Confirmed: Marc Lamont Hill is a black racist bigot

You can file this one under the heading of “What if a white person wrote something like this?”

I am referring to the anti-white, racist, bigoted screed written by Marc Lamont Hill titled, “The 15 Most Overrated White People.”

As you all know, I am not a racist; meaning that I do not hate blacks or Latinos or any other race at all,  I am, however, a racial realist. I do know, however, the thought that came to my mind, when I read that bunch of anti-white, racist screed; however, because I want to try to keep this blog within the boundaries of good taste and within the confines of Christianity, or at least as good of Christianity as I can keep up without coming off sound like some sort of “No earthly good” religious pharisee —- I will not tell you what that thought truly was.

I will not bother quoting that screed over here, as I do not want to waste my blog’s resources on that simply minded buffoon. However, I will say this: This is what the Democratic Party does, divide people. The divide America through race warfare, class warfare; blacks against whites, whites against blacks, Latinos against blacks, blacks against Latinos, Christians against Jews, Jews against Christians, Muslims Against everyone, Muslims against Jews, Muslims against Christians and it goes on and on.

It is simply wrong and it is the reason I will never, ever, in a million years — vote for another Democratic Party candidate again, ever. They left me in 2008 and I doubt they’ll ever be back again.

This is simply a textbook example, among many; of what the liberal progressive movement and by proxy, what the Democratic Party has become in the 21 century. It is truly a tragic thing. 🙁

I wrote a little while back about positive progress; well, this here, is NOT it, at all. 😡

Others, even a liberal who thought it was wrong: The PJ TatlerThe Jawa ReportThe Hinterland blogsWeasel ZippersLe·gal In·sur·rec· tionnormblog and Riehl World News


Yuck: Horribly bad Conservative humor video of the day




That is not the way you make a funny video! This stupid stuff like this below is why people like this guy here, and this guy here; call people like me racist bigots and why the left calls Republicans/Conservative/Tea Party people racist bigots! 😡

I mean, the thing looked like it was produced by Stormfont’s Don Black or David Duke — minus the offensive language and racial slurs.

This comes via InstaPundit:

Here is the reason I say this: While white people might find this video to be humorous. Most blacks, with any sort self-respect; would find this video to be horribly offensive and blatantly racist. I am sorry, but painting the President of the United States of America, as a black man, who will not leave a White family’s home, is just wrong. Sorry, it’s the way I feel. There are better ways to make the point that Obama’s policies have not be good for the Country. But, not like this.

There is a way to exploit and mock stereotypes of this sort; this is not one of the ways to do it. The cheese factor in this video was just horribly bad. I was about a minute into it, before I had to shut it off.

Yes, it is THAT bad…..

We are the cusp of winning this election and someone has to pull a stupid. 🙄

If the right does not get this; then I am sorry, they have some serious issues. 🙁

Noted owner of Anti-Semite magazine explains why he hates Israel

I do not make a habit of linking to this Anti-Semite rag very often; but usually when I do it is to show just what kind of anti-Israeli bile that comes from that place. Despite the cleaning up of the image of this magazine; the same old Anti-Jewish and Anti-Israel bile continues to spew forth out that magazine.

I am, of course, referring to very poorly named “The American Conservative” which was formed by someone that I somewhat respect, except when it comes to this subject and World War II.  Anyhow, one of the founders of the magazine, a one Scott McConnell explains that while he likes Israel’s people, he detests that American actually respects Israel and its right to exist. I will quote the parts that I feel are worth noting:

Honestly, anyone who has written or spoken in public about the Israel-Palestine question    is subject to this, whether openly or behind their back. It is a stark charge, often used to insinuate anti-Semitism. But rather than being simply defensive, it might be helpful to explore one’s feelings more deeply. I’ve been to Israel twice, have met dozens of Israelis who were outstanding in terms of wisdom, vision, compassion, eloquence. There are several I know better who I’d count as among the most impressive people of my acquaintance.

Israel in a general sense has a great deal going for it: its science and medicine are first rate, and it produces many great scholars. All things being equal, it would probably rank high on my list of favorite countries — the way I feel about Switzerland perhaps or Spain — a place where I would happily spend a year, root for their teams when playing countries I don’t particularly care for, etc.

But of course all things aren’t equal. As an American, one is never asked simply to like or respect Israel as a foreign country — one is asked to more or less worship the place.


Netanyahu, a rabid ethnic nationalist who has done everything he could to squelch the Oslo peace process, and whose real views about America are aptly summarized by his quote “America is a thing you can move very easily” — a bit of candor caught off the record when Netanyahu was speaking to some right-wing Israeli settlers —  is treated quite literally like royalty on Capitol Hill and in American newsrooms. Congress grants him 30 standing ovations. David Gregory refers to him as “leader of the Jewish people.” This “special relationship,” with all that it implies about my country, its relationship to the Middle East and the entire world, and its ability to look sensibly after its own affairs, I genuinely do detest.

First off, let me point out that Scott here did something that is common among the Anti-Semite crowd; he accused America of being Israel’s puppet. UPDATE: Yes, I know; a while back I asked if Mitt Romney was going to be Israel’s puppet. This was NOT intended to be a Anti-Semitic statement. It was simply asking if Mitt Romney was going to be a Wilsonian Republican or not. Which I highly doubt to be the case. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Anyone that took anything else away from what I wrote there, is either projecting or putting words in my mouth.

This is a common smear. Second of all, Scott tries to articulate a point that even though he thinks the Country of Israel and the Jewish are great; he simply has no use for the fact that Israel and America are friends and he accuses America of “worshiping” Israel. This being another Anti-Semite talking point.

Sorry Scott, you cannot have it both ways. You cannot say, “hey, I like Jewish people, it is their Country that sucks and it also sucks that America is their friend.” Here is that reason; Israel cannot be separated from her people and likewise, the people of Israel cannot be separated from their homeland. The Jewish people are Israel.  Just like you cannot separate Jesus Christ from the Word, as Christ is the word — you cannot separate Israel from its people, because the people of Israel and its land — are Israel.

This is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to intellectualize standard grade Jewish hatred and hatred of Israel.

Let me also say this as well: This above that I quoted goes well beyond disagreeing with Wilsonian foreign policy. This is a straight up, unmitigated, hatred of a Country that has no other friends in the middle east. The problem is that Scott here tries to intellectualize his loathing of a people, who simply want to leave in peace in their own Country.

Let me also say this; yes, I know, I pulled my “I stand with Israel” flag down, it is explained in my sidebars here on my blog. This does not equate a hatred for Israel or its people at all. Just my dismay at American Jews,  who treat Americans spitefully. This above, goes well beyond that; and this is why I am pointing it out. The American Conservative is not just an Anti-Wilsonian foreign policy magazine; it is an anti-Israeli magazine and has been from the very start. Which is why I refuse to even link to it, except to write stuff like this here.

This above is why the paleoconservative movement never went anywhere. Not only because its stance on foreign policy is totally unrealistic in this modern age of global threats. But also because of the plain blind hatred of Jews and Israel. This is why Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul never went anywhere with their Presidential ambitions; that is because Americans simply reject hate. This is also why the American Conservative’s readership is as small as it is. Because hate is just not popular anymore.

Yes! Someone smart comes out and says it

I have been thinking along these same lines.

Via The Christian Post

WASHINGTON – An evangelical professor who was part of a summit on foreign policy held at Georgetown University believes that evangelicals should avoid “Muslim-baiting.”
David Gushee, founder of the organization Evangelicals for Human Rights and professor at Mercer University, told The Christian Post that evangelicals should not participate in projects like the anti-Muhammad film that sparked violent protests in the Middle East.

“We certainly need to have no participation in what you might call ‘Muslim-baiting.’ If we know that attacks on the character of the prophet Muhammad evoke predictably violent reactions, it’s just foolish and unwise and immoral,” said Gushee.

“You want to avoid such things from happening and we need to quarantine out of our community this kind of Muslim-baiting that is happening on our fringes.”

Gushee also told CP that the violence by reactionary Islamic mobs in Libya and Egypt should never be considered justified in their actions.

“We also need to say that random killings of westerners or Americans or Christians because some foolish person somewhere made a film about Muhammad are wrong too,” he said. “Outbursts of randomly directed violence against people who were not involved with the provocation are unjustifiable and must be condemned.”

My feelings about the religion itself aside; the fact of reality is that there are peaceful Muslims here in America and putting these videos out does nothing provoke overseas Muslims to rage, which in turn makes American Muslims look horrible.

It is a sticky situation at best. The question is how does one respond?

Updated: Open Message to Democrats and to CNN: This racist does not speak for the GOP or Conservatives

Just a bit of news to report, which comes via David Shuster:


And via Allen Colmes and Talking Points Memo:

An attendee at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Tuesday allegedly threw nuts at a black camerawoman working for CNN and said “This is how we feed animals” before being removed from the convention, a network official confirmed to TPM.

The CNN official declined to confirm specific details of the incident to TPM but generally confirmed an account posted on Twitter by former MSNBC and Current anchor David Shuster: “GOP attendee ejected for throwing nuts at African American CNN camera woman + saying ‘This is how we feed animals.’”

It is not clear whether the alleged culprit was a delegate or attending the convention in some other capacity.

In a written statement, CNN addressed the matter but divulged few details: “CNN can confirm there was an incident directed at an employee inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum earlier this afternoon. CNN worked with convention officials to address this matter and will have no further comment.”

TPM’s calls to RNC and convention officials were not immediately returned.

Okay now, this is where I get involved. This idiot obviously does not speak for the Republican Party, for the Conservative movement, nor the Tea Party movement at all. No more than Lyndon LaRouche speaks for the all the Democrats. They are called strays and both parties have them. So, before anyone starts calling the Republican Party racist, someone needs to set back and think a little.

Furthermore, for all we know, this dude could have been some liberal activist posing as someone in the Republican Party. For the sole purpose of making them look bad. So, don’t even go there, because we are on to you. 😡

Update: CNN is now reporting that it was two people and that has a whole new Meme by the left started. Basically, the left is whining about CNN; because they are not in full-on “OMG! These Republicans are racist!” mode. Maybe it is because CNN happens to be a bit smarter than that, and happens to know that you cannot blame an entire group of people or in this case a political party for the actions of a few stray idiots.  Now this is where I will start yowling on about what has happened to the liberal left in this Country and why I stopped voting for the Democrats. It is because the intellectual honesty of that party and the people who vote that way has gone the way of 8-track tape player. The knee-jerk reaction is to blame the entire party for the actions of two idiots, who were, probably, not even real Republicans in the first place.  It is collectivism, and it is wrong; and it seems, much to their credit, that CNN is just not playing that game. Good for them, for standing up to the neo-left and no playing let’s blame the right for everything game.


Noted Faux Conservative Mitt Romney goes full-on birther

I have seen a good deal of stupidity in elections from both sides, but this here takes the cake.

The Video:

The Story:

Commerce, Michigan (CNN) – Mitt Romney chose a Friday campaign rally in Michigan, the state where he was born, to make reference to the highly charged and controversial “birther” movement, joking that “no one has ever asked to see my birth certificate.”

A fringe of conservative Republicans continue to believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Those in that movement are referred to as “birthers.”

A certification of live birth released by Obama during the 2008 campaign, and then the long-form certificate released by the White House in the spring of 2011, both stated the president was born in a Hawaii hospital on August 4, 1961. Contemporaneously published newspaper announcements also noted the birth in the Aloha State. Only “natural born” citizens of the United States are eligible to be president.

“I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born,” Romney said on Friday. “Ann was born at Henry Ford hospital, I was born at Harper hospital. No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”

via TRENDING: Romney goes THERE: ‘Birther’ joke raises conspiracy theory – CNN Political Ticker – Blogs.

No, Mitt, but many people, including myself; have actually wondered if you are truly a Conservative or just some big Government Statist masquerading as a small Government Conservative Republican. Furthermore, your tendency towards Wilsonian foreign policy has been noted by more than one person.

What really steams me about this little issue is this: The Birther nonsense was not started by the Republicans; it was started by the Democratic Party, namely the Hillary Campaign in 2008. Its origins are straight out of the White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi camps though and the Hillary camp picked it up and ran with it. It is an idiotic thing and the racial undertones of it all totally disgust me to no end; and with an election this important, the last thing that Mitt Romney needs to be tagged a racist bigot by the left.

Again, I do not know who is writing his speeches and/or giving him advice, but they need to cut the crap. Because if the Republicans lose this race, we are going to be screwed and I mean badly.

So, an open message to the Mitt Romney campaign for a former Democratic Party voter, turned Buchananite/Reaganite style Conservative, who wants to see his Country great again: Cut the crap, okay? We need to get this Country back on track and making asinine statements like this, is not going to help that cause, Mitt. I mean, really. 🙄

There is truly no excuse for this, and furthermore, there is no excuse for any Conservative of any stripe to think this is funny, acceptable or even remotely legit — although there are some that believe, that it is perfectly fine to make such asinine comments. It cost John McCain the election in 2008 and it will cost Mitt Romney too.

Again, it is not funny or does it represent my views as a Conservative, not even remotely.

Chuck Baldwin minces no words about Paul Ryan

I have to like Chuck Baldwin, he does not mince words:

It has happened again. We go through this every four years, and every four years the vast majority of “conservatives” fall for it. This is such a broken record. What did Forrest Gump say: “Stupid is as stupid does”? And wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”? Well, here we go again.

Neocon RINO George H.W. Bush picks “conservative” Dan Quayle. “Conservative” G.W. Bush picks neocon RINO Dick Cheney. Neocon RINO John McCain picks “conservative” Sarah Palin. Now, neocon RINO Mitt Romney picks “conservative” Paul Ryan. As long as there is one “conservative” on the ticket, mushy-headed “conservatives” across the country will go into a gaga, starry-eyed, hypnotic trance in support of the Republican ticket. I’m convinced that if Lucifer, himself, was the GOP Presidential candidate, he would get the support of the Religious Right and Republican “conservatives” as long as he selected a reputed “conservative” to join his ticket. And, by the way, the notable “conservative” wouldn’t think twice about joining such a ticket, either, I’m convinced.

Let’s just get this on the record: since 1960, there have only been two Presidential nominees (from the two major parties) who were not controlled by the globalist elitists. One was a Democrat, John F. Kennedy; the other was a Republican, Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was shot and killed; Reagan was shot. Every other President, Democrat or Republican, has been totally controlled, which is why none of them have done diddly-squat to make a difference in the direction of the country. On the issues that really matter, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are just more of the same!

via Chuck Baldwin — Paul Ryan: More Of The Same.

He goes on to say that Ron Paul is the only one; and I disagree with that. However, I will say this; he is right about Romney and Ryan. Which is I am voting for:

Goode/Clymer in 2012

He will not win the election

But voting for anything else is simply Anti-American

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Kira Davis responds to MSNBC’s Toure’s racist remark

(via Her Blog)

I realize that he apologized, and what I wrote. Okay? My thing was, put it back in their faces. But this is intense, real and raw.

….and I like that.

(H/T to

Dear MSNBC: Obama is engaging in the ‘niggerization’ of America

Yes, I said that and do please, quote me on it.

Video: (Via Mediaite)

Via Mediaite:

Touré didn’t just say that – he said that Romney was “using the playbook Republicans have been using for decades now.” In other words, Republicans have been involved in so-called “niggerization” for decades.

This is disgusting. It’s a lie, and what’s more, it waters down racism to the point where anything qualifies – and to the point that real racism isn’t taken seriously anymore. According to Touré, it’s racist to suggest that Obama is the “food stamp president,” even if he’s elevated food stamp usage to record levels; it’s racist to call him angry; but it’s not racist for Joe Biden to suggest that freeing Wall Street will put black people “back in chains.”

Only MSNBC would put a fool like Touré on the air every night. And only the racially extreme left would consider Touré an eloquent spokesperson for their perverse views.

Okay, now I am going to say what Ben did not have the room or even the heart to say up there in that quoted text above.  As a white man, who has been unemployed for the last eight goddamned years and has watched as family members, friends and neighbors of mine lose their jobs, their homes, and their dignity over the last eight years —- of which Obama has been in office for almost four years of that time.  Let me say that I have watched as Obama has engaged in the ‘niggerization’ of America.

I have watched as President Obama bailed out Wall Street and left people on Main Street to suffer.  I have watched as Barack Obama went out of his way to protect failing companies like General Motors and Chrysler (READ —- UNIONS!)  — Which are headed for bankruptcy again —- and then not do a goddamned thing for non-union working class folk  —-like myself.

The fact is that unemployment is up, food stamp enrollment is up, social security enrollment is up and the Nation’s GDP is down, manufacturing is down and economy is just goddamned awful.  Whose fault is that?  It is President Barack Obama’s fault.  If Barack Obama had just left the economy alone, it would have been just fine and would have recovered.  However, no, he spent like a drunken sailor and now this Country is $15 TRILLION dollars in debt and what do we have to show for it?  —– Not one goddamned lousy thing except for the debt itself.  Oh, we got something all right, a lousy goddamned healthcare bill that utterly robbed Medicare!

So, if the liberal Democrats want to talk about ‘niggerization’ of anything, I suggest they look in the goddamned mirror and also take a look in the White House and look real close at what the “magic negro” that they elected to the office of President of the United States is really doing!  Because I tend to suspect that, these clowns are just plain damned clueless.

This is what the Democrats have left, their leader has failed, and his reelection is in jeopardy.  They have nothing left in their bag; —- except for class and racial warfare.  This will cost them dearly too.  Because Independent people are going to see this and they are going to run away from it.  Racial resentment is a turnoff to most people.

This is not what Martin Luther King Jr. taught; this is the sort of thing Malcolm X preached and practiced.  It was wrong then and it is wrong now.  This is why Martin Luther King Jr. has a monument in Washington DC and Malcolm X does not.  Because preaching this sort of division does nothing to advance the black cause, all it does is cause hate and resentment.  It used to work in the 1970’s and even in the 1980’s.  However, I tend to believe the Americans, even black Americans, are just a little smarter than that anymore.  They are tired of the division and the warfare and just want to get along with everyone.  I mean, blacks can go to Selma, Alabama now and eat, shop and sleep about anywhere they want to there now.

Therefore, to MSNBC and this Toure character, I say this: Your racial resentment and “the evil white man” magic act are getting a bit stale.  I think it is time you found a new script and some new talking points.  Because smart Americans, like me, see right through this and reject it wholeheartedly.  By that, I mean; Black Americans, White Americans, Latino Americans, and every other goddamned race of Americans too.  All Americans see right now is the fact that there are no jobs, and that they have no money and huge bills and mortgages that are underwater — and the best thing you idiots at MSNBC can do is play the race card?  My God —- has defending hope and change gotten that bad?

In closing: ‘niggerization’ —- Nigga please!  You idiots do not even know the meaning of the word! 🙄

Others: Power Line, The Gateway Pundit and Washington Post, The Gateway Pundit, We are respectable negroes, The PJ Tatler, The Daily Caller and Riehl World View (Via Memeorandum)

Update: Toure apologizes