Veteran needs our help

It appears that a Veteran needs our help.

Go read here and here.

Why am I doing this? I wrote this a while back when I put up a notice,  about someone else needing help:

This is the difference between true Christianity and Godless secularism. Christianity says “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” This is done with the hope and prayer that one day; when the chips are down and you find yourself at death’s door, that someone would do the same to you. Having said the following, I ask anyone that happens to see this blog posting —- go and do thou likewise. 

I still feel that way, no matter who it is. Now, please, go hit the man’s tip jar; once for me and once for yourself.


Breaking News: CIA Director David Petraeus resigns

You know when your drudge siren goes off, and then your blog gets a trackback, something is huge.

Anyhow, here’s the tweet from Breaking News on twitter:

Petraeus’s statement via Politico:


David Petraeus resigned his post as director of the Central Intelligence Agency on Friday, citing an extramarital affair.

Petraeus visited the White House on Thursday to ask President Barack Obama to accept his resignation “for personal reasons,” he said in a statement to CIA staff. “After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours.”

Speculation is running rampant as to why, and what, who and where. I’ll send you over to AllahPundit, he’s better at roundup than me.

Update: Now a big topic on Memeorandum

Bill Maher, supposedly joking, to Mitt Romney voters, “Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You”

Wow, just Wow…. Surprise

The Video:

I do not link to these guys often; because I happen to think that Newsbusters is a partisan operation. However, when they are right, they are right. Anyhow, Noel Sheppard over at NewsBusters makes the following observation:

Imagine for a moment the outrage if a conservative commentator said even jokingly to Obama supporters, “White people know who you are and they will come after you.” That would be the end of that person’s career. Period. No questions asked. Done! But Maher who’s adored by the Obama-loving media can say this with total impunity. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: HBO should be ashamed to have this disgusting man as one of its on air personalities. Period. End of story.

I agree. Because of the liberal media bias in America; and because Bill Maher happens to be of the correct protected minority ethnic bloodline, on his mother’s side — he can get away with sort of thing. Just my opinion.

However, Sheppard is correct, if a Conservative had said the same thing, but with black and white switched out, he would be called a Nazi, A racist and a bunch of other stuff and his career would be over. Just another example of the perverted nonsense that plaques this Country.

Vote different come November 6’th.