Removed Lew Rockwell from Blogroll

I really hate having to write postings like this; but, because I am a man of principle, I must.

I took the regretful step of removing Lew Rockwell’s website and blog from my blogroll. Folks, I like Rockwell’s writings, when it comes to fiscal policy and I happen to agree with them. However, when it comes to the military, Rockwell and his fellow writers over at his website and blog, make me want to wretch. Even today, there was a short blog posting about the military that I happened to find most offensive.

I had removed Rockwell’s site from my blogroll once before and ended up putting it back; because I felt that I might have acted hastily and in an act of anger. However, since reading his site more; it is clear to me, that Rockwell and his writers are of the anti-military mindset and to me, as an American Nationalist, that is just a bridge too far.

I will also be removing Mr. Rockwell’s site and blog from my RSS reader. Because, quite frankly, I simply do not wish to read the site of someone who holds to, what I consider to be Anti-American views, when it comes to the Military.

Sometimes being a man of principles, can be and often is a very painful thing. 🙁

A perfect example of the State protecting its own self

Hoo Boy, this is pretty interesting; basically this guy dared to question the President’s so-called “Fix” for the Obamacare rollout debacle — and he got fired for it!

The Story: (H/T Ace of Spades HQ)

A day after he questioned President Obama’s decision to unwind a major tenet of the health-care law and said the nation’s capital might not go along, D.C. insurance commissioner William P. White was fired.

White was called into a meeting Friday afternoon with one of Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s (D) top deputies and told that the mayor “wants to go in a different direction,” White told The Washington Post on Saturday.

White said the mayoral deputy never said that he was being asked to leave because of his Thursday statement on health care. But he said the timing was hard to ignore. Roughly 24 hours later, White said, he was “basically being told, ‘Thanks, but no thanks.’ ”

via D.C. insurance commissioner fired a day after questioning Obamacare fix – The Washington Post.

The parallel lines that can be drawn between this and the communists and/or the Nazi’s are many; someone dares to question the actions of the great state and then they get fired. Sounds like someone in the White House did not like our fearless leader’s actions questioned and now finds himself without a job. Night of long knives anyone?

Sometimes I actually wonder if perhaps Lew Rockwell and friends are not correct; that we actually do live in a fascist Country anymore. But, please, don’t tell him that; least his big ol’ pointed head swell up and he not be able to get out of his house! 😉 😛 😀

Good Point

Seen over at Lew Rockwell’s Blog:

This “Conservative Action Alert” says: “Tell Congress: Bring Impeachment Charges Against the President for Unconstitutional Military Actions!” Okay, fine. But where were you conservatives when Bush launched undeclared wars against Iraq and Afghanistan? The United States hasn’t declared war according to the Constitution since WWII. This means that not only Democrats Truman, Kennedy, LBJ, and Clinton should have been impeached for unconstitutional military actions, but also Republicans Nixon, Reagan, and Bush I. See my “U.S. Presidents and Those Who Kill for Them” for more details.

And like I have said many times, every bad policy of Obama can be traced back to Bush. Glad to see more and more conservatives waking up. Too bad they were asleep for 8 years when Bush was president.

However, I will say this about Lew Rockwell. He doesn’t allow comments on his site. This is because Lew Rockwell and his hardcore libertarian friends, do not like dissent. So, they would rather run a bully pulpit; than actually have a conversation. Which, in essence, makes them fascist, just like the neocons. I say this, because of the entries made, like this and this; which are just plain wrong.   

Blogs without comment sections are basically websites; or bully pulpits. It’s the whole, “It’s MY opinion and You WILL listen and not talk back!” mentality. Something that runs against the whole idea of what blogging was truly about. Talk about a God complex, they should look into that one. I can understand moderation concerns, this is why I run a pretty tight ship here. But, not having the ability at all, sends the message of, “We’re not interested in what YOU think, you commoner!”

Just my two cents.

Updated: Why I left the libertarian ranks: Exhibit A – Hatred of the United States Military

The following picture and caption that I am about to show you, comes from the libertarian leftist blogger Lew Rockwell. I present this personal exhibit as to why I left the Paleo-Conservative/libertarian ranks in favor of the Conservative, Pro-military ranks:

Hey Marines, how about some toys for this tot in Afghanistan:


I present this as “Exhibit A”, to the fact that the libertarian movement has been infiltrated by Anti-War leftists who hate America, our Military and why they should be stripped of their citizenship and deported out of our fine Country and into another country; like say, North Korea, Venezuela or maybe even Communist China. Not to be rude about this, but it just so happens, that if that dumb kids fellow Countrymen had not giving refuge and comfort to those who would seek to destroy America — Namely Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda; the damned kid would still possibly have his damned leg. Not to mention the fact that on September 11, 2001, our Country was attacked by Islamic terrorists who did more than just destroy a leg. It killed 2,996 of our people.

However, of course, you cannot tell this to the likes of Lew Rockwell and his bastard gang of leftists who hate this damn Country; they still believe that George W. Bush ordered those planes into the trade center towers. What really troubles me, is that the author of this posting is none other than Dr. Lawrence Vance, who is supposedly a Born-Again Christian. How anyone can harbor such hatred for this Country and our Nation’s Military and still claim to be ANY kind of a Christian is beyond me.

When I still was on the left; as little as that was, in terms of what I believed the Democratic Party to be about, I was always under the impression that Iraq was the war that was very unjustified and that Afghanistan was in fact, the good war that we were fighting to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden. I heard that from the left and I believed that myself. As it turns out, that was nothing more than a damned lie and the far-left knows it. The good majority of the far left either believes that George W. Bush ordered the attacks, to win his popularity or to justify going into Iraq. The rest believe that we had it coming or deserved the attacks because of our evil capitalistic society. This picture and caption are living proof of this; which is why, I left the liberal left and stopped voting for the Democratic Party.

Just to let everyone know, I said my piece on this and I am not interested in debating it. Therefore, I am shutting the comments off; because I want this posting to stand on its own.

Update:  After reading this entry again, I realize that I did leave out one important thing. My apologies for that, I do sometimes forget to include stuff pertinent to the entry at times; A.D.H.D. does that to a fellow. Yes, I am serious about having that little disability. Anyhow, the thing I forgot to include in this little shoving of the hatred of the libertarian leftists, into their faces, is the following:

There is one unifying cause that the libertarian leftists and the socialist liberal left is their inbred hatred of war and of anything military. Further more, the libertarians and liberals hate the current state of the Government, albeit for very different reasons. The libertarians hate the size of the Government and the fact that it has become too large, and too regulatory — Which is something I can identify with myself. The socialist left, however, is angry because they cannot control that large Government. The Socialist left does not mind big Government, as long as they can control it. A perfect example of this can be found here.

So, again, the reason why I lump the libertarian leftists in with the socialist is this, not because they are one in the same, they are not, even I know this. However, it is because the libertarian leftists are totally “In bed” with the anti-war socialist leftists who resent any sort of American values or capitalism or defense of the Republic. This has been proven many times with the vile acts at the Military recruiting office in Berkley California and such matters. Same goes for the Paleo-Conservatives, They too are “in bed” with the socialist left, when it comes to foreign policy. It has been that way for years and will continue to be that way. The difference between a Paleo-Conservative and a libertarian is one thing —protectionism. This is what the Democratic Party believed in, before globalists like Bill Clinton came on the scene and passed NAFTA. It should be noted, however, that the NAFTA agreement did not pass until the Republicans took back the Congress, and Clinton became an instant moderate.

Nevertheless, my feelings toward these libertarian leftists, their Paleo-Conservative counterparts, and their cousins the Anti-War socialist left remain unabated.