that most Conservative Christians were seen by the Bush White House as useful idiots.  This could be why God allowed America to be attacked on 9/11. I mean, the Lord could have said, “Forsake me, eh? Well, how do you like this?” and we were hit. I am just speculating. But it does make sense to me.

In contrast, the old school, Paleoconservatives are mostly known to be devote Christians who do take the Word of God; that is the Bible, literally. This is unlike President Bush, who admitted in a exit interview, that he did not take the Bible literally. You notice that President Bush did not admit that, until he was safely away from every being reelected.

In Closing: If the GOP continues down this path and rejects social Conservatism. It will go the way of the Whig Party. Because social Conservatives will not back a candidate that is not interested in being tough on social issues. It is just that simple. I do not believe that they will start their own political party; that has been tried before and failed. I simply believe that the conservative Christians will stay home.

This is something that the Republican Party and we as Conservative Americans cannot afford.

Pat Buchanan makes a good point

Continuing with my previous thought; I came across Pat Buchanan’s post election column, in it he makes some very good points on the GOP’s failures.

Quoting Mr. Buchanan:

At the presidential level, the Republican Party is at death’s door.

Yet one already sees the same physicians writing prescriptions for the same drugs that have been killing the GOP since W’s dad got the smallest share of the vote by a Republican candidate since William Howard Taft in 1912.

In ascertaining the cause of the GOP’s critical condition, let us use Occam’s razor—the principle that the simplest explanation is often the right one.

Would the GOP wipeout in those heavily Catholic, ethnic, socially conservative, blue-collar bastions of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Illinois, which Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan swept, have anything to do with the fact that the United States since 2000 has lost 6 million manufacturing jobs and 55,000 factories?

Where did all those jobs and factories go? We know where.

They were outsourced. And in the deindustrialization of America, the Republican Party has been a culpable co-conspirator.

Unlike family patriarch Sen. Prescott Bush, who voted with Barry Goldwater and Strom Thurmond against JFK’s free-trade deal, Bush I and II pumped for NAFTA, GATT, the WTO and opening America’s borders to all goods made by our new friends in the People’s Republic of China.

Swiftly, U.S. multinationals shut factories here, laid off workers, outsourced production to Asia and China, and brought their finished goods back, tax-free, to sell in the U.S.A.

Profits soared, as did the salaries of the outsourcing executives.

And their former workers? They headed for the service sector, along with their wives, to keep up on the mortgage payment, keep the kids in Catholic school and pay for the health insurance the family had lost.

Tuesday, these ex-Reagan Democrats came out to vote against some guy from Bain Capital they had been told in ads all summer was a big-time outsourcer who wrote in 2008, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt!”

Yes, the simplest explanation is often the right one.

Pat makes a very good point, however, I think it would be a disaster to start pandering to any sort of class of American at all; as I said earlier on this blog:

Furthermore, I believe the GOP needs to stop pandering to minorities. The majority of blacks and Latinos; and every other damned minority in this Country are going to vote Democratic. The reason is the Democratic Party is going to promise them stuff, it is the way it has always been and always will be. Also, I believe that the Republican Party needs to stop trying to pander the the middle class. The truth is the middle class in this Country are overwhelmingly Democratic voters. If the middle class are that stupid to continue to vote for a Party that continually wants to kick them in the teeth, then fine, screw them. We do not want their vote. A decision to go against the socialist mentality of the Democratic Party is a personal one and involves an educated voter, not a clueless one. We do not need the clueless voter, sorry. Let them vote for the other party.

Just as well, the Republican Party needs to stop apologizing. Stop apologizing for being white, stop apologizing for being the party of the financially successful. The liberals in this Country, over the years, have made the term “Rich” a dirty word. What with comics like “Richie Rich” and shows like “Archie Bunker”, the white business person has been made a mockery of and the stupid GOP has allowed it to happen and not fought back! The Republican Party needs to start saying, Yes, we are the party of the successful people! We are the party of people who built businesses from nothing and made them into something successful. There is no shame in that at all. Everyone wants to be financially successful, why try to hide it? There are two types of people, those who are content to be a wage slave, and those who actually want to be a free American. I chose to be the latter and I do not apologize for it.

I still stand behind that comment above; however, let me add the following thought: I think that one can try to appeal to a populist base like that, but one has to make sure it is appealing and not pandering. It is a delicate balance and if it is done properly, it can work great. If it is done wrongly, it can be devastating to the Party. I really believe that the message should truly be, “We will fight for you, and keep Government off your back, and keep your taxes low.” But I do not believe that the GOP ought to start giving lip-service to anyone like that, the Democrats have done that for years and it works for them. The problem is, that the 90% of the time the lip-service is empty. We do not need to start doing that to broaden our base at all. If we do, it could very well come back to haunt the party.

Again, Pat Buchanan does tell the truth, but I think he misses the broader point; the GOP became too much of a moderate, pandering Party for many years and now it is catching up with them. The Bush era did not help either. What I mean is that Iraq will be a black mark on the GOP for many years to come. Some people have long memories, and they have not entirely forgotten about what happened after 9/11 and how Bush and Co. used that to start a war, that we all know now, had zero to do with 9/11. The Democrats did a very good job of reminding people of that; and the GOP had no message to counter that, at least none that made any sense. The best they could do, is say, “Blame Bush.” Well, yes, some people do blame Bush! You have to be able to answer that accusation or reminder better than just deriding the other side for bringing up the GOP’s Wilsonian past foreign policy ventures. Also too, I believe that George W. Bush’s “Big Government Conservatism” policies are still fresh on the minds of some populist, grassroots Conservatives; like “No child left behind” and other such stuff as well. 

I think another problem with the GOP and the Conservative movement as a whole is that some Conservatives and Republicans have a penchant for simply making things up, that they know not to be true. This is common in politics and both sides do it, to a certain degree. It is called “scaremongering” and to me, as a Christian man; (Who is not without faults!)   it just strikes me as morally wrong. If the Republican Party and the Conservative movement is a truly a socially Conservative movement, that they claim to be. Then they should really get the whole “telling the truth” thing down pat and stop with the scaremongering nonsense. Fact checking is not a sin, and it should be a top priority. Because we can get much further with the American people, with the simply, clear-eyed truth; than we can with scaremongering and stupidity. Most people, these days, with the internet; can fact check quicker than most politicos can! Although, there is that segment that believes the chain letters can go out via e-mail, than they do when someone tells them the plain truth. The Conservative Movement needs to be less chain letter, and more factual arguments. Boogieman headlines might bring profits to those who promote them; but it does not win elections.

Another thing that is on my mind, that goes along with the above paragraph; is that we simply need to remove the Alex Jones element to the Conservative movement. Alex Jones is a nothing more than a damned charlatan. Jones caters to particular group of people, commonly known as the “tin-foil” hat crowd. For years, nobody ever, in the political world, ever took that guy seriously. This was, until Obama got into the White House and then from that moment on, it was full on Alex Jones in the Conservative movement! I really began to notice this, when Matt Drudge began linking to Alex Jones and added him to his list of sites on his website. This, I feel, was an tragic error. The Conservative movement should be known for its disdain for big Government and its refuting of the idea that socialism is not the ideal path forward; and not for its promoting of idiotic conspiracy theories.

Another thing that I believe needs to happen, is that the Republican Party establishment needs to either become more grassroots in nature and cease to exist as a political party. The old school way of doing thing needs to stop. This idea that the big money people controlling the party, has to stop. Because, as the GOP has found out, the populist Conservative grassroots, which makes up everyone else in the movement, that is not establishment; is not real pleased with the GOP at the moment. This divide within the ranks needs to stop; the GOP needs to stop with the mentality of “You guys need to become like us!” and the grassroots needs to quit with the “The GOP needs to be more like us!” This gets nothing accomplished at all. My advice is to find the things that unite you both and work together on them. This would create a unified front and much could get done to fight back against the socialist movement and against the Democrats.

Again, these are just some thoughts of mine, that I started writing at about 4:30am and it is now 5:21am. I hope that you will consider them.

This is why I dislike Bill Kristol very much

(Via Time — H/T to Politico)

The Story via JTA’s Capital J Blog:

(UPDATED with ECI comment and J Street cartoon, below)

My synagogue listserve in northern Virginia is abuzz with a Robocall campaign, by the Emergency Committee for Israel.

The caller ID is that of William Kristol, who founded the group.

Robocalls are not known for straight-up accounts of the issues. Still, the deceptions in this one are a little stunning.

The call is in the form of a "debate" between President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu.

There has never been any such debate, of course, and it’s immediately clear to me that it’s a mock-up, with "answers" spliced in from different appearances. But I’m steeped in this. I don’t know how clear it would be though to someone who doesn’t follow this day to day.

More substantively, the quote grabs have almost nothing to do with one another, although this is not evident in the calls. A more accurate presentation of the Netanyahu quote that is used would suggest that the two leaders are actually more in agreement on nuclear Iran — the issue of the "debate" — than not.

Obama’s "opening remark", in which he "respects" Iran’s sovereignty, is from a press conference in 2009, in which he rejected Iranian claims of U.S. involvement in post-election protests — and also decried Iranian repression of the protesters. It had nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear capability.

Netanyahu’s "response" is from his speech to AIPAC this year (three years later!)

What is Kristol’s response to this?:

*UPDATE: Kristol emails:

ECI exists to provide opportunities for faux liberal outrage.

I will just say it; Bill Kristol is a NEO-CON piece of shit, he always has been and always will be! Between Him and John Podhoretz; if the Republican Party loses this election, it will be because of Kristol and  Podhoretz. We have a good chance to stop this socialist from destroying this Country and what does this schmuck do? This sort of idiotic crap.

Also too, yes, I know JStreet is a liberal Jewish organization; I get that, alright? But, this sort of stuff, a week before the election is just damned uncalled for. Maybe, just maybe Kristol is doing this to sabotage Romney’s prospects, seeing that Kristol and his ilk are making a killing being Obama’s kneecapper, maybe he is protecting his interests.

I’m just saying.  

Disagreeing with Jeff Goldstein…..sort of

I happen to respect Jeff’s opinion, alot. He might not want to hear that; but the guy has chops when it comes to writing.

Anyhow, a bit of nitpicking here:

Just watched the debate. Not sure why people are saying Romney won so convincingly. Obama, with few exceptions, bullshitted his way through things just fine. And Romney too often sounded like a me-too statist.

Objectively, Romney won on the points and particulars, and he had several strong moments. Clearly, he’s not the leftist Obama is — though he’s still a statist. That’s a net positive, should he win election.

via First debate reactions: non-live viewer | protein wisdom.

My comments on the “statist” bit. If Jeff is referring to the, “Let’s save and/or shore up Social Security and Medicare” sort of a Statist; then yes, I would say, yes, Romney is one of those. But then again, so is the entire GOP. Because hell, a good 75 percent of their base is in that category. Now if Jeff is referring to the “Government and Private Industry Partnerships” type of a statist, I believe he would be wrong about that.

Although, I would like to see Romney’s position on Government subsidies to corporate farms and oil companies. Personally, I believe those have to go, as they put small time farmers under the gun and create an unfair environment for them. As for the oil companies, they make enough money; why should they get handouts from the Government? But that is just my populist roots, intertwined with my libertarianism shining through. I am all for capitalism, but I am not for Government picking winners and losers in the business industry at all.

On a related matter; Last night I happened to notice someone praising Romney’s performance —- Patrick J. Buchanan. I nearly fell out of my chair, when I saw him singing the praises of Romney’s performance. This is the same Patrick J. Buchanan that believes that the “Neoconservatives’ are the redheaded stepchildren of the Republican Party and the Conservative movement. To be fair, Pat’s sister Bay Buchanan is on Romney’s team, so that *might* have something to do with it. Although, you most likely could not prove it in court.

You have to know Willard’s on to something, when Bill Kristol AND Pat Buchanan are BOTH saying that Romney spanked Obama’s  butt and won the debate. If those two polar opposites in Republicanism and Conservatism agree; Romney is definitely onto something and here is hoping that he does keep it up.

Reuters: Private Sector adds 162,000 new jobs

An interesting report from Reuters:

(Reuters) – Private employers added 162,000 jobs in September, topping economists’ expectations, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Wednesday.

Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast the ADP National Employment Report would show a gain of 143,000 jobs.

August’s private payrolls were revised down to an increase of 189,000 from the previously reported 201,000.

If the best that the economists are shooting for is 150-160K jobs per month; that is setting the bar awful low.

What happened to all the jobs that were supposed to be created by the President’s stimulus program?  I thought that when a Democrat was elected into the White House that all of the World’s problems would end for everyone? That the oceans would rise and the World would come together as one?

I guess not. 🙄

Anyone that votes for this President again, is a dad-blasted idiot. I mean, what the hell has he honestly done for the unemployed in this Country? I mean, the only people who have made out like bandits, and I do mean quite literally there; are the damned unions and special interest groups. (READ: Minorities, Green Energy and the like…)

It is a damned disgrace; which is why I am casting my lot with Romney. Neoconservative or not, I am voting for him. Because we can do better than this nimrod who is in there now.

Hope and Change, my fat white ass! 😡



One of them bitter-clingers from Tennessee posts his love for Guns on facebook, Liberals pee themselves

Yes, that title is supposed to be ironic and kind of funny too.

It seems that a young man running for Congress for the State of Tennessee is in hot water with the liberal left.

The Video:

WKRN, Nashville News, Nashville Weather and Sports

The story via WKRN in Nashville:

Republican U.S. Congressional candidate Brad Staats continues to defend a controversial Facebook post.

Brad Staats posted a picture of a handgun along with the statement, “Many people keep asking me about my opinion on Second Amendment rights. Apparently Tennesseans are part of that crazy crowd that Obama says cling to their religion and guns. Well then I must be part of that crazy crowd. Here is something that I usually have with me. Welcome to Tennessee Mr. Obama where we appreciate our [Second] Amendment rights and the constitution that was wisely given to us by our founding fathers.”

At a Lipscomb University event on Monday night, Staats told Nashville’s News 2, “I’m going to say what I mean and mean what I say and I want Tennesseans and Americans to know that I’m not going to back up on what I say.”

Staats said the Facebook post was never meant to be an attack on the president but it is in reference to the recently passed U.N. Small Arms Treaty.

“I do want President Obama to know as well as the rest of Congress and everyone else regarding our constitutional, rights don’t tread on America’s constitution,” said Staats. “I think that your liberties, your life can be defended by the proper instructed use of a handgun.”

Staats said his strong stance on handguns stems from his mother’s own personal experience.

He said, “She would have either been raped or murdered had she not had a handgun in her car she actually got ran off a road and it was obvious she was getting ready to be assailed.”

It is a fair defense and I would have done the same damned thing. There was no threat implied at all; this is a tactic of the liberal left and yes, the Neoconservative right (AKA FAKE!) does the same damned thing too. They call threat, anytime someone posts a pic of a gun or other related matter and the name Obama. It is a disgrace and when this stuff happens the first amendment is being trampled upon. How many times did people have signs saying “Kill Bush?” Plenty.

So, this whole thing is a bad joke and the liberal left knows it. They say “But, oh! He’s black!” I got one thing to say about all that: Big ‘effin’ deal. The truth is, the President has more security around him, than Bush ever did, so the chances of him being shot and killed is slim to none. Unless someone seriously screws up at the secret service, which will never happen.

For your reading pleasure: Here is a roundup of idiot liberals who are saying that this evil bitter-clinger ought to be in prison for blaspheming the might “one” who came in the name of progressivism:

The Raw StoryTennessean.comtheGrioAlan Colmes’ Liberaland,Crooks and Liars and Gawker

Videos: Liberal rag Mother Jones delivers another nothing-burger on Mitt Romney, this time, on Israel and the middle east

Here we go again, a follow-up to the earlier nothing-burger that the liberals seem to believe will destroy Mitt Romney. Here comes another nothing-burger.

Via liberal rag Mother Jones:

On the Middle East Conflict:


I’m torn by two perspectives in this regard. One is the one which I’ve had for some time, which is that the Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish. Now why do I say that? Some might say, well, let’s let the Palestinians have the West Bank, and have security, and set up a separate nation for the Palestinians. And then come a couple of thorny questions. And I don’t have a map here to look at the geography, but the border between Israel and the West Bank is obviously right there, right next to Tel Aviv, which is the financial capital, the industrial capital of Israel, the center of Israel. It’s—what the border would be? Maybe seven miles from Tel Aviv to what would be the West Bank…The other side of the West Bank, the other side of what would be this new Palestinian state would either be Syria at one point, or Jordan. And of course the Iranians would want to do through the West Bank exactly what they did through Lebanon, what they did near Gaza. Which is that the Iranians would want to bring missiles and armament into the West Bank and potentially threaten Israel. So Israel of course would have to say, “That can’t happen. We’ve got to keep the Iranians from bringing weaponry into the West Bank.” Well, that means that—who? The Israelis are going to patrol the border between Jordan, Syria, and this new Palestinian nation? Well, the Palestinians would say, “Uh, no way! We’re an independent country. You can’t, you know, guard our border with other Arab nations.” And now how about the airport? How about flying into this Palestinian nation? Are we gonna allow military aircraft to come in and weaponry to come in? And if not, who’s going to keep it from coming in? Well, the Israelis. Well, the Palestinians are gonna say, “We’re not an independent nation if Israel is able to come in and tell us what can land in our airport.” These are problems—these are very hard to solve, all right? And I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say, “There’s just no way.” And so what you do is you say, “You move things along the best way you can.” You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem. We live with that in China and Taiwan. All right, we have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it. We don’t go to war to try and resolve it imminently. On the other hand, I got a call from a former secretary of state. I won’t mention which one it was, but this individual said to me, you know, I think there’s a prospect for a settlement between the Palestinians and the Israelis after the Palestinian elections. I said, “Really?” And, you know, his answer was, “Yes, I think there’s some prospect.” And I didn’t delve into it.

He is speaking the truth here. The Palestinians do NOT want a two-State solution. They want Israel pushed into the sea. They have said this a thousand times. Besides that, that land is Israel’s land, it says that in the Bible and that should be the end of the discussion; as for as this writer is concerned.

On Iraq and Nukes:


If I were Iran, if I were Iran—a crazed fanatic, I’d say let’s get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we’ll just say, “Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we’re going to let off a dirty bomb.” I mean this is where we have—where America could be held up and blackmailed by Iran, by the mullahs, by crazy people. So we really don’t have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon.

This is a classic foreign policy position that President himself also supports. In the case of Iran, it is totally warranted.

The president’s foreign policy, in my opinion, is formed in part by a perception he has that his magnetism, and his charm, and his persuasiveness is so compelling that he can sit down with people like Putin and Chávez and Ahmadinejad, and that they’ll find that we’re such wonderful people that they’ll go on with us, and they’ll stop doing bad things. And it’s an extraordinarily naive perception.

Again, this is true; the recent events have proven that many times over.

Once again, Mother Jones has proven itself incapable of bringing any sort of “real” dirt out on Governor Romney. The only thing that they have; is the Governor speaking honestly about President Obama, his foreign policy and Israel. Now it seems that Mother Jones is now focusing on the private life of the person that hosted the fundraiser. This very thing, ought to show you what it is, that we are dealing with here.

It is called desperation.

Video: Michelle Malkin to White House: These optics suck White House!

A few questions from a Non-Wilsonian Conservative:

  1. Where was all this outrage when it was discovered that President George W. Bush invaded Iraq based upon bad information from Germany?
  2. Does Malkin realize that the entire “Arab Spring” was started, when Bush invaded Iraq? Best thing that people like her can say in response is, “Blame Bush, Blame Bush….” Well, in this case, his blame is due.

Now, do not misunderstand me here. This is a huge blunder by the White House, and the fallout is getting worse by the minute. I mean, now several Christian Colleges are now being threatened.  However, I believe to pin the blame entirely on the Obama Administration is cheap political theater really.

As for Romney, I believe the media is making hay over that issue, a bit too much. But, he did jump the gun too quickly, I believe.

Furthermore, as a Non-Wilsonian Conservative, I say the following:

  1. This is nothing more than living proof, that the United States of America needs to get the hell out of United Nations and order them out of this Country.
  2. This is living proof that the United States needs to close these idiotic embassies in these Countries that are not necessarily friendly to the United States, and stop having American forces, of any sort, in those Countries.
  3. This is proof that Islam is not a peaceful Religion or political philosophy, and as I wrote before, should be banned in the United States and those that practice it, should be given two choices; convert or leave.
  4. This, if anything, should be proof that, as noted for a long time, by Anti-Jihadi bloggers for years; that the attacks on 9/11 were a declaration of a Religious War between the Judeo-Christian values of the west and of the United States and the backward Islāmic values of the middle east. These attacks this week are a continuation of that War.  Now, if we do pull out, will that war stop? Most likely not. But, I believe that they will subside and the parties will begin fighting one another. Furthermore, if they attack the US on our soil, then we will have a legit excuse for War. Right now, we do not. We are in their lands.

In closing: I want it to be clear, this is not just a posting to knee-cap Michelle Malkin. But it is rather my personal take on what some on the right are saying about this whole thing. I realize it is an election year and all. But, we should not allow ourselves to be duped into blaming one person or President Administration for the events of the past week.

The truth is that what is happening now in the middle east is a result of many years of Wilsonian stupidity from many Presidential Administrations and an utter failure by many in Government that Islam is just incompatible with western values, constitutional freedoms and general social decency.

This is a very important lesson, and the quicker that those in our Government and Governments to come figure this out, the better things will be for this Country.

(via Urban Grounds)