Obamacare burnout

This is what I am calling it.

As you all might have noticed, I really just have not been writing the headlines as of late. As funny as this might sound; I am honestly just sick and tired of hearing about Obamacare. It seems everyday, day in and day out; there is another headline about Obamacare —- the website is broken, the enrollee numbers are down, blah blah blah, on and on and on.

It just gets darned old. So much in fact, that I just stopped watching Fox News; because that is all they ever talk about anymore. It was like this during the 1990’s, during the Monica scandal; 24/7 Monica, Monica, Monica…. By the time Clinton was out of office, I was just happy not to have to listen to the media drone on about it.

Maybe it is because I am not on normal sleeping hours, maybe it is because I am simply getting old and crotchety. Maybe it is because I have ADHD and get bored easily. But, I just find all of this whining and hand wringing to be quite annoying. I just the media would find something else to talk about; namely our economy or something — anything.

Are there not other important things to write about? Are there not any other political stories that could be followed; instead the constant droning on about Obamacare?

Yes, I know about Detroit’s bankruptcy. Man, do I ever. The labor movement here is in a tizzy about that one. I simply say this: this should be a textbook example of why public sector unions do not work and why they should have never been created. Heck, even the White House does not want to be involved with that mess, they did the old fake federalist dodge, “let the city handle it!” A very good dodge, but I digress.

The national media should be talking about the job situation in this Country and a lack of them; and what is causing the job market to stagnate. The media should be talking about the federal reserve and how they continue to pump currency into our money system and devalue the price of the dollar. The media should be talking about how America’s progressive tax system is choking the small business owner into having to lay off employees and thereby creating a problem for the working man.

But, instead we get Obamacare. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It just gets old. I mean, Republicans have no right to complain about this Obamacare debacle. It is their fault that we even have this disaster on our hands. If they had actually selected a candidate that could have actually won the Presidency in 2008 and 2012; and not had a Republican who basically was traitor to the party, who voted for the bill —- we would not be in this spot in the first place.

The way I see it; the Republicans ought to just man up, suck it up, pay for the insurance and shut the hell up and next time, not choose someone who cannot win an election. my point is basically, that the right made their own bed, they ought to just lay in it and stop the stupid whining.

UPDATE: Something else that I thought about, after I came over here and laid down in the bed. Some may think that I am unfairly tarring the Republicans and not saying anything about the Democrats.

Let me say this about the Democrats: You voted for Obama. You supported and advocated for Obamacare. You have no right to complain about the cost and/or inconvenience of Obamacare. So, you essentially own this debacle so stop complaining about it and accept it for what it is.

Another thing that is particularly galling about this whole thing is the fact that the Republicans are doing the whole, “oh you poor people!” routine, which is so fake that it is pathetic. Because in all honesty the Republicans are snickering behind the supporters of Obamacare back saying, “haha this is what you get!” There is nothing that annoys me more than fake sympathy from the loyal opposition.

Again, I really do not mind reporting the facts. But, when it repeated over, and over, and over… It just gets old…

A perfect example of the State protecting its own self

Hoo Boy, this is pretty interesting; basically this guy dared to question the President’s so-called “Fix” for the Obamacare rollout debacle — and he got fired for it!

The Story: (H/T Ace of Spades HQ)

A day after he questioned President Obama’s decision to unwind a major tenet of the health-care law and said the nation’s capital might not go along, D.C. insurance commissioner William P. White was fired.

White was called into a meeting Friday afternoon with one of Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s (D) top deputies and told that the mayor “wants to go in a different direction,” White told The Washington Post on Saturday.

White said the mayoral deputy never said that he was being asked to leave because of his Thursday statement on health care. But he said the timing was hard to ignore. Roughly 24 hours later, White said, he was “basically being told, ‘Thanks, but no thanks.’ ”

via D.C. insurance commissioner fired a day after questioning Obamacare fix – The Washington Post.

The parallel lines that can be drawn between this and the communists and/or the Nazi’s are many; someone dares to question the actions of the great state and then they get fired. Sounds like someone in the White House did not like our fearless leader’s actions questioned and now finds himself without a job. Night of long knives anyone?

Sometimes I actually wonder if perhaps Lew Rockwell and friends are not correct; that we actually do live in a fascist Country anymore. But, please, don’t tell him that; least his big ol’ pointed head swell up and he not be able to get out of his house! 😉 😛 😀

Reuters: U.S. official in July feared HealthCare.gov ‘crash’

The contractors knew in July that the Obamacare website would crash. Unbelievable!

The Story:

(Reuters) – Almost three months before the botched launch of HealthCare.gov, a U.S. health official expressed frustration with a main contractor working on the website, fearing quality assurance issues could “crash the plane at take-off,” according to government documents obtained by Reuters.

The documents were released by Republican investigators with the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee. Republican lawmakers, who have consistently sought to undermine President Barack Obama’s signature health system overhaul, are probing the law’s disastrous rollout.

Two series of internal emails in July between officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), including HealthCare.gov project manager Henry Chao, describe struggles with contractors, staff shortages and software problems long before the federal healthcare website crashed on its October 1 launch and threw the rollout of Obamacare into political turmoil.

via Exclusive: U.S. official in July feared HealthCare.gov ‘crash’ | Reuters.

Video: James O’Keefe yet again finds even more fraud with the Obamacare Navigators

James O’Keefe is on the case again, with even more fraud.

Video: (H/T Ace of Spades HQ)

The Story:

Project Veritas caught Obamacare Navigators counseling applicants to lie on their applications, which is cheating the federal government, the American taxpayer, and the countless families who truly need quality health care.

But critics are saying the video wasn’t in context and it was just an isolated incident. Certainly, our encounters might have been isolated, so we decided to visit with even more Navigators (who are funded by your hard-earned tax dollars).

via Obamacare Navigator Fraud Continues | James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

NYT: Obamacare debacle is Obama’s Katrina


The Story: (H/T Breitbart.com)

WASHINGTON — Barack Obama won the presidency by exploiting a political environment that devoured George W. Bush in a second term plagued by sinking credibility, failed legislative battles, fractured world relations and revolts inside his own party.

Mr. Obama is now threatened by a similar toxic mix. The disastrous rollout of his health care law not only threatens the rest of his agenda but also raises questions about his competence in the same way that the Bush administration’s botched response to Hurricane Katrina undermined any semblance of Republican efficiency.

But unlike Mr. Bush, who faced confrontational but occasionally cooperative Democrats, Mr. Obama has a Republican opposition that has refused to open the door to any legislative fixes to his health care law and has blocked him at virtually every other turn.

A contrite-sounding Mr. Obama repeatedly blamed himself on Thursday for the failed health care rollout, which he acknowledged had thrust difficult burdens on his political allies and had deeply undermined Americans’ trust in him.

“It’s legitimate for them to expect me to have to win back some credibility on this health care law in particular and on a whole range of these issues in general,” Mr. Obama said.

But earning back the confidence of Americans, as he pledged to do, will require Mr. Obama to right more than just the health care program. At home, his immigration overhaul is headed for indefinite delay, even as new budget and debt fights loom. And abroad, N.S.A. spying revelations have dragged down the country’s standing, even as negotiations over Iran’s nuclear arsenal have set off bipartisan criticism.

And for the first time in his presidency, surveys suggest that his reserve of good will among the public is running dry. Two polls in recent weeks have reported that a majority of Americans no longer trust the president or believe that he is being honest with them.

“When you start losing the trust and confidence, not only of Congress, but the American people, that makes it even more difficult,” said Senator Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia. “You can work yourself out. But you have to be sincere, and you have to be honest.”

via Obama’s Flawed Health Law Rollout Draws Parallels to Bush’s Troubles – NYTimes.com.

That is seriously going to leave a mark. 😯 But, we on the right can simply say, “we told you so!”  (over and over and over.)



Video: President Obama answers for the Obamacare debacle

Twitchy is sharing the following:


Now this was promoted as some sort of “awesome smackdown!” I disagree. The President said, “It’s on us, we messed up” and you know what? I believe him. While this blog holds to a paleoconservative political position. I do not consider myself to be a partisan blogger. At the same time, I am not going to sit here and run defense for him either. This is because the Obamacare idea, in itself was a very stupid idea. Government has never been able to do anything like this at all, without some sort of screw up.

Let this be a lesson to the President; this is what happens when you run an advisor-ran administration. Obama simply was not interested in the fine details of writing this healthcare bill. It was written by his advisors and by lobbyists from the healthcare industry. This is why it is awful and why now the President is having to do the “mea culpa” dance.

Maybe next time, the President will be a bit more involved with what happens in his administration.

Video: NBC’s Chuck Todd says, Democrats are in “Full on panic mode over Obamacare”

One thing that I like about Chuck Todd is that he is an honest broker. He doesn’t do the party line dance thing at all and he is a very honest man. Here Todd reports the “PANIC!” among the Democrats over Obamacare.

The Video: (H/T HotAir.com)

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The Story:

Tension and frustration towards the White House is mounting, according to NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“Right now, you have Democrats on Capitol Hill in a full panic,” he said. “They’ve been nervous about the rollout, they’ve been upset about the website, but now it’s a full-out panic.”

Todd reported that congressional Democrats have vented to the White House about their frustrations over the health-care law, and told the president that his apology did not go far enough.

via NBC’s Todd: Democrats in ‘Full-Out Panic’ over Obamacare | National Review Online.

Democrats might be many things; but they’re not stupid. This Obamacare fiasco could end up costing some of those Democrats their jobs. So, they are trying to fix things. Of course, we all knew this was coming. Anytime the Government tries to do anything like this; it ends up failing and the people that do it; look like idiots.

As the host of the Today Show did say, you can bet your sweet hiney that the Republicans are going to play the failure of the Obamacare website, the failure of the President to keep his promise on one being able to keep his or her healthcare plan for all it is worth. So, now, they are trying to save face. Which really does not work; the Democrats overreached on this healthcare bill and it is going to cost them dearly. As I have written before, the 2014 elections will tell the story. I might be wrong; but, I have a feeling that the Democrats are going to pay a horrible price for this entire debacle.

Basically, it is Jimmy Carter redux. But, it is much, much worse.

Once again, James O’Keefe gets results!

He might be a rich little punk; but he’s a rich little punk that knows how to make liberals howl! James O’Keefe has done it again! 😀

The Story:

The Urban League of Greater Dallas fired one person and suspended three others after a video from a conservative activist reportedly showed the workers encouraging health care applicants to lie.

An edited video was released Monday that seemingly shows so-called health care Navigators encouraging people to lie on forms signing up for health care to get better rates. The video was released by Project Veritas, which was started by conservative activist James O’Keefe. O’Keefe gained notoriety for videos in 2009 that eventually brought down ACORN and was also arrested in 2010 for attempting to bug the phones in the office of Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu for a different project.

The Urban League said in a statement on Tuesday it “does not condone, nor would we ever sanction, misleading the public or any individual who seeks our assistance about any issue, and particularly in this case, an issue as critical as health care.” The Urban League said the person fired was a “part-time receptionist trainee” who was not authorized to speak on behalf of The Urban League or act as a Navigator and said it supports decertifying three “Navigators-in-training” in the video. The Urban League also called for the unedited video of the incidents to be released. It said the undercover applicants were told the people they were speaking to were Navigators-in-training and “the full context of these comments is not reflected in the video.”

via One fired, three suspended after undercover health care video – Dallas News | myFOXdfw.com.

Mr. O’Keefe says the following; which should make every liberal in America shudder….:


Go get ’em James! I love it when this guy does this stuff; it sends this Marxist Presidential Administration into a utter panic. 😀

Once again, James O’Keefe proves that the Obama Administration is corrupt

This is some seriously awesome stuff….

The Video:

The Stories from two places:

John Fund at National Review:

James O’Keefe, the guerrilla videographer who helped bring down ACORN (the “community organizing” group that Barack Obama worked for as a lawyer and trainer) and got NPR’s president fired, is back.

This time, his undercover investigators focused on Obamacare’s “navigators,” the nearly 50,000 people who, in the words of the Department of Health and Human Services, “will serve as an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in plans” on the Obamacare exchanges (at least when they’re finally working). The total value of grants doled out for nonprofits and community organizations to hire navigators has topped $67 million nationwide, and some of the money is going to a group run by ACORN’s highly controversial founder.

Mary Katharine Ham at Hot Air:

The navigator system— with grants given to plenty of left-leaning community organizers to lead citizens to the entitlement—was always fertile ground for mischief. It’s been made more problematic by the incompetence of the administration.

Navigators were originally required to go through 30 hours of training, but that requirement was later cut to 20 hours because the navigator program, like the rest of Obamacare, was falling on its face.  . . .

Obamacare is a system so complex, so incompetently administered that it doesn’t even require malice on the part of navigators or the bill’s allies to screw up people’s lives royally.

De Tech Guy has a great interview related to this subject.

Please, go make a contribution to Project Veritas.