Blogs for Borders for 10/06/08: Special Interview with Peter Brimelow

Once again, like a ding-a-ling, I forgot to post the weekly Blogs for Borders show here.

This week an 3 part interview with the Owner and Publisher of, Peter Brimelow.

….and before anyone calls this man and his website racist, please, read this.

Here is the show:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Books By Peter Brimelow:

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John McCain and the capitalization of fear

I was reading this piece by Ana Marie Cox and it suddenly dawned on me what is happening. I am quite surprised that I did not think of it before.

John McCain is essentially doing what Hillary Clinton tried to do and failed harshly at doing it. It also seems like John McCain’s campaign has some of the same issues that Hillary’s campaign had as well. One hand not knowing what the other is doing.

Quoting Ana:

Here in Lakeville, the traveling press was pretty sure we’d see more of the kind of vicious anti-Obama attitude that’s becoming a hallmark of McCain rallies of late.

As the town hall started, McCain was off with more pep than usual. Making the same old jokes, but with energy that reminded us of “the old McCain.” But would he use his power for good or evil? An audience member teed up a great big softball that could totally hit a dark side home run, asking, “We want you to fight at your next debate… we want to see s REAL fight at the debate, we want a STRONG leader for the next four years.” That is Minnesota nice for “RevWrightACORNAyers,” etc.

But then something weird happens: He acknowledges the “energy” people have been showing at rallies, and how glad he is that people are excited. But, he says, “I respect Sen. Obama and his accomplishments.” People booed at the mention of his name. McCain, visibly angry, stopped them: “I want EVERYONE to be respectful, and lets make sure we are.”

The biggest difference is that this time, it is Right Wingers hating on a Left Wing candidate. The biggest notable exception to this, is this guy here. But he’s an idiot and everyone ignores him. Now, do I believe that there is some crazy person out there who will be inspired to blow Obama away at the first chance he gets? I highly doubt it. Obama is so damn well-protected that he can’t even take a damn leak by himself. So, the chances of that happening are slim to none, in this day and age of super high security. The events of JFK and Ronald Reagan were a wake up call the Secret Service and after that Presidents were so well protected, that something of that nature will most likely never happen again.

Another big and glaring difference is that the McCain campaign, in a indirect sort of a way stoked this whole “Obama is a terrorist” mentality up. Although, to be fair to John McCain and his campaign; these “Obama is terrorist” e-mails had been floating around for a very long time, long before it was ever brought up by John McCain and the campaign. They simply did what Hillary’s campaign attempted to do and were pretty successful at it, for a short time; they capitalized on the fear behind it. However, in the end, it ended up blowing up in their faces, just like it did with Hillary’s campaign.

The lesson to be learned here in this election is this; if you are going to run a Presidential Campaign that Capitalizes on the use of fear, you better be prepared to deal with the extremist factions and reactions of your political party. Because if you not properly prepared to deal with such a thing, it can and will blow up in your face. It also helps to, if you have a political campaign that it settled 100 percent on a campaign strategy.

(Hat Tip to Memeorandum)   

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Time Magazine tries to explain Pentecostalism…and fails somewhat

Full disclosure: As it says on my “About Me” Page. I am, for all intents and purposes, an ex-Pentecostal Christian. I attended a Pentecostal Church in Southwest Detroit from 1984 till 1993 and then attended several Pentecostal Churches in the Detroit Area from 1997 till April of 2004. I left for several very personal reasons that would take several pages worth of writing to explain. Anyhow…just letting you know. I am now a Independent Fundamental Baptist. I was converted to Christianity in a Baptist Church as 9 year old boy. I left that Church after the Pastor, of whom, I am told; I idolized, ran off with another woman. My mother removed me from that Church’s school and put me in one ran by Pentecostals. Thus my tenure in Pentecostalism.

It seems that Time Magazine is doing a piece on Sarah Palin’s relationship to Pentecostalism. However, in their effort to explain Pentecostalism and Pentecostal Theology, they missed the boat just a bit. I will attempt to correct the errors that I see.

Let me also just say for the outset that I do realize the article is basically an attack piece of Palin’s Religion, seeing the Right is making a huge issue about Obama’s Pastor problems and his relationship to Bill Ayers. I wish not to argue those points.

Anyhow, here’s the places that Time made a few errors, I will underline and bold the places where Time blew it…:

What is Pentecostalism? Pentecostals are named for the feast of Pentecost described in the New Testament Book of Acts as taking place shortly after Jesus’ ascension into heaven. During the feast, his followers were said to have been "filled with the Holy Spirit" and gained the ability to speak in many different languages, or "tongues." The modern Pentecostal movement is relatively new — just over 100 years old — and is usually dated to the Azusa Street Revival that began in Los Angeles in 1906. (The revival was a nine-year series of near continuous worship services that popularized Pentecostal worship and practices.) Pentecostalism can be best understood as a branch within evangelical Protestantism, characterized by a focus on the Holy Spirit and a belief in spiritual gifts, such as healing and speaking in tongues.

On it’s face, this is basically correct, but Pentecostalism can be traced back to a Cultish group of Christians in England that believed that the “Gifts” of the Spirit were for today, they existed around 1400’s, I believe. Also, the Quakers and the Newer Methodists tended to be more open to the “Gifts” of the Spirit as well. The Quakers were called just that, because of their strange way of worshiping. The Pentecostal movement can also trace it’s roots to the Holiness movement that swept through the south in the early 1900’s. Some of those meetings in the south became known as the old “Brush Arbor” Meetings.

Are Pentecostals the same as Charismatics? The Charismatic movement began around the 1960s when some Christians within mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic churches adopted certain Pentecostal beliefs, including the acceptance of gifts — or "charisms" — from the Holy Spirit, like speaking in tongues. While Pentecostals can be broadly described as Charismatic, what distinguishes Charismatics is their desire to remain within their original traditions.

Partially true, partially false. That was when the Pentecostal movement became very popular. The biggest difference between Pentecostals and the Charismatic’s of the 1960’s was the lack of the teaching of separation from the world. Anyone who has ever seen a historic picture of Kathryn Kuhlman knows this to be true. However, in this day of great evangelical compromise the words Charismatic and Pentecostal are nothing more than similar names to describe a particular group; albeit, very misguided group, of Christians.   

How are Pentecostal beliefs different from Evangelical theology? Almost all Pentecostals are also Evangelical, meaning they put great emphasis on the authority of the Bible, believe in spiritual conversion, conceive of a personal relationship with God and follow an imperative to "share the Good News." They also tend to share theological beliefs regarding the End Times with fundamentalists and more conservative Evangelicals. But they also believe in a separate baptism of the Holy Spirit that is subsequent to and distinct from conversion by accepting Christ as the savior and son of God. This baptism is the core doctrine that separates Pentecostals from other Evangelicals, and it is seen as manifested by physical evidence such as healing powers, speaking in tongues and even bodily inhabitation. (Some Pentecostals take "being filled with the Holy Spirit" to mean that the spirit is actually in them and moves their limbs.)

The part I underlined is utterly and totally false. Pentecostals believe that God is still speaking to mankind today and that the Bible is nothing more than a well written guide.  Despite what most Pentecostal Pastors say. Anyone who says that they believe that the “Signs and Wonders” gifts are for today, does not believe that the Bible is the FINAL Authority. The rest is correct factually. In fact, most Pentecostals believe that you can be filled more than once or “refilled”. There were some Pentecostals, like Rev. Finis Jennings Dake who rejected that teaching totally.

Anyhow, while Time magazine did a decent job on explaining Pentecostalism to their Liberal readers. They should have done much more research into the history. Then again, when you’re publishing a hatchet job on a Republican, thoroughness is not exactly on the list.

Some links and books on the subject:

The Strange history of the Pentecostal Church by David Cloud

The Roots of Pentecostalism by David Cloud

(Click the book to order)


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This is what Sarah Palin and John McCain have created

This is what John McCain and Sarah Palin have created:


OCTOBER 8–Angered by a delay in the receipt of his voter registration card, a Louisiana man today threatened to shoot election officials, claiming that he urgently needed to cast a ballot to “keep the nigger out of office,” according to police. Wade Williams, 75, was arrested this morning on a felony terrorizing charge after allegedly calling the Registrar of Voters and warning that he would come to the state office and empty his shotgun unless he got his registration card. Using profanity  and racial slurs, Williams told a state official “about needing to vote to ‘keep the nigger out of office,” according to an Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office affidavit, a copy of which you’ll find here. Though the document does not name the candidate to which Williams is so violently opposed, it seems likely he was referring to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. After being arrested at his Monroe home, Williams was booked into the Ouachita Correctional Center, where the below mug shot was snapped. En route to the jail, he “continued his ‘tirade’ about niggers and also stated that he had a shotgun, but had it hidden at his residence,” reported Lt. Michael Judd. (2 pages)

I often wonder, do we live Russia or in America? Thank You Senator McCain, you bastard.

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The AP Plays the race card and again, I must correct it.


Greetings, It appears that our communist liberal friends have decided that our beloved Republican Vice President Candidate is a racist bigot. Here is what these idiotic people have written:

In a post-Sept. 11 America, terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims, not the homegrown anarchists of Ayers’ day 40 years ago. With Obama a relative unknown when he began his campaign, the Internet hummed with false e-mails about ties to radical Islam of a foreign-born candidate.

Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as “not like us” is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.

Most troubling, however, is how allowing racism to creep into the discussion serves McCain’s purpose so well. As the fallout from Wright’s sermons showed earlier this year, forcing Obama to abandon issues to talk about race leads to unresolved arguments about America’s promise to treat all people equally.

John McCain occasionally looks back on decisions with regret. He has apologized for opposing a holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr. He has apologized for refusing to call for the removal of a Confederate flag from South Carolina’s Capitol.

When the 2008 campaign is over McCain might regret appeals such as Palin’s perhaps more so if he wins.

Once again, our Communist Liberals have confused freedom of speech and the statement of facts. So, to instruct these mentally depraved people, as I have time and time before, I will show you what racist is, and what it is not.

First off, THIS is racist:

Music By: Johnny Rebel
and THIS is not:

Any questions?

Others: protein wisdom, Power Line, The Corner, Little Green Footballs,, Say Anything, Wake up America, Stop The ACLU, Counting Sheep, Wizbang, Gateway Pundit and Pajamas Media (H/T Memeorandum)

Editorial: Do we really want another Neo-Conservative in the White House?

It is not every day that I find myself in agreement with Keith Olbermann. In fact, fifty percent of the time, I find myself talking back to the television, when his show is on. However, this time is a huge exception. In this video, Keith comes to the same conclusion that I myself came to, while watching the debates Thursday night. That conclusion is that Sarah Palin, for all her good looks, down to earth charm, and Conservative values is nothing more than President George W. Bush in a woman’s body.

The Video:

Honestly, what else are independent minded people like me supposed to think? While I am a Libertarian Paleo-Conservative, I am also quite the Constitutionalist. It is no myth at all the Vice-President Dick Cheney literally stepped all over our Nation’s Constitution. In fact, I can honestly tell you that while I do not fear George W. Bush, I frankly do fear Dick Cheney, which is Because Dick Cheney is in my opinion the perfect embodiment of a right wing fascist.

I read with great amusement recently where Neo-Conservative publisher Joseph Farah stated that fascism is a left wing doctrine. While he is possibly correct in his definition of the word and the philosophy behind it, if he thinks that fascism is only limited to the liberal side of the political fence he is very highly mistaken. One need only take one look at the Bush Administration’s attempts to silence those who pointed out that Bush and his corrupt Administration were wrong about Weapons of Mass Destruction, which they frantically waved in front of the American people, as an excuse to invade a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the September 11 attacks.

Then during this Vice-Presidential debate, we have a Vice President candidate carping about how she wants to expand the powers of the office of Vice-President. Is this ignorant woman serious? This is supposed to be a Republican candidate for President of United States, A Conservative, and Conservatives believe in limited Government, less taxes and individual freedom. Yet this woman wants to expand the role of the Vice President and thereby increase the size of our Government. Is there any other Independent Conservative-minded person that sees something terribly wrong with this picture, besides me?

While I do applaud the accomplishments of this woman, (What little they might be) I just cannot sit idly by and not speak out against this woman’s Neo-Conservatism and Rockefeller type of Conservatism. America, especially here in Michigan, has suffered through eight years of George W. Bush’s idiotic failed policies. We cannot afford four to eight more years of royally screwing the middle class, while Wall Street gets richer and richer. We cannot afford four to eight more years of George W. Bush and frankly, Dick Cheney in a skirt!

I urge everyone that happens to read this blog, Conservative and Liberal. Republican, Democrat, and everyone in between to really take a good hard look at this woman and her running mate and think about it; do we really want another President like the one we have in there? While I am not a big fan of the socialist agenda of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, I honestly have to wonder, would America be better off with a Democrat in the White House, who might raise taxes a little and might put forth some socialist programs for those who might actually need them?

There is no mistake, the idea that Government will expand under an Obama Administration is nothing more than a well-manufactured myth. Our Government is already oversized as it is and anyone who believes that John McCain will reduce the size of the Government is suffering from delusions of grandeur. He will no more reduce the size of our Government, than I will take up the cause for Roman Catholicism.

I firmly believe that it is high time that the American people, political pundits, and the media pull their collective heads out of the sand and begin to think for themselves and really ask themselves, what do we want for a President? Because if we make the tragic mistake that we made in 2000 and 2004, America will become nothing more than a wasteland. Instead of people looking at America with pride, they will look away in utter horror and disbelief that we as American citizens allowed our country and ourselves to become. We simply cannot afford to be asleep at the switch this election season.

Thanks for reading.

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Friday Polls – Obama is ahead

I was over on and was looking at the polls. Quite frankly, What I am seeing astounds me. Surprise

Here’s the summary of the latest polls:

Like I wrote earlier, I was not surprised that John McCain pulled out of Michigan.  I knew he was doing bad here, I just was not aware how bad he was doing here. According to this site; Obama is at 89% and McCain is at only 11%. Good Godfrey! No Wonder he left! Doh

In fairness, Obama has pulled out of states too, but not any of the important battleground states like Michigan. No one, has ever done that before, ever.

Another Tidbit of news, there are some here in Michigan within the Republican Party that are not amused that John McCain decided to pack it in so early. Mark Hemingway at the National Review Online’s Blog “The Corner” reports that Chuck Yob, a former Republican National Committee Member from Michigan for nearly twenty years sent out the following letter:

Governor Palin,

I saw your comments on Fox News today and described in the Detroit Free Press article below.  I wholeheartedly agree with you that the decision by the McCain campaign to pull out of Michigan was the wrong decision.

We have all been wrong at times, and I think this is a decision that will be corrected in a couple of weeks.  We were ahead three points as of a week ago according to MRG, a polling firm that I trust more than any national pollster.

I talked to Michigan Republicans and McCain supporters on a conferencecall last night and they vowed to redouble their efforts.  Indeed, there will still be a campaign for John McCain in Michigan whether it is sanctioned by the professionals in Washington DC or not.

Senator McCain has great appeal to Michigan voters dating back to his 2000 campaign.  He is a Maverick, independent-minded leader who has bipartisan appeal to the voters of our state.  He is the perfect Presidential candidate for Michigan.

I also strongly believe that you are the best possible Vice Presidential choice for Michigan.  You kicked Joe Biden’s butt in the debate yesterday by showing your blue collar appeal and highlighting why Senator McCain’s plans for tax cuts, increased energy supply, and strong foreign policy are what is needed for our country’s future. 

We also know that Obama’s tax increases, $1 trillion spending promises, and willingness to befriend dangerous rouge leaders is not the right prescription for our problems.

Democrats have failed the workers of Michigan.  Michigan voters know that when Jennifer Granholm increased taxes it cost Michigan jobs. Michigan voters know when Kwame Kilpatrick promised new leadership for Detroit it led to failure.  Most importantly, Michigan voters know that Barack Obama’s association with Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, and other questionable individuals had important roles in developing his worldview that is dangerous for our future.

I agree with what you said on Fox News today and I hereby invite you to come to Michigan immediately.  The good people of Macomb County, Northern Michigan, the Upper Peninsula, and Grand Rapids await your response.

Your Friend and Loyal Supporter of McCain-Palin 2008,

Chuck Yob

Michigan Co-Chairman

McCain-Palin 2008

Republican National Committee Member 1989-2008

Former Vice Chairman, Republican National Committee

PS:      I look forward to talking to you and Senator McCain about this. 

PSS:   We have MANY requests for Todd to come to Michigan.

Something tells me, and I do not claim to be a political expert, pundit or anything else. But my gut tells me that McCain just made a serious tactical error in throwing in the towel here. I believe it will cost him votes come November. The Conservative base here in Michigan might be small and not a forceful as Democratic Party’s base. But they are a force to be dealt with and will not forget McCain’s abandonment of this state anytime soon.

Just another comedy of errors from that Campaign. The only problem is, this is a real election and not a comedy sketch.

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My thoughts on the Debates

I personally think the debate was draw. I am not in the tank for either, so, I cannot sit here and lie to you.

Yes, there were gaffes on both sides. Palin, at times, did not even answer questions by the moderators. She also took a rather nasty swipe at Biden about his family in the military.

Also, a rather disconcerting event took place last night. When Biden got emotional about his wife and son who died in a car accident. There were some on a unnamed blog that mocked this in their debate chatroom.  I brought it up to two of the moderators in the room in private and of course, both claimed not to see it. I was not amused. Angry I know Liberals do it, does that still make it right? No. To be fair to Ed, it was not his normal crowd that meets at 3:00p.m. weekdays. But still, someone was asleep at the switch and that was not a good thing.

Anyhow, the bottom line is, that Biden did not do anything that hurt Barack’s campaign, neither did Palin, I think. So, as far I am concerned, it was a draw.

More Coverage at Memeorandum

Great Local News: Threaten a Conservative Blogger? Land your sorry butt in JAIL!

Finally, justice has been served. Color me a very, very happy camper!

Via The Detroit Free Press:

A federal judge today sentenced a Dearborn restaurant cook to 8 months in prison for e-mailing death threats to conservative TV commentator and blogger Debbie Schlussel.

“I find it abhorrent,” U.S. District Judge Marianne Battani told Mohamad Fouad Abdallah, 40, of two e-mails he sent to Schlussel one minute apart in August 2006.

Schlussel, who lives in Oakland County, is an outspoken critic of what she calls government tolerance of Islamic extremists in the United States. She told Battani that the e-mails, in which Abdallah used sexist and Anti-Semitic remarks against her and threatened to rape and blow her up, had caused her to fear for her safety and become somewhat of a hermit.

The e-mails were prompted by views she expressed on her Web site, . On her Web site, she refers to Dearborn as “Dearbornistan.”

She urged Battani to sentence Abdallah to the maximum 12 months in prison on the misdemeanor charge — interfering with Schlussel’s federally-protected activities. He pleaded guilty in June.

One of the e-mails said Hizballah, a Lebanese group that the U.S. State Department has designated a terrorist group, “is awesome.”

Abdallah, breathing from an oxygen tank, told Battani he was ashamed of what he had done and that he has suffered health problems ever since. Schlussel called the oxygen tank a prop and accused him of trying to gain sympathy from the judge.

Battani ordered Abdallah to undergo mental health and diversity training after getting out of prison. She lectured him about teaching fear, murder and intolerance to his 9-year-old daughter.

As I said over on Debbie’s Blog, this sentence was not nearly long enough. Further more, I hope the bastard rag-headed son of a bitch DIES in prison. Anyone who would threaten a blogger, much less a female blogger, does not deserve to live. He received exactly what was coming to him. However, I believe he should have received at least 10 years or more. Angry

Now, if we could just round up the rest of the idiot internet trolls, like these internet terrorists here, then my life would perfect. Hey Debbie, want to help out a fellow Conservative? Devil

Shocking News: McCain pulls Campaign out of Michigan

Some very stunning news via The Politico:

John McCain is pulling out of Michigan, according to two Republicans, a stunning move a month away from Election Day that indicates the difficulty Republicans are having in finding blue states to put in play.

McCain will go off TV in Michigan, stop dropping mail there and send most of his staff to more competitive states, including Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida. Wisconsin went for Kerry in 2004, Ohio and Florida for Bush.

A McCain aide confirmed the move and chalked it up to the state’s Democratic tilt and the resources Obama had put in place there.

“It was always a long shot for us to win,” said the aide.  

McCain will now turn his attention to bolstering his defenses in Ohio and Florida while putting more resources into Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and the second congressional district of Maine, where there is a sole electoral vote available.  

Obama’s campaign offered a muted response to McCain’s decision to abandon Michigan, only promising to keep it in the Democratic column.

“We will continue to fight for every vote in Michigan because middle class families there just cannot afford more of the same,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. 

Republicans had been bullish on Michigan, hopeful that McCain’s past success in the state in the 2000 primary combined with voter dissatisfaction with Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm and skepticism among blue-collar voters about Barack Obama could make it competitive.

McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin spent the first night after the GOP convention at a large rally in Macomb County, just outside Detroit. The two returned later last month for another sizable event in Grand Rapids.

But recent polls there have shown Obama extending what had been a small lead, with the economic crisis damaging an already sagging GOP brand in a state whose economy is in tatters.   

A McCain event planned for next week in Plymouth, Mich., has been canceled.

I guess I am supposed to be shocked, angered or something. But, I am not, at all. Because quite frankly, this is Liberal country around here.  It has been since right after the depression. So, I do not find this to be of any great shock. Plus, I believe John McCain just never took off here. Sarah Palin helped, but now she’s slipped in the polls too. So, this isn’t a great surprise for me.

Of course, I know that I am not voting for the “Magic One” myself. I am voting for Bob Barr come November. Mainly because I just do not consider John McCain to be a authentic Conservative and because I’m a bit more libertarian than I am a Republican anyways.

So, In short, while it is a bit of a shock, I am far from surprised. 

Others Blogging:, Washington Post, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, Ben Smith’s Blogs, Real Clear Politics, Political Radar, Truthdig, Reason

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